The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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NF: Great - I'm still alive and more than happy to know that I don't need to hold any lessons for students anymore :grin:

UndoControl said:
Geri: I know being a teacher can be awful. I hope your students aren't too horrible.

no they weren't that horrible ...not all of them ;). At the University are the students more quiet as in a school I supose so I've never had any problems with them.

Cuthalion said:
imagine you have a teacher who is in fact a metal fan in disguise, how cool is that ? :)

well I'm not really a teacher. I'm actually mechanical engineer but I'm working as a scientific assistant at the University here...and to hold some lessons for our students has been just one of my tasks at our institute next to research, development, etc. :cool:

And I've never have been really disguised I supose that most of the students know that I'm a metal fan :loco:
Some armed robber escape from the Cook County Jail yesterday, and his last know location before he went to jail is on my block. So there are about 15 state troopers just hanging out on the street. Good times, although I doubt the guy would come back here.

Siren said:
I'm waiting for my hair to dry so i can go to sleep. And feeling ok meanwhile. :)

oh yes ..... I know what you mean.... if I don't wait to get my hair dried before I'm going to sleep, I'm looking like a witch on the next day ..horrible :ill:

NF: a little bit tired but ok....gotta go work after I've drunken my 3 cups of coffee
@Geri: 3 cups of coffee?!? wow...
apart from the witch effect, i've also heard many times it's not good to sleep with wet hair, so i try to avoid it as much as i can..
Siren said:
i've also heard many times it's not good to sleep with wet hair, so i try to avoid it as much as i can..

Except for the possibility of looking like a Super Saiyan the next morning I see no other danger. In the worst you'll suck your hair while sleeping...
NF: Like I slept 2 hours last night, fitfully, had my first day of work (aka 1st day of waking up before 12 on a weekday - in this case, at 6), and I have class at 6pm after I get out of here in an hour. /cry

That and I need a bloody Arcanite Rod so I can finally do some sweet lvl 300 enchants... and no one friggin makes them.

RampageSword said:
Except for the possibility of looking like a Super Saiyan the next morning I see no other danger. In the worst you'll suck your hair while sleeping...
a) hair is very fragile while wet -> increased danger of breakage during sleep.
b) there's a possibility you might catch a cold and wake up with a sore neck or headache.
i'm starting to get this wierd feelings about a girl in my theatre group and only after knowing her for a couple of days, hmm i wonder if everything is ok with me? I haven't had a crush on someone for some time and the last time it happened i was miserable for weeks
Cuthalion: More can happen in a single day than can happen in a hundred (copyright me, sometime between 2004 and 2005). My advice: never feel more for someone than that someone feels for you. Find out if she likes you, and then decide whether you should keep feeling or try to forget/ignore.
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