The Dreams Thread

Some people can actually take control of their dreams at will. I've done it a couple times, but I'm not really sure how it dawns on me that I'm dreaming.

In one dream I had, I made it so that if I blinked my eyes repeatedly, I would turn invisible. It worked. :cool:

However, I've also had dreams where I know I'm dreaming, but I can't wake up or end the dream. That's frustrating.
I usually can't immerse myself in my dreams. Many people talk about doing regular stuff and something totally absurd happens or they run a reality check and realize they're dreaming, but honestly if I am actually dreaming chances are I'm really not sure how to actually do something, it's kind of like I'm just trapped inside my body and while I'm doing stuff voluntarily I'm not really in control of what I do. Weird, I know... I'd never think "hmm... is this a dream?" and run a reality check or something, and I've heard other people will always deny the fact that you are dreaming, so I dunno. If someone says I'm not dreaming I'll probably believe him. How do you guys hijack your own dream like that? Never figured out how to lucid dream, although it would be pretty awesome if I was able to.
Yeah Lucid dreaming is real and I've had the pleasure of having them about 6-7 times in my life! About half of them I was fully aware I was in a dream..

The problem for me is, once I am aware that I am dreaming, I usually can't stop myself from waking up shortly after..One in particular was when I was really young and I was totally into Bamse (swedish cartoon character) and I was in his land with the turtle dude, and next thing I know I realized this was completely fake and that I was dreaming, so I started yelling with my own command and willpower at Bamse that he wasn't real and that I could leave whenever I wanted (which I did, I woke up right after)

One thing thats bugged me for a lifetime though, is when I was a kid I would have the exact same dream everytime I got a fever..did anyone else get the same dream when they got sick?

All I remember from this dream is that I'm in a huge black room with a perfect circle of pillars, but they are kind of like xylophone keys, in that if you hit them they make a certain sound, and also your tongue goes numb everytime you touch them...weiiird shit man
I sometimes think about dreams and wonder if they have any meaning or something to do with reality.
I had a dream I was in Indonesia (for fuck knows why.) I was staying in this house built in a swamp. So I go out to the deck which is pretty much at level with the water and a fucking huge ass turtle head emerges from the water and perches itself on the deck. The turtle's head was like the size of a horse's head. So the turtle starts talking to me and says "hey, blah blah blah" and just creates small talk. I was just thinking "what the fuck this turtle is talking" and then I ask the turtle what it's like to talk and he gives me some huge explanation and I just watch his mouth move. It was so weird.

Then I had another dream I was in a classroom at my school and I saw some weird camera lens things that were part of my foot in the part right under the shin. I touch them and they feel like eyes. So I close my eyes and all of a sudden I'm looking at stuff through my feet. Then the camera eye travels and I can read a person's paper and copy off of it. It was so unreal having more than two eyes.
I'm rushed out onto the stage at a church fund raising event. It's apparently some sort of talent show, and my talent is doing stand up comedy. I freeze up at the microphone and everyone is staring at me. I finally make some comment at my brother in audience, which I find hilarious, but I cursed while saying it, so now the entire audience is completely silent and shocked. I stay on stage for a few more awkward moments of me making random unfunny observations about stuff, before I walk offstage completely defeated and shamed.

Devasya Chāyā;8558503 said:
I had a dream I was in Indonesia (for fuck knows why.) I was staying in this house built in a swamp. So I go out to the deck which is pretty much at level with the water and a fucking huge ass turtle head emerges from the water and perches itself on the deck. The turtle's head was like the size of a horse's head. So the turtle starts talking to me and says "hey, blah blah blah" and just creates small talk. I was just thinking "what the fuck this turtle is talking" and then I ask the turtle what it's like to talk and he gives me some huge explanation and I just watch his mouth move. It was so weird.

Then I had another dream I was in a classroom at my school and I saw some weird camera lens things that were part of my foot in the part right under the shin. I touch them and they feel like eyes. So I close my eyes and all of a sudden I'm looking at stuff through my feet. Then the camera eye travels and I can read a person's paper and copy off of it. It was so unreal having more than two eyes.

Man I wish I had dreams that fucked-up.

I'm rushed out onto the stage at a church fund raising event. It's apparently some sort of talent show, and my talent is doing stand up comedy. I freeze up at the microphone and everyone is staring at me. I finally make some comment at my brother in audience, which I find hilarious, but I cursed while saying it, so now the entire audience is completely silent and shocked. I stay on stage for a few more awkward moments of me making random unfunny observations about stuff, before I walk offstage completely defeated and shamed.


It's 3am. My entire family and I are still at my aunt and uncle's summer house. My brother and I are bored, so we decide to drive back home. Upon arriving back home, we discover a large, shaggy brown dog in our TV room. For some reason, we immediately start playing with it. After rolling around on the floor with this friendly dog, the doorbell rings. My mom finally came home with my grandma elementary school principal. The dog bites my grandma's hand, but it's all good.

I woke up sweating.
I crashed early tonight, and just woke up from a dream that revolved around finding/planning an ideal living place.

In one part I think I was with a friend of mine and we were breaking into all these suites in an apartment building to find one that was unoccupied (is that doing it the hard way or what?). This was made much easier by the fact that we had some kind of limited teleportation ability, and could warp in and out of the living room of each suite without having to go through the front doors, but after that we had to sneak around to check out all the bedrooms to see if there was stuff in them (not sure why we had to check all of them before deciding to move on). Whenever we made too much noise and got noticed by one of the occupants, we would just run back to the living room and teleport out.

In another part I was talking with my dad about having a secret passage going from the kitchen to one of the bedrooms in my house, and blocked off on either end by bookcases. There would also be a secret room accessible only through the secret passage. During the conversation we were either in such a house, or walking around in a house I was planning to modify in the above way. At one point we were in the kitchen and the topic came up of installing my own personal ATM pad on the kitchen bookcase that was wired to a super-secure computer in the secret room, so I could make bank transactions from the kitchen...