solefald: Good to know you're feeling better.
marduk: Indeed, i also often get tired of trying and failing. But i guess either we're stuck with trying or we choose the only way out (suicide), which i don't think is an option for you at this moment at least. I think somewhat of a balance would be to think that you
are alone and that the best thing to do is to put yourself before others always (without going to the extreme situation of not giving a shit whether others are suffering because of you, of course) but that once in a while someone
will come around and make you feel like life isn't total shit. I don't know, i do believe we are truly alone and that an attempt to establish a bridge between two people will either eventually be destroyed or miserably fail to be an absolute connection like it was intended to be.
Chaos: That's cool that you're feeling good about your band and not too bad about love. Hope university gets better, though.
Dafne: Good to know you weren't offended. It's not that it seemed you were, but i tend to offend people without realizing and then wonder why they won't be nice to me. =P About love and removing: i said i'd removed all about the first of the two girls who were really important in my life, but i think that what i said about the second girl sounded like we were still together; we broke up about two months ago, and now i'm in the process of "removing" her as well (she will always be an important part of my life as she's the person i've loved the most in my life and i really admire her in several ways, but i'm trying not to feel for her anymore). Anywho, i think it's a good thing to concentrate on yourself rather than on someone else. =)
Now feeling: Much better. Like everything is kind of back to normal. While still caring about my friends, i'm not letting their problems get me depressed, which is cool, and i think i'm on the way to solve my own problems. Military service in Mexico is a strange thing: they "randomly" pick out about a fourth of the male population who is 18 years old to do military service for a year, and the other 3/4 don't have to (kind of like a bingo contest where they take out balls and call out a name; if you get a white ball, you have to march, and if you get a black ball then you don't); i don't have to march, which is amazing, seeing as i'd have to drive all the way to Mexico City and march every saturday for a year if i had to march, which would suck bigtime. And i'm okay with not having a girlfriend, which is kind of new for me and feels amazing. =) Thanks to all you guys who helped me out when i was down!