The Dreams Thread

I dream last night that I went to a 2 hour epic classical concert and had Thoth-Amon composing the music.Before the concert started they had some metal music on and then Thoth came out to his symphony.The song begins slow but towards the end it starts to get more epic and more insane with ending it with a bomb.Cool dream.

:lol: that's pretty funny considering I actually went to school to learn to compose classical music. I'll be sure to end my next masterwork with bombs and explosions. Wagner would be proud. :lol:
Yea so this is rather hard to admit...

But about a week or so ago, I had the wrost dream I've ever had or heard of for that matter. From what I can remember, I open the door to my room to surprisingly see Tera Patrick on my bed (should I realized it was a dream at this point) legs spread ready to get the pipe. As with anyone in this situation I hopped on like ron jeremy. So I'm thrustin to only hear a man's moan. And I look down to see the pussy grow hair like a fuckin chea pet (or however you spell it) and look up to see my dads face give a wink like a piece of jailbait.

Suffice to say I woke up to tears. And normally I'll take dreams no matter how their package it. As I see or more closely I used see it as dreams being a highly personal hallucination (legal drug trip anyone) that can shed light on your true self. But this was some freudian shit I didn't want to think about. Anyway, I've been a somewhat of an insomniac ever since.

Holy fucking shit :lol:
Does anyone else end up physically acting out their nightmares? I normally don't remember my dreams, but when I have a nightmare, I get physically violet, and I've often ended up shoving my wife in my sleep (poor woman, bless her). It sucks, but when I have a bad dream, I go into "fight or flight" mode.
Yea so this is rather hard to admit...

But about a week or so ago, I had the wrost dream I've ever had or heard of for that matter. From what I can remember, I open the door to my room to surprisingly see Tera Patrick on my bed (should I realized it was a dream at this point) legs spread ready to get the pipe. As with anyone in this situation I hopped on like ron jeremy. So I'm thrustin to only hear a man's moan. And I look down to see the pussy grow hair like a fuckin chea pet (or however you spell it) and look up to see my dads face give a wink like a piece of jailbait.

Suffice to say I woke up to tears. And normally I'll take dreams no matter how their package it. As I see or more closely I used see it as dreams being a highly personal hallucination (legal drug trip anyone) that can shed light on your true self. But this was some freudian shit I didn't want to think about. Anyway, I've been a somewhat of an insomniac ever since.

Man i feel disturbed just reading that.

Does anyone else end up physically acting out their nightmares? I normally don't remember my dreams, but when I have a nightmare, I get physically violet, and I've often ended up shoving my wife in my sleep (poor woman, bless her). It sucks, but when I have a bad dream, I go into "fight or flight" mode.

Almost sounds like you are having night terrors.
i write down all of my dreams after i wake up, i think dreams are really important. i dont have any recurring ones but there is this girl that always pops up in my dreams....probably because of the fact that i'm kind of in love with her. i hate to admit it but i think it's true
More like, "so dad you weren't in my room last night, right?"

:lol: To which he answered with a wink.

So I take it you won't be looking up Tera Patrick any time soon...

And why is that? I'd say they are completely unimportant and peripheral to anything going on in your life..though they are truly entertaining

I think there is a small possibility that they are somewhat important.
I can remember a few cases where I've had a dream and then the same situation plays out in real life. I don't think that they are important enough that they should affect decisions in life.
Some time last week I had a dream that I was wrongfully imprisoned (on some kind of bogus hacking / computer crime charges), and while in prison I met this chick who worked there. She knew I was innocent, and we fell in love and secretly plotted my escape. It was like this big elaborate drama film, and the prison was extremely corrupt, kind of like Shawshank but a lot worse because they actually 'executed' some of the prisoners periodically. There was a sense that a rebellion was brewing inside the prison and that all hell was going to break loose before long, but I woke up before anything big happened.