The Dreams Thread

I had a dream I was Gary Barlow.

You need more potassium in your diet.

I just had a dream where I went to a water park and there was a baby that fell down a water slide and drowned. I ran to it and picked it up to see if it was still alive. It began to shrivle up into a deflated balloon and started to hiss. Then the water turned into blood and I was greeted with a real-life version of Cannibal Corpse's Butchered at Birth album cover.
In my dream last night my mate got pissed off at me because he thought I'd arrnaged to meet him somewhere and I didn't. We resolved our differences and were sitting on this bank when one of my former teacher's came up and criticised me for not playing rugby, after which I faux rugby tacked my friend and he converted it into a suplex, but we laughed about it. Then I challenged him to a rolling race down these massive stone stairs. We were just about to start when another mate of mine ran past jumped down a load of the stairs and landed right on his forehead. he got up and walked off.

There was also a bit in a church that i don't really remember, but I do remember that some Indian guy I've never seen before said hi to me.
Occasionally when I'm about to fall asleep I'll be startled awake by a sudden sensation of falling. It's actually enough that my limbs will all flail out reflexively in bed. It's rather disturbing.
i had a terrible dream last night. i ended up stumbling across a research center in denver that helped kids who had been abused and molested. they tried to find out what happened when a kid wont consciously reveal it.

i think im gonna go home and listen to after forever- invisible circles now
Occasionally when I'm about to fall asleep I'll be startled awake by a sudden sensation of falling. It's actually enough that my limbs will all flail out reflexively in bed. It's rather disturbing.

Sometimes I imagine stuff happening like a snake attacking my face and my body reacts.
Here are two dreams I had last week that still have me a bit rattled:

The first one: I was growing a baby in a bag. The bag itself was clear, like the ones you put fruit or veggies in at the grocery store. When the baby was finally full grown and ready to come out of the bag, it turned into a giant frog and starting jumping around all over the place.

The second one: I was hiding in a barn from a swarm of monsters outside. I set up a bunch of barricades so they couldn't get in but didn't realize it would also mean I'd have a hard time getting out. Monsters had somehow wound up in the room I was in, so I set fire to them and just when I thought they were all dead, this huge worm like creature with large teeth emerges from the flames and starts coming after me. I did what I could to fight it off, then climbed up a ladder and headed towards a window that was boarded up. And just when I was about to make my jump, I woke up. :cry:
Has anyone here ever had a dream where you buy a bunch of records (could be real, but usually not) and are all excited. Then you wake up and realize you don't have any.

Or, another dream I've had lately: I dreamt that there was this awesome song I heard and was planning on buying the cd for. I woke up and realized that it wasn't real, but for the life of me I can't remember the song. I remember a part of the melody (it was fucking awesome in the dream, that's all I remember). That would be sweet to write a song because you dreamt it.

On a similar note, the dream I had last night was weird. I was with a friend, outside on this patio-type thing beneath a canvas. For some reason we were worried about dragonflies because their bites were fatal (we called them dragonflies, but in the dream they looked like butterflies). Then, some of the metal furniture on the patio started moving on its own, sliding along the ground. It stopped when it became crammed up against a metal pole holding the canvas up. My friend and I went over to move it slightly, to try and see what was pulling it (in the dream we somehow understood that it was magnetic). We moved it (a metal table) out of the way of the pole, and it started sliding again, now with great force. We pulled back on it to try and hold it, but it started sliding faster. Finally we let go, and just as we did it flew up into the air, straight up as though a giant magnet was hanging above us. But there was only sky, and we watched as it disappeared into the clouds. Then I woke up.
So did I. I dreamt about buying a new PC once. It was at the time when my old computer died and I couldn't afford a new one The dream was so vivid that when I woke up, I started searching the apartment, and was simply devastated when I couldn't find it.
Yeah, that happened to me also. It happened when I was in 3rd grade, and I got the new Pokemon game (silver I think). Then when I woke up I was like, "awww". I was sad.