The Definitive Rose of Sharyn DI + Backing

Hey Jeff TD can you shed some light on the drums please. Whats samples/program?

dfer your entire mix sounds like... super squashed? Did you put my backing on a mono track? There's also like a piano note in the beginning that seems to bleed into things, not sure what that's about. Guitar tone sounds like it could be cool but everything sounds muddy because of the mono'd backing, so it's hard to judge.

Backing is just S2.0 Avatar kit with a kick sample I made from combining other samples.

Yeah it was my first real attempt at mixing. Thanks for for the info i'll change a few things.

And you were right i imported it in mono!

I found that pre chorus higher octive GTR R to be masked/hidden behind the mix, even after a giving a wide boost at 1K. I'm might try reamping it again and give it a boost at the source instead of post eq.

Two versions slightly different, Boosted GTR R a few dB's -
Here's my mix:

Used LeGion for the hard panned guitars and Poulin Hybrit for the 80% panned ones, each with the BTE TSS in front. Impulses are Guitar Hacks BBAC-Half and Edge-1.

Edit: Used LeXTAC for the clean guitars, no TSS, and same impulses.

Kinda makes me want to pick up one of those amps. Did you run anything in front of it for some extra push, or is that just the amp by itself?
Wot do ya think? Two slightly different mixes -

I would brighten the guitars up a bit. It also seems like they are lacking punch.

What's the chain you're running the DI's through?

And sixstringhotshot88, the guitar's seem a little honky. The octave part also seems to be a bit cluttered. Did you have a different tonal setting for the octave part, like cutting some of the lows and low mids? I cut those, then also dropped the rhythm guitar parts back in volume a little to make some extra room for the octave part.

Just my 2 cents.
yeah man i changed the tone slightley for the 2nd rythem tracks and like you said, cut the low mids out of the octave section. i added low end to the far left and right rythem tracks to at about 60hz altho it wasn't allot.

i've realised aswell that on the harmonied guitar parts near the beginning theres still a bit of a faiz issue.
could someone reup only Gtr L 1 Dl.wav? i downloaded archive and that file is broken :( i have a 5kb gprs connection so downloading whole arhchive again would be a real pain. :erk: :cry: :notworthy