The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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NF: Absolutely furious. I have a group project to do for a Product Development class. We've been working with an HVAC company to produce an interface for a consulting engineer to choose the system right for their building. So we're trying to get the company's calculations to properly design this system.

We start checking back through emails, and I remember that one, a basic calculation assignment we were given by one of the company's people, mentioned an attached method of choosing the correct system. I look at the email the teacher forwarded to us (we hadn't been in direct contact at the time), and there's no mention. I figure I imagined it. We keep looking back through my emails, and notice that the professor cc:'ed us on a reply to that company rep on that exact email. There was a one line discrepancy between the two. That one line was missing from the email we were forwarded, but the professor must not have cut it out when he replied to the rep. It implied that there was already such a system as we were designing in place already.

We decided to contact the rep directly to try and get a copy of this 'choosing program'. He sent it along, not knowing that our professor had not even let us know of it's existence. Lo and behold, it's exactly what we've been fucking assigned to do. This whole fucking assignment is a sham, the professor has knowingly and purposefully decieved us, and our work probably won't even be used, as they already have the exact thing already in place. He's had us breaking our backs recreating CAD and Solidworks drawings claiming that the company didn't have them, which started our whole suspicion, because what fucking engineering firm doesn't have technical drawings of shit they've designed??


I so want to beat the shit out of something right now, but I'm at work.

This is almost as bad as earlier this week, when someone disassembled the pvc & duct-tape prototype I spent 6 hours building for our Mini-F1 car competition.

But why would he do that? What's the point? Revenge for something? Keep you occupied and out of something's way? I dont get it

Marduk, calm down mate it's not worth it :) But it's surely been entertaining :p
Well, we're supposed to have a project to do with a company - our thought is that he saw the program that they had and thought it would have been a good thing for us to have done, and so is having us do it without letting us know that it's already done. We're pretty much of agreement that he couldn't come up with another project when he assigned other groups to theirs, and so he made do with what he had. Which really wasn't anything. This is the same guy that's been fucking up my weekends by emailing us assignments due Monday on the Friday or Saturday before class. Ineptitude is what springs to mind...

UndoControl said:
Oooo! Care to share?

Update: Dan told the title now also in his own forum. So I can tell:
The next Nightingale-record is going to be named "White Darkness". Will sound very 70s-inspired. About 75% of the material is being written by Dan´s brother Dag/Tom Nouga.

btw, there is not yet decided on a new Bloodbath-vocalist.

NP: End Begins
nf: weird. i went to a very upscale restaurant with a friend and the clash were playing on the sound system. also, i'm considering getting together with a good man but tomorrow i'm going to throw my arms around someone else's neck and this someone else is plain evil. ah, but these are the ways of us slytherins. :p

np: still manowar.
UndoControl said:
Siren: Don't worry, there's no hurry. ;) I've known that tired feeling for quite a while now. I'm always extremely tired in the evenings and sometimes in the mornings, but somehow at night i can't ever fall asleep before 2am, which means i'm sleeping five hours a day. I know my body's going to complain sometime soon... x.x
Thanks. ;) That's more or less what happens to me too, no matter how tired i am i just won't go to bed, so i get 4-6 hours of sleep at night (and usually a few more hours in the afternoon). The rest of the day i just run around like mad. I normally recover during the weekend, but this didn't happen last weekend, so i was a zombie the whole week.
I just saw something so funny on CNN :lol:

There was this comedy show on and a journalist pretending to be in Paris, talking about the riots and all.. and he goes like "After the 12 days of rioting in Paris and other major cities, the question is: When will the french government surrender? But as the rioters are french as well it's really only a question of who outsurrenders whom!" :lol:

I know the whole "The french always surrender!"-story is getting really old and was never funny in the first place.. but I thought it was funny there :p
nf: bored
and i know i've made this kind of post several times but i really think there is something wrong with me. is it healthy to be alone all the time? you know, not having any actual friends and just living a life based on routines?
[i'm going to need therapy in the future :bah: ]
No therapy. That's fucked up. Psychologists are evil. Remind me sometime to show you a short text i wrote about it.

Routines are bad. Life becomes boring and senseless. When you wake up in the morning and ask yourself if what you're doing is what you'd be doing if you were going to die tomorrow and the answer is 'no', it's time to change.

It's not normal to be alone all the time, but it's not bad either. In fact, normal is bad. Being alone is safer, since they can't hurt you and you don't have anyone to worry about other than you. It's hard and painful, but less painful and more beautiful in the end. :)
UndoControl said:
It's not normal to be alone all the time, but it's not bad either. In fact, normal is bad. Being alone is safer, since they can't hurt you and you don't have anyone to worry about other than you. It's hard and painful, but less painful and more beautiful in the end. :)

Forgive me if i say this again after having hinted at a similar concept in the other thread, but this is short-termist. I don't think it can be made into an absolute truth. The strongest among us (just look at me ;) ) eventually come to the conclusion that they cannot really make it 'out there in the world' on their own. On the other hand, you're right about the pleasure of not having to worry about anyone except for yourself. That's when striking a balance becomes crucial and, alas, very very hard.
In light of UndoControl and hyena's posts, i have to say that this is the time for strength. Learning to live with yourself and for yourself is one of the hardest things, and hopefully one of the most rewarding too in the end.
@siren: in a way, yes, in the sense that sometimes life throws curve balls and it is important to know how to hit those too. one might be forced to be alone because everyone they love dies, because a war starts and we all end up in separate prison camps, because one contracts a bad disease and people's support is not as strong as one anticipates. on the other hand, i wouldn't make 'being able to stand life on your own' a paradigm, unless necessary. one thing is being prepared to face serious adversity and be of help for others rather than whine all the time about loneliness. quite another thing is acknowledging that the principal mode of being for humans is not solitude.
Heh, quite bad really... we lost 1:5 in Madrid last night after a disastrous performance of our team and the referee. I really didnt really picture it this way. Aaaah, bye bye World Cup! :cry:
@hyena: i'm a bit unable to mentally function right now, but anyway i'll try to reply. :p
what i was talking about was being alone without an intimate partner for a certain amount of time, not being completely alone in life. by no means do i think someone should try to be alone for their whole life in fear of getting hurt, because in that way they miss out both on the good and the bad parts of life, thus they miss out on life.
what i was trying to say was that when you find yourself alone without a partner, it's a good time to build on your strength, on your ability to handle life, and to get to know and love yourself. and that's for two reasons, first because this will be a great tool/weapon throughout the rest of your life (and it will make your life with a possible future partner better), and second because you can never tell if you will end up being alone.

(hope this is remotely understandable)
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