The Dreams Thread

I had a dream where I lived in some rural desert town with my brother and dad in whoknowswhere, and then these biker mormons came with guitars and tried to get me to convert, but I refused so they left, and the next day they came and destroyed the town.
It's normal for most males to have homosexual dreams.

Although I've never heard of a man dreaming about screwing his dad. Maybe you should just kill yourself. ;)
I had one of those fucked up dreams a couple nights ago. I was inside the house at the bottom of my street that I've actually never been in, and I start stepping outside. It's a nice summer evening and I can hear the owl hooting and (for some reason) crows cawing. The owl then starts hooting a jazz bassline and the crows take turns chiming in improvising melodies with something that sounds like a mix of a crow caw and a saxophone and sounds awesome.

So I listen to that, and I'm enjoying my time, until a group of three people, two men, one woman, start chasing two other people and I. One of them throws a blade across the street that was made of plastic, and has two blades. Set down on the ground it would have the shape of a fork with two points, the blades carved to the right sides of the points, and the point on the left being a lot longer. S

So then, I run across the street to attack the woman. Somehow I end up getting her tied up to the door frame of a house, a limb to each corner, and I begin cutting her. I start on the arms and not much blood comes out, so I move to the legs and less blood comes out. I begin to slice her left wrist and more blood comes out, but not enough. Then she starts shrinking and I find myself putting my dick in her and she starts freaking out. After a couple pumps I hear some more people who I perceive to be after me, so I cum in front of the door and start running.
I had a dream recently where I was out in the middle of this field and I was watching an airplane fly overhead. Some how I knew that it was going to crash and it flew past me at a very low altitude. As it got farther away it started to tilt back as if it were trying to ascend, but it wouldn't stop. It ended up stalling, did a backflip, and then it crashed.
There was a a line of trees at the edge of the field and I was still quite far away so all I could see was smoke and fire rise above the trees.
It hit with a loud bang and then a few seconds after I could hear people screaming. At this point I started to wonder how I could hear the people scream when all of a sudden I start to see little flickering lights come through the tree line and into the field. As the screaming starts to get closer I realize that I am watching burning people running away from the crash. Then I remember turning away because I didn't want to see it and I woke up.
Devasya Chāyā;8820674 said:
Then she starts shrinking and I find myself putting my dick in her and she starts freaking out. After a couple pumps I hear some more people who I perceive to be after me, so I cum in front of the door and start running.

I found most of your dream rather ho-hum aside from the jazz-singing crows, but these last two sentences fucking cracked me up. :lol:

It hit with a loud bang and then a few seconds after I could hear people screaming. At this point I started to wonder how I could hear the people scream when all of a sudden I start to see little flickering lights come through the tree line and into the field. As the screaming starts to get closer I realize that I am watching burning people running away from the crash.

This is simply amazing :lol:

I find that by masturbating 5 - 10 times a day has completely stopped any nocturnal emissions, especially when I fantasize about Dazed And Brutal and his dad having sex while I'm rubbin' 'em out.

Honestly, wet dreams are the one thing I miss the most about pre-masturbation life. They're a lot of fun and usually have interesting 'storylines'. I hardly ever get them now that I masturbate, but I kind of want to try not doing it for a month or so to see if I could get them to return.
I've noticed that in quite a few of my dreams I'll think of somthing that is about to happen and I know it is going to happen simply because I thought of it but it still comes as a shock.
Is it like this for anybody else?

With me it's usually somthing gory,like watching some sort of disgusting archived emergency video. I watch and become nervous because I know that somthing graphic is about to happen, but I have a hard time looking away because up until that point I find it interesting.
I havent had a dream that I could rememebr for years... I swear my parents are slipping me hipnocil or something...

But... when I was younger... I was plagued by a recurring dream.

I could be anywhere, doing anything... and suddenly... I was menaced by a muskrat.. about a foot tall... always standing on its hind legs. The Muskrat's intentions were never clear to me... but I was paralyzed with stifling fear every time I saw it. I'd then wake up, with a crash down onto my bed (does this ever happen to anyone else?)... covered in sweat.

On one occasion, I woke up, fully clothed... laying in the bathtub.... These dreams went on for what I believe to be a 7 year period (age 5 to 12) then suddenly stopped.

I bludgeoned one to death with a rock when I was 16. Fucker.
a crash down onto my bed (does this ever happen to anyone else?)... covered in sweat.

Only if I've found some really good porn. :p

I bludgeoned one to death with a rock when I was 16. Fucker.

Lucky, I could never get revenge on the monsters from my recurring dreams as they were a crushed cookie named bart and what I now assume to be the foot of god... Now that I think of it my dreams when I was young were just fucking random.
Once in great while I'll find myself having a wet dream.

Then when I wake up, I always end up being disappointed.

I remember when I was younger I used to fear that I'd start talking in my wet dreams.
Well, i'm personally really interested in metaphysical studies, dreams, alternative medicines etc. etc.
I just think dreams are very important in our everyday lives, there always seems to be some sort of deeper meaning and something our sub-conscious is telling us and our 6th sense can kick in a lot in our dreams. Even freud and other psychologists have said that dreams are extremely important to our psychi and often times show/tell us things that are important and sometimes repressed/forgotten. our REM sleep cycles are also important. I dunno i just think our subconscious is very very important and dreams are a medium for it to communicate with our conscious.
Lulz someone is a Psychoanalyst >_>

I don't really think the subconscious is very important and most of Freud's work, albeit somewhat interesting, doesn't compare to what was found by Skinner, Beck, Ellis etc.

Also if you haven't, check out Carl Jung, as he has a lot to do with studying dreams, the unconscious and so on.