The Dreams Thread

I remember at my old house, I saw a few in their webs in the bathroom. Creepy little things, but I still like watching them.

Yeah watching them can be fun when I expect to see them and I know where they're at, but as far as finding them just hangin out near me, fuck that shit. Had one on my curtain in my room, it had just 2 of its back legs on it and the others were all reaching out toward my stereo. They must like the music or somthing because it has happened before lol. The ones I have the most problem with are the really chubby ones, nasty looking fuckers.

Had an interesting dream last night. It was wierd because I've had similar dreams when I was younger.
I would dream that I was going through my normal routine and all of a sudden there would be a loud trumpet blast and then I would hear a deep voice yelling. Then a huge leg would come down from the sky and momments before it stomped on me I would awake.
I would dream that I was going through my normal routine and all of a sudden there would be a loud trumpet blast and then I would hear a deep voice yelling. Then a huge leg would come down from the sky and momments before it stomped on me I would awake.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That would make a great recurring event in some Monty Python style comedy show.
Now, my question is this:
In the dream I understood that the man and his midget had been murdered; this is why I ultimately ran away. However, there was no blood on either body, and the salesman actually opened his eyes in the end of the dream. This forces me to ask: could my mind have misinterpreted the dream in my dream-state? Was it saying something completely different, and I understood it wrong? I realize that this goes against everything we've come to believe about dreams (i.e. what you think in a dream is the "truth" of the dream), but I think it would make for an interesting concept; maybe a good science fiction story.

Indeed. What if you had a recurring dream in which you had to make an important decision (i.e. to save someone's life or talk to a certain dream-character to receive vital information about a future event), but every time you reached the crucial moment of the dream your 'auto-pilot' would steer you away from the right decision?

Suppose you had to find some way to train your subconscious mind to take the other path when the moment came up again - perhaps even under time pressure if you had found out through your dreams that the decision you were faced with would have to be made in, say, a week or two.

Alternately, the story could be about someone who is 'cursed' to suffer the consequences of 'bad decisions' he makes while dreaming (or has extraordinarily bad luck in real life, and continually misses opportunities to receive information through his dreams that can prevent his bad luck), and has to learn to achieve lucidity in his dreams before his life is destroyed.
Do you guys ever have dreams you're stalking someone? I can remember bits and pieces of all these dreams I've had where I'm following a girl, then we usually end up having sex in some kind of unrealistic way.

my last dream was getting on the bus to go to college and i put down the money on the tray and the driver tells me its not enough, i get all angry and threaten him and everyone re assures me that the middle part of a two pound coin is worth less now. then i woke up.
To my recollection, I don't think I've ever contributed to this thread until today:

Anyway, I probably was dreaming until the first time I woke up (~9 AM) and then I went back to sleep and the following happened:

-Went golfing down in Florida with my dad and a few random people I've met over the years, but don't necessarily hang out with on a regular basis.
-Met a stripper that looked like Olivia Wilde's twin and had sex with her
-Encountered a convention of people who did a damn good rendition of Pearl Jam's Jeremy
-Figured out I didn't have enough money to pay for the stripper, so I had to borrow money from people
-Started making out with the stripper

and that's when I woke up (2.5 hours later)
Last night dream I went to a concert and the band was thrash metal and had Kevin Garnett in it.:lol:Man I wish the band was real because they were a really good band.Then I meet Kevin Garnett and sign my celtics shirt of his and then I woke up.
I dream of genie.

I had a dream about a cow dog. It was the size and shape of a dog, and had fur like a golden retriever, but the head, feet, and tail were of a cow. It was fucking cool. It was hanging from the side of a barn by it's stomach (and was alive) and I asked "what is that" and a farmer nonchalantly says "a cow dog." My mind was blown when I woke up.
I envy you, lucid dreamers. I hardly remember my dreams, and the few times I did, they were so obscure, fragmented and devoid of sense, I woke up completely befuddled by what I had seen.
I had a dream a few nights where my girlfriend and my mom were cooking dinner together and after we all ate they went shopping.

I am kind of scared at the thought of that and any implications it has real life wise.
Last week I had this dream that I was in Florida staying in some hotel that was for some reason built in an ordinary Miami cul-de-sac. So I jump out of the hotel window and float down to the ground (it was about seven stories) and I apparently walk down the stairs at the same time and I land on the ground. I walk by one house as a tall business-like man is walking in with a briefcase (despite it being like three in the morning in the dream) and the man accuses me of using DMT.

I respond "fuck!" and pull out a cigarette and smoke it. I try to fly away but I only go about ten feet up and make it about five feet away before I come back down. My body gets all weightless and I run.

So next, I appear in my school cafeteria and for some reason there is a hole in the wall where random lunches are handed out and not paid for. It is still the middle of the night, and for some reason me and this girl I know who I haven't talked to in a while start talking on a stage built in the middle of the hallway. She keeps going on about a subject I am apparently interested in because I'm watching her lips. I keep blinking, looking away, then looking back again because something seems funny. After about five minutes of this I realize that she is growing facial hair before my very eyes. It is blood-red and is coming out quite nicely, but is rather ragged. I get kind of creeped out and go for more food, then the dream changes to a bunch of weightless and pointless walking around in the halls of a strange and unfamiliar white building that is apparently my school.
I've been having a very weird sequence of dreams lately in which I've been dating this girl from another galaxy. Somehow she met when she was visiting our own and we fell in love, but eventually she had to leave but before she did she had her people give me a ship that could reach her, but it is a 10 month trip from Earth to her home planet in this.

So far in my dreams I've made the trip twice, but everytime I get to her planet I wake up.
I keep having these dreams that I'm talking to a girl that I like or that I've met someone new.
Waking up sucks :erk:
I've been having a very weird sequence of dreams lately in which I've been dating this girl from another galaxy. Somehow she met when she was visiting our own and we fell in love, but eventually she had to leave but before she did she had her people give me a ship that could reach her, but it is a 10 month trip from Earth to her home planet in this.

So far in my dreams I've made the trip twice, but everytime I get to her planet I wake up.

I have dreams of females that are Alien(12's), I wake up kinda depressed after.