The Dreams Thread

On a similar note, the dream I had last night was weird. I was with a friend, outside on this patio-type thing beneath a canvas. For some reason we were worried about dragonflies because their bites were fatal (we called them dragonflies, but in the dream they looked like butterflies). Then, some of the metal furniture on the patio started moving on its own, sliding along the ground. It stopped when it became crammed up against a metal pole holding the canvas up. My friend and I went over to move it slightly, to try and see what was pulling it (in the dream we somehow understood that it was magnetic). We moved it (a metal table) out of the way of the pole, and it started sliding again, now with great force. We pulled back on it to try and hold it, but it started sliding faster. Finally we let go, and just as we did it flew up into the air, straight up as though a giant magnet was hanging above us. But there was only sky, and we watched as it disappeared into the clouds. Then I woke up.

what the fuck
Has anyone here ever had a dream where you buy a bunch of records (could be real, but usually not) and are all excited. Then you wake up and realize you don't have any.

Or, another dream I've had lately: I dreamt that there was this awesome song I heard and was planning on buying the cd for. I woke up and realized that it wasn't real, but for the life of me I can't remember the song. I remember a part of the melody (it was fucking awesome in the dream, that's all I remember). That would be sweet to write a song because you dreamt it.


I had a dream the night before in which Condoleeza Rice died, but I don't remember the context. I kept a bit of a dream log for my writer's journal last semester, maybe I'll type one or two of them up. I know one of them involves secret Nazi gold.
Nothing that happens in my dreams could actually happen in real life. Except one dream where I brought my Shakuhachi to school and was playing the highest note on it and annoying everyone.
I had a weird dream a while ago. There was a gaping hole in the heel of my foot and every so often I'd see the white tail of some parasite poke up through it and I'd pick them out. Each one I caught was larger and larger, til they were about the size of a small snake and the wound in my foot grew into a gaping hole I could look into and see a pool of blood below.
Weird dream the other night. This is somewhat long:

I was in a building, like a hotel, and there was some kind of honorary event going on. Everyone was dressed up nicely, and milling about in a big ballroom talking to each other. Then a figure approached me (I can't remember what it looked like, whether it was male or female) and told me "When you are going to die, a voice in your head will tell you." This scared the shit out of me, and I became even more frightened when a voice in my head actually told me I would die in a week. However, I was uncertain whether the voice in my head was real, or whether I was merely conjuring it because of what the stranger had told me.

Then the dream changed. I was still in the hotel, but it was dark and empty, as though the event was over. I was scared, and wandering the hallways. At one point I turned a corner and saw my older brother sitting in a chair. He wasn't dressed up, but was wearing cut-off shorts and hiking boots, like he does sometimes. The sight of him gave me comfort, but I didn't stop to talk to him. I passed him by silently. Then I found a door and went outside. It was night. As I walked away from the door, I saw a figure approaching, wearing glasses. The man's face was Woody Allen (wtf, right?), but in the dream I somehow understood that he was a professor who had attended the ball. I watched him as he passed by me, going towards the door I had just exited from. As though sensing my confusion, he pointed at the door and said, "Gotta take a piss."

The dream changed again, and suddenly it was morning and I was home. My girlfriend was there too, and I was all upset because for some reason I had a strange set of car keys that weren't mine. I didn't think to check how I'd gotten home; I merely thought that I'd somehow taken someone's keys at the hotel and they had taken mine. I was upset, but thankfully I did have my Florida apartment keys, as I showed my girlfriend (I usually do detach my apartment keys from my car keys if I'm not driving). Then my parents called me downstairs. I went down, nervous because of the key situation; but my dad had my car keys in his hand. I suddenly realized that the strange keys I had were his. "I think you accidentally picked up mine last night when you got home," he said to me. I gave them back to him. "Good thing you didn't drive," he said. Then I realized that I still had no idea how I'd gotten home during the night, and that made me nervous. I told my parents that a friend at the ball had driven me home; but as I went upstairs, I still couldn't remember. My father also said something like "Had a good time last night, huh?" therefore insinuating that I'd been drinking. In the dream I thought that that was probably why I couldn't remember getting home. But in the early part of the dream I was never holding a drink.

Fucking strange, I know. I enjoy my dreams, they're like little Kafka stories.
I had a weird dream a while ago too, the only thing i remember is that i was in some kind of lighthouse or clocktower at the bottom of the stairwell, and in comes Donna from That 70's Show and puts a band around her neck and hangs herself, not from the top of the stairs but from a chair at the bottom level. It's logical that i dream about Donna since i've been watching That 70's Show alot lately but the rest is sick, why would she hang herself and why are we in a lighthouse/clocktower?
So there I was sleeping away when all of a sudden I entered the dream world.

I became aware that I was looking into a medical facility and soon I saw this girl strapped to a bed. There were men in white coats standing above her looking in wonder at an x-ray copy they held of her's. It was incredibly distorted and blurry, as if the machine itself were tampered with. They spoke of how this was the third x-ray they took of her and how all three came out exactly the same. One doctor mentioned that there may be something in her blood interrupting the process, she stated she once read about a condition called "Pajaaarananan" and that maybe it was causing the problems.

Flashed into the next scene of the dream the doctors are seen leaving the room, and all of a sudden the girl wakes up and manages to escape. She runs out of the facility and across a huge field to get to where her twin sister and best friend are hiding. She tells her sister that her feet are really itchy, and her sister responds with "You know we can't touch grass without being irritated by it. Even your eyes are getting red."

Flash into the next scene, the doctors convene in another room where the woman who suggested the "Pajaaarananan" believes she can explain what was wrong with the girl, she shouts "I know what her blood is made of! HEMP!" and they all rush out of the facility to find the girl in a mad search for this "rare blood disease."

As soon as the twins and friend realize they are being hunted they run into a forest and hide underneath a huge mushroom which somehow eased the itchiness of being in a grassy area.

Then I woke up.
I had this fucked up dream that my street flooded. But it wasn't my street since mine is on a hill. In the dream it was my street and it wasn't any street I ever lived on. Anyway I was walking somewhere and the water was up to my knees and this shark comes. I started freaking out but then this fish comes up from behind me. It sort of resembled a catfish but it had dark grey skin and fins like a shark. It jumps on the back of the shark and sucks its blood out. Then the fish starts talking to me telepathically and tells me to lead it to a nuclear plant that is apparently polluting the water. It tells me if I don't lead it it will kill me. So me and the fish walk for a while and we come to an RV that appears to be at the inner harbor in Baltimore near where this bridge is between a Q Doba or Chipotle (one of those places) and the Baltimore Aquarium is (fuck knows how an RV could get there) and right next to the water. Anyway I go inside the RV and I try and steal something. I don't quite remember. But then I end up running around inside the place trying to avoid the attacks of the people inside. I don't quite remember what they looked like but I think they were shooting at me. I left and then I told the fish that the nuclear plant was across the water. So the fish goes in the water and I run.
I had this fucked up dream last night. I'm not sure exactly how it started, but the first thing I remember is that I was doing some kind of drug extraction in the kitchen of some random house which I assume was my own for the dream. At first I thought the extraction involved mushrooms, but I ended up in the possession of this weird arthropod that looked like a giant pillbug (about the size of a pound of beef). I remember not wanting to touch it because it was so creepy and had so many moving parts.

I had this manual with me, and I checked it to make sure I'd gotten the right 'ingredient'. When I found the page with the animal I was supposed to use, I learned that it wasn't actually the pillbug-thing. It was some mammal known as an Amaranth. I began to wonder how on earth I could have mistaken a mammal for an arthropod originally; but as I wondered this, I suddenly discovered that there was an Amaranth in the room with me - two of them, in fact.

They were HORRIFYING. They had the exact shape of a spider, except that they were furry and had at least fifteen legs each, and the legs were arranged in three rows across the body. Without the legs, they would have been about the size of small dogs, but the legs made them look significantly larger. They also had heads just like dogs' heads, except with at least four eyes (I couldn't tell exactly how many eyes there were), and their mouths had the giant fangs that large spiders have.

They started crawling toward me, as if they were excited to see me and wanted to play. I wasn't sure if I should be freaked out and running or if they were actually harmless. I suspected the latter, so I tried not to resist when they started rubbing themselves all over my legs and drooling on me. I really didn't know what to think though - for all I knew, I was one false move away from getting a big chunk of flesh torn out of me. As time went on, though, it seemed that they really did only want to play.

From here onward, I spent a long time with the Amaranths following me around, and I sort of looked after them. I was no longer thinking about drug extractions - I was just thinking about how I could get these creatures the hell out of the house without inciting them to violence. I ended up feeding them and taking them outside for a 'walk' during this time, and eventually they began to settle down and seem happy.

Finally, when the time looked right, I gingerly picked them up and put them into this kennel thing that was sitting on a table in the kitchen. It was really weird to feel all their legs tighten up against my hands while I held their bodies. They didn't resist too much while I put them in, though they were clearly unhappy that playtime was over and I was locking them up. I was presumably going to ship them off to wherever I'd gotten them from. I felt a little bad about it since they seemed so friendly, but I just couldn't get over how goddamn hideous the things were.

Maybe consider taking a break from consuming mind-expanding herbs for a while, man. :cool:

That's a fucking crazy dream. It's interesting that the animals were called "Amaranths." If Freud's right, and the foundation of all dream content is wish-fulfillment, what's that tell you?

Not sure why the hell they were fucked up spiders with dogs' heads though.
I had this dream that I was in some sort of desert and I was hopping on all these hills and I could jump really fucking high and far like I was on the moon or something. I kept hearing all these Indian chants and there were huge tipis all over the place and hot Indian women were going into the tipis and inviting me in but I just kept hopping around in this place with lower gravity.

In response to your flood dream, I recently had a dream about a flood as well. Also, my girlfriend recently had a dream which she refused to describe to me because it freaked her out too much. She did tell me that it was about the world ending.

I've had dreams that also deal with this theme (my flood dream being one of them), and I've spoken with a few friends who have had similar dreams (if not similar in imagery, at least similar in theme).

I think this raises a question that could be worth discussing: are the people of today's world (especially the youth, high school, college, young adult working crowd) afflicted with a deeper anxiety about the end of the world being potentially close at hand? I'm sure most of us have seen the endless stream of 2012 specials that The History Channel masturbates over, and combined with all the heightening global issues, economic troubles, and strange disasters (I've been particularly moved by the Buffalo plane crash), it seems as though the idea of an apocalypse looms larger in our subconscious than ever before. This might be odd, seeing as how I'd posit that we're a less religious culture than we used to be. Nevertheless, I think the idea of a natural or manmade global disaster is one that haunts a majority of today's young crowd. Thoughts?
I've had apocalyptic dreams before. The strange thing about my dreams is that I never usually feel fear in them. Even though things in them would scare me shitless if they happened in real life. But my apocalypse dreams usually involve me running from things and have been so uneventful I usually don't remember too much of them.
I had a dream where I was wearing an oversized sombrero with my cat sat in the brim. I could feel the weight of him as he moved about.

That was like the very last bit of a long complicated dream. The only bit I remembered by the afternoon.
I had a dream the other day that my brothers girlfriend and a a football player called Roque Santa Cruz came to my place offering some college to learn to speak Swedish. I told them i spoke fluent Swedish and it wasn't necessary but they gave me this pamphlet anyway with a website address. As they sat in the living room discussing some shit i searched up the website on the computer and it turned out to be fake. I shouted to them to get the fuck out of my house and to stop trying to scam me.

At this point my brothers girlfriend comes rushing out of the living room with a large knife and slashes the side of my throat and forces me to the ground. I scream for help and for some fucked up reason my brothers girlfriend was in the kitchen on her phone and couldn't hear me (there was two of them in the dream, for some reason). I held off the knife from her and then the football player came rushing at my and tried to stab me with a large fingernail. I managed to pull my brothers girlfriends hand and slice the finger off but she still managed to slice my throat and kill me anyway.

needless to say it was fucked up.

EDIT: this dream came after i had just completed a mission in Fallout 3 where you have to murder an entire town with a knife.

In response to your flood dream, I recently had a dream about a flood as well. Also, my girlfriend recently had a dream which she refused to describe to me because it freaked her out too much. She did tell me that it was about the world ending.

I've had dreams that also deal with this theme (my flood dream being one of them), and I've spoken with a few friends who have had similar dreams (if not similar in imagery, at least similar in theme).

I think this raises a question that could be worth discussing: are the people of today's world (especially the youth, high school, college, young adult working crowd) afflicted with a deeper anxiety about the end of the world being potentially close at hand? I'm sure most of us have seen the endless stream of 2012 specials that The History Channel masturbates over, and combined with all the heightening global issues, economic troubles, and strange disasters (I've been particularly moved by the Buffalo plane crash), it seems as though the idea of an apocalypse looms larger in our subconscious than ever before. This might be odd, seeing as how I'd posit that we're a less religious culture than we used to be. Nevertheless, I think the idea of a natural or manmade global disaster is one that haunts a majority of today's young crowd. Thoughts?
I think you might be onto to something although it's hard to tell just based on our anecdotal evidence. Even if we were entering a more a pessimistic time I don't think it is really a unique phenomenon. The mid 14th century Europe and interwar 20th century Europe spring to mind as examples.
I would think fear of the world ending was much higher overall during the Cold War.

I mean, they were showing shit like this to kids in school:

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