The Dreams Thread

I had this dream where I had to piss really bad and went into the bathroom and the lights would not turn on and one toilet was probably 8 feet tall. I could see another toilet just the toilet seat would not lift up and I pissed ontop of the seat getting piss everywhere and on towels.

I also have dreams where I am in an FYE and cds are like 5 times the original size and i'm confused and just walk around.
This happens to me quite often:

I wake up around 4 AM and I'm hungry, but also still sleepy so I fall back asleep. Then I dream about eating food. I wake up at 6:30 AM, per usual, and I'm not hungry anymore.
I hate those dreams where you hear a person say a word or even a sentence or whisper and you wake up and start thinking about what it means.
I had this weird dream last night where was in one of those big rooms that have a pool table that rich people have and a regular size frog jumped across about 50 feet and hit the wall and pieces of this frog went everywhere and down my shirt.
last night i dreamt that i was on a secret military mission to puerto rico, and we were taking a commercial airliner there, and we were being kicked off because i called the flight attendant a whore.

the weird thing was we had just taken a private jet to puerto rico, then i woke up, went back to sleep and now i was trying to get there again.