rahvin said:
the prose has lost its focus, you're tying words together in an overdone stream of consciousness.
Well, it's just my stream of thought, nothing more, so it's kind of obvious that it's going to lose its focus; streams of thought are like that, they jump around chaotically without getting anywhere (most of the time). And the "overdone stream of consciousness" could be due to my excessive obsession (yes, i tend to become obsessed with just about anything, though i'm trying to change that just a bit).
rahvin said:
but don't stop listening to entwine. i like entwine. just realize their lyrics are utter shit.
I was thinking about that yesterday. They're one of my favorite bands, and i just love the rapture i feel when listening to their music, but if you analyze their lyrics they're nothing compared to Tranquillity (in the sense that they're simple and easy to understand) and most (not all) of them are "i love/need you" crap.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I'm not sure if I can describe it any better than I already did. Too wordy, too gothic, too cliched.
"Wordy"? Yes, i enjoy writing like i do. "Gothic"? In what sense? I don't think i write in "goth" style, if that's what you mean. And if you mean "dark" and "depressive" then yes, i do write like that, and, once again, i enjoy it. "Cliched"? Could you be more specific? And, at that, do you even understand what's being said? (Not to be taken as an insult, but rather i don't believe it's that easy to understand without knowing the whole background to what i write, i.e. the things i've gone through.)
Hitori said:
as for your xanga- i think (i may be wrong) what rahvin and TFH are trying to say is that you write in an overly dramatic gothic suffering cliched way. i think it's probably due to the fact that you are overly ambiguous and you indulge in fragmented sentences, along with the abundance of words like "failure" "emptiness" "i'm dying" "solitude" "beautiful pain" "crystal loneliness" coupled with phrases like "tell me this isn't happening to me" etc.
Okay, okay, "i'm dying" and "tell me this isn't happening" may be cliche, i admit it. But the rest isn't!

Nah, thanks for clarifying that for me (if indeed they mean that). But isn't being overly ambiguous (and i believe the fragmented sentences add to the ambiguousness) what Dark Tranquillity, for example, does? Not that i'm trying to compare myself with them (Mikael and i write totally different stuff), but i don't think being ambiguous is that bad. At any rate, it's much better than writing literally: "yesterday i hanged out with my friend jamie and he reminded me of my lindsey and how much i miss her and i felt very very bad (insert smilie here)".
Hitori said:
but anyway, from what i read of your comments, your readers enjoy it, so if it works for you that's all that should matter.
I actually write for myself, not for my readers. But if they enjoy it it's cool, it's a way to meet people with similar interests as me. And yes, that's all that matters.
Anyway, let's not turn this thread into a "what do you think about Undo's writings?" one (although you guys could start one if you wish

Hitori said:
...at uni we get trained to (try to) shred every text to pieces
No hard feelings, man, don't worry. =)
Hitori said:
no, i'm graduating from university, i studied spanish literature.
So, anyway, you said you didn't know what to do after you graduated. Something in the direction of being a writer or a critic sounds too obvious, so i assume you don't want to be either. What was your plan when you started your career?