The Dreams Thread

All good points. And it may be nothing more than a common subconscious element shared by some of my friends and I. Strangely enough, a large number of people I hang out with have a kind of fascination with 2012 and the Mayan Calendar and the possibility that the world will end (or something cataclysmic will occur). We all talk about it a lot. My girlfriend actually asked me the other day if I thought that the world was genuinely going to end in 2012, and she expressed her frustration over the possibility (she graduates from college in 2011, and feels that it would be a huge crock of shit if the world ends before she can even do anything with her life).

Ubfortunately, all I have is anecdotal evidence, and I don't really have time to investigate further. I do believe though that a kind of apocalyptic anxiety hands over our heads, just as it did during the Black Plague and the World Wars. I think there is a kind of general consensus that we're on the verge of massive global change (damn you, Obama...).
My girlfriend actually asked me the other day if I thought that the world was genuinely going to end in 2012, and she expressed her frustration over the possibility (she graduates from college in 2011, and feels that it would be a huge crock of shit if the world ends before she can even do anything with her life).

That's a pretty silly thing to worry about tbh.
Worse for me. I graduate high school in 2011 and I'm planning on taking a year off.
I have a friend who is very worried about near earth asteroids and supervolcanoes but I tend not to worry. I figure if the world is going to end there is nothing I can do so it is stupid to worry about it and if it isn't going to end then it is stupid to worry about something that won't happen.
We don't have to worry about any asteroids until around 2800. And I live well out of the ring of fire so I don't worry about volcanoes. And I don't worry about the apocalypse either.
That's odd. In school I distinctly remember reading in a magazine that we don't have to worry about that until 2800. But that was about 8 years ago.

So last night I had this dream I was in my old school and everyone was gathered for some sort of event or something. Every time I sat down I had my laptop for some reason. I can't remember too much else at that point. But later I hopped out the window of the top floor into what (in the dream) was the apartment of this one guy I sort of knew at my old school. So his mom comes in and he goes to the bathroom or something and I walk around. I go into the basement and he is sitting naked in what appears to be a playground swing for little kids (the ones with the holes for legs, and it was fit to his size) and it was suspended on chains to ring on the ceiling. He was sitting in a ring-shaped hot tub and when I came down he was circling around in it, he was about waist-deep in the water and walking around. I went up to him and he went to the right side of the ring and got on his computer and said something like "hey Joe" or something. So then this waitress who appeared and sounded puerto rican comes and brings noodles and stuff and I take them from her and give them to him. And then I ask him if I could pretend I was his waiter so that I could get food and he says sure so I walk over and say he wants a cheeseburger so I could take it and that's all I remember.
I just had a dream where I watched a special on tv that said michael jackson was half alien and had some experiments done on him in his childhood. Like one was putting him on a conveyer belt with a bomb that turned out to be fake but scared the shit out of him. And there was an interview with his mother who was the alien.
Last night I had a dream that The Greys went to Japan and I called him on the phone and used google maps to stalk him and constantly told him that I was watching him.
Man vihris, that dream was awesome.

I don't know if you've ever heard of the book House of Leaves, but you should definitely check it out. It's an extremely surreal, creepy book, and your dream brings back memories of reading it (I used to have really fucked up dreams while I was engaged with it, and it took me a few weeks to finally get over it; it sticks with you).
i was walking through a forest, when a hand popped out of a hollow tree, and bitch-slapped me. i woke up
I had a really strange dream where somehow Satanstoenail and i went skiing and the Scorpions were playing on the mountaintop. :lol: sure sign i spend way too much time on here
So last night, amidst the common foray of dreams that assail me every night, there was one particular moment that made me want to ask a question in this thread:

Does anyone else ever hear awesome music (of their own creation) in their dreams?

I typically am not a Vader fan, but in one of my dreams last night someone tried to play Vader's new release for me to convince me that I would like it. What I then heard was a brutal assault of battery but with amazing guitar melodies, reminding me (when I woke up) of something like Augury. Furthermore, the vocals were clean and intensely catchy. In the dream I remember thinking "Holy shit! These guys rule, this is awesome!"

Unfortunately, I know that Vader doesn't really sound like this, and much to my dismay I'll probably never hear that music again.

In another dream I heard an amazing song that I attributed to Borknagar (in the dream). Upon waking, I thought to myself, "I need to go listen to that song." It then dawned on me that it didn't exist.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?
So last night, amidst the common foray of dreams that assail me every night, there was one particular moment that made me want to ask a question in this thread:

Does anyone else ever hear awesome music (of their own creation) in their dreams?

I typically am not a Vader fan, but in one of my dreams last night someone tried to play Vader's new release for me to convince me that I would like it. What I then heard was a brutal assault of battery but with amazing guitar melodies, reminding me (when I woke up) of something like Augury. Furthermore, the vocals were clean and intensely catchy. In the dream I remember thinking "Holy shit! These guys rule, this is awesome!"

Unfortunately, I know that Vader doesn't really sound like this, and much to my dismay I'll probably never hear that music again.

In another dream I heard an amazing song that I attributed to Borknagar (in the dream). Upon waking, I thought to myself, "I need to go listen to that song." It then dawned on me that it didn't exist.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?

Yeah, I have had a few dreams where I picked up a guitar and started playing/shredding some awesome non-existant tune, and then waking up and not being able to A. remember how it went, and B. I couldn't play it IRL if I did remember how it went. :erk: