The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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NF: a need to go back to sweden and buy me some kent cds. and have someone else pay for all this. :/
I think Ive just been to the craziest disco :loco:
The audience was so heterogene it was amazing, from the cheap slut to punks every genre was well represented.. and they played Britney Spear's "Toxic" right after Slayer's "Raining Blood".. I was well impressed :)
An interesting night out with good friends.. why cant every weekend be like that :p
nf: mildly sick, quite restless. business as usual. leaving in a short while.
Taliesin said:
.. and they played Britney Spear's "Toxic" right after Slayer's "Raining Blood".. I was well impressed :)

haha this sounds great:dopey:
NF:good, my gf called me out of my sleep this morning just to talk to me.great feeling not to be alone in this world
anyway I just found out that BURST are opener for the next opeth tour.Im not so much into opeth anymore since still life but BURST are worth to see.must buy their new album this week
Yeah, yeah, sole is right. Im seeing them Dec 19 in Prague (if all goes well, that is). I still kinda like Opeth and Ive never seen them live (which is a great treat for the audience me heard) and Burst are quite awesome. Origo is a very good album, although it takes more time getting into it than to Prey on Life.

nf: sick, Ive got cold, the usual no-temperature-autumn-kinda-sore-throat, which always makes me angry, cause I feel neither good nor bad. But that wont prevent me from seeing Slovak Deathfest today, with Vital Remains as headliner, Im leaving in an hour. Ive bought a digital camer today (finally!!). So, except the cold - excellent! :)
Look up "vague" in the (now pictorial) encyclopedia and it'll show a picture of Dragonlady1. :) I'm not particularly in a mood to mean that as something mean, but you might as well take it as such so there's no need to pretend.
I skipped way too many classes for this term's algebra, didn't do any homework and didn't know a thing about it 20 minutes before the exam, when I borrowed some notes and started studying like a I got in there and did VERY good.....profit :grin:
The question of the week is: Do I cut my beard or do I leave it the way it is?

I thought Id cut it to about an inch, or probably a little less, depending on how it looks. Any opinions or advice?

And no, that's not the only problem I have, but for now the most prominent so shush :p
Seen a pic of him somewhere, but long ago... pic thread, I suppose.

Feeling fine, wrote my exam in Data Warehousing/ Data Mining today which was much better than expected, I think there's a realistic chance I passed. After that had a look in my fridge (not much left) and made a great potato gratin with some vegetables (I'm in a vegetarian mood since nearly 2 weeks...). Right now, everything's great! ;)
I didnt leave much compared to the thickness of before.. I'll post pics soon

Why didnt you say that earlier? I dont hit on chicks who dont like my beard so the whole thing was beside the point!
@Dragonlady: that's some good news! :) tell us more, we're curious now. :)

NF1: like this forum can finally use some positivity.
NF2: terminally tired.
NF3: puzzled. too many men showing interest in me at once, a couple confusing me, one i want to punch.
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