The Dreams Thread

Thanks for reminding me to check my balance.


:lol: Grant I love that you guys had to go to the living room to get out of every apartment.

Yeah, beats me. I like how much meticulous planning there was in the whole dream without it being the slightest bit logical. I wake up from this thing thinking I've gotten all these brilliant ideas, and then I realise they're all complete bullshit. :lol:
So the fuck do you remember your dreams so vividly? I remember about 6-10% of all dreams I've had that vividly, and the rest just like a brief scene if even that!

I want your abilities..and I want them now
I just remembered this dream I had a long while back.

So me and some friends were throwing this huge metal festival called "Blackenedfest" or something. It was odd that we were decorating a small building that resembled a Chuck E Cheese's for it. Anyway I can remember me and another person involved in the decorating fooling around in the tubes then going outside. We stopped at some place to eat and then down this alleyway I saw Ilja Jalkanen. I acted like a little girl and went up to him yelling "Ilja, Ilja!" He gave me an angry look and walked away, later meeting up with the rest of the members of Kiuas at the end of the alley.

Then later came Blackenedfest and all I can really remember is people running around outside the Chuck E Cheese's-esque building in corpsepaint and screaming like a bunch of morons.

On a related note, I can remember a piece of a dream with a giant lotus flower and a girl inside of it. There was some music playing that was amazingly complex and brilliant and on some string instruments. It sounded like dulcimer, harp, piano, and zither. When I woke up I thought it was a song I knew then I realized it wasn't and was disappointed.

I had a very metal dream.

So the whole thing is based around a demon speaking to a human inside of this room in a volcano. The demon stands about 7 feet tall, blood red skin, bears horns, very muscular, etc. He's talking to the human about this demon called "the psychic" even though the name was never said, I knew that was his name. He was green and had somewhere from 6 to 10 wings on his back. He also had a crown of six horns arranged much like the legs of an insect if you were to turn it on its back, and the horns were green as well. So I guess the horns look more like a crown built into his head.

The demon who was speaking with the human began pouring lava on the ground and shaping it into a pentagram with a stick while talking about the demon. There was a sight of the psychic with torn skin but no blood as he suffered from gunshot wounds. The narrating demon said "he was very powerful, powerful enough to one day replace lord Satan. Then one day he suffered from gunshot wounds. Ashamed, he flew up on top of the tower on his nine wings and used them to cover himself in shame." Then I saw the demon fly up onto what looked like a really tall mosque with a black top, and then cover himself with his huge green wings.

"Then he left the planet" the demon said as I saw the psychic fly off of the earth. So the demon leaves the earth and ends up on this desolate desert planet. There he encounters this large creature that must be about 40 feet long. The front of it looks a lot like a millipede, it is oil black, and the face is much like a cockroach. The back is more like a centipede. It changes form as it goes on and at one point appears to be this four-legged mix of a wolf and a toad. When it turns back into the bug thing it starts scattering what looks like ink that shapes into tiny insects that attacks the psychic. The psychic shoots or hits the weird monster in the face somehow and then it goes to another clip. The psychic is in a spaceship and a demon that is represented as shadowy with possibly black colored skin is using what appears to be telekinesis to hold the psychic back by his horns. Then the dream ends.

By the way, I'm gonna expand on this for a Sci-Fi and Fantasy writing contest in Baltimore.
Last night I had a dream that I was in this big hospital that looked somewhat like an airport, yet was a hospital, even though there was a restaurant in it. I was there because apparently I had some ovaries that were in my pelvis and had cancer or something. I had to wait a couple hours for a surgery I was kind of freaking out about. But during that time I was just trying to go to the bathroom for a good fap, but my parents were like "no Joe, you've gotta be here for when you get called for surgery." We had to wait in line at some sort of round box office to get me into surgery. It made no sense.
Devasya Chāyā;8594221 said:
Last night I had a dream that I was in this big hospital that looked somewhat like an airport, yet was a hospital, even though there was a restaurant in it. I was there because apparently I had some ovaries that were in my pelvis and had cancer or something. I had to wait a couple hours for a surgery I was kind of freaking out about. But during that time I was just trying to go to the bathroom for a good fap, but my parents were like "no Joe, you've gotta be here for when you get called for surgery." We had to wait in line at some sort of round box office to get me into surgery. It made no sense.

Yeah you have the most fucked up dreams..

Anyways, i had a lucid dream last night. When i realized i was dreaming i decided to fly around and shit. It was fun.
Last night I had a dream that there were a bunch of huge spiders all over my yard,and they were as big as my dog. I opened the door to let my dog inside because he was wimpering because one of the huge spiders was moving towards him slowly. When I opened the door my dog ran inside, but before I could close the door a spider that was on the door when I opened it got onto the ceiling. Then I randomly appeared in my back yard where my brother and a friend had a shotgun and were about to shoot one of the spiders. Just as we shot one I woke up.
Too bad you didn't have the chance to go on a Doom-like killing spree to wipe out all the mutant spiders. That would've been awesome.
Too bad you didn't have the chance to go on a Doom-like killing spree to wipe out all the mutant spiders. That would've been awesome.


Had this fat wolf spider waddle out from under my keyboard a few days ago, pretty sure that was the source of the dream lol.
I had a dream that a pigeon landed on my balcony with one leg in the normal downwards position, and another sticking slightly upwards out of its back, pondering what type cyclohexane conformation it was.
I had an interesting thought this morning concerning a dream I had last night. In order to explicate, I first have to describe a portion of my dream from last night.

The dream took place in a gigantic parking garage wherein a man actually sold cars to people (I got the feeling that the garage was a kind of enormous commercial shopping center in its own right, but my portion of the dream only concerned the car salesman). Anyway, he had this very small midget that he took care of (?). In one scene of the dream, the midget was upset about something and hid, and the salesman was trying to coerce the midget out of his hiding place, which he eventually succeeded in doing.

In the very next scene, I recall walking up towards one of the cars the salesman was trying to sell. In order to better sell these cars he would place dummy clowns in the seats. Well, when I approached the car I saw that both the salesman and his midget were beneath, or behind, the dummy clowns that had been placed in the car. This in turn led me to understand that they had been murdered and placed beneath the dummies in order to conceal their bodies. Suddenly, the salesman's eyes opened up and he looked at me. Terrified, I ran away instead of trying to help.

Now, my question is this:
In the dream I understood that the man and his midget had been murdered; this is why I ultimately ran away. However, there was no blood on either body, and the salesman actually opened his eyes in the end of the dream. This forces me to ask: could my mind have misinterpreted the dream in my dream-state? Was it saying something completely different, and I understood it wrong? I realize that this goes against everything we've come to believe about dreams (i.e. what you think in a dream is the "truth" of the dream), but I think it would make for an interesting concept; maybe a good science fiction story.