The Dreams Thread

I dreamed I was flying through the clouds over Japan with the Dalai Lama. Pretty fucking mystical. :goggly:
Last night I dreamed that I was in a town that was apparently my hometown, as I found everything familiar; but all the street signs were different and the names were changed. In one part of the dream I began walking down a street because I thought my house was close, but then realized that I was far away from it. So I went back to get my car and couldn't find where I parked.

Pretty boring dream compared to the ones I usually have, but the sense of uncanniness and surreality that accompanied being in a town that was mine but not left me feeling somewhat perplexed upon waking.
Yeah, Alzheimer's-esque dreams can be cool to talk about, but when described they can sound quite dull.
Last night I had my very first nightmare within memory. What I remember is it was being explained to me how the afterlife works, and that if you move too quickly then "your death might (or will) come and follow you." So somehow I die, and the process was very strange. It was a process of losing sensory like falling asleep, and it was painless, but it was not at all relaxing. That part freaked me out a lot, the feeling of dying.

Next, I am in the afterlife. It is very much the same as my normal life. I go to school (though the building is different and has two stories, somewhat similar to the school I went to for first grade), and I go to classes. There are rules that I know to be set in this afterlife, for specific actions I cannot take. One of which, I seem to remember is not to touch another person, and there was another I vaguely remember about looking at people. So someone gives me something (I think a book) to bring up to his homeroom and put on his desk.

So I run down the hallway and go through a door that leads to the stairwell. I run up the stairs to see a bunch of people moving around who I seem not allowed to speak to. I head into a room where people are standing and not moving to put down the objects on the proper desk. Next, the same scene plays over, except when I run up the stairs I somehow "sense" something else there and I turn to see a floating sepia-colored skeletal form next to me with its mouth open and appearing to be screaming at me or saying something. I don't remember what it said, if anything, because at that moment I was so overcome with terror that I woke up.
That's pretty fucking cool.

I've had dumb dreams lately. I mean really dumb. Last night I dreamt that I was among the cast of Lost. I did get to kiss Evangeline Lilly though.
My dream last night was terrible. I dreamed that I had just woken up and was getting ready for work. :erk:
Devasya Chāyā;8732487 said:
Last night I had my very first nightmare within memory. What I remember is it was being explained to me how the afterlife works, and that if you move too quickly then "your death might (or will) come and follow you." So somehow I die, and the process was very strange. It was a process of losing sensory like falling asleep, and it was painless, but it was not at all relaxing. That part freaked me out a lot, the feeling of dying.

:kickass: Pretty cool.

Had a dream about a year or two ago where for some reason I kept saying "Fuck god fuck god fuck god" and then I remember saying somthing like "when I get up there I'm going to rape you" and all of a sudden my whole body started to feel weird. It was almost like laughing gas. I started seeing spots and felt like all emotion had been sucked out of my body. I felt like the only thing under my skin was sky (if that makes any sense). It was almost a pleasant feeling except for the terror I felt because of how fast and unexpected it was. It all happened within 4 or 5 seconds and then I woke up.

I think that is the only time where I can remember actually feeling somthing in a dream.
A couple months ago I had a dream about some shit that happened in the past, but this time I got shot. Right under my right lung. I woke up gasping and felt horrendous pain, and my gf freaked out thinking I was dying. I had the same dream with the same reaction the very next night. It was horrible, painful, and weird.
The night before last I had a really weird dream.

So it starts with me in the basement of a skyscraper. Judging by the situation, about four individuals in the room and I were secret agents gearing up with weapons to do an operation. There was a mischievous little girl in the room with blond hair who was using a strange thing that at times appeared like a gun, and at others like a claw, that shot tiny robots inside of our guns. I could see a zoomed-in view of the robots going in and a green light turning on. I started alerting people as to what this little girl was doing and no one listened.

Next, I am in the yard of a house that appears to be that of my next-door neighbor. The only difference is, someone else lives there, and behind it is a huge forest that is being cut down. So for some reason a huge fallen tree is resting against my neighbor's deck, so I walk up onto it.

Then, I appear with a crowd of people on my driveway preparing for some sort of athletic competition. This guy who is my friend's boyfriend was sitting in a wheelchair. I looked at him and wondered if he actually was in a wheelchair in real life, but then I had to pick him up out of the chair for the event. So this guy in his mid-forties was on rollerskates and I had to get in front of him and cut him off in the wheel chair while he was singing "grandma got run over by a reindeer." So he starts singing, and I'm pissed off as he's going around singing that damn song, and eventually we're on the grass (yes, a wheel chair and roller skates were working on the grass) and I finally manage to cut him off and my team gets a point.

The event ends and I'm back in the basement of the skyscraper. The little girl continues to shoot the robots into guns and I continue to alert everyone to it and no one listens.

Next, I am back in my neighbor's yard and I go around back. I go to a backyard (that in relation would be my backward, but looks entirely different) and I see a man outside with his grill. I seem more concerned with a rock on the ground and I flip it over. Under the rock is a blue scorpion. I pick up the scorpion, holding its tail down and I feel it vibrate as it is growling at me. I say/think something about a field guide for scorpions in New York, then I think: "Wow! I found a fucking scorpion in New York!" So then I ask the guy on the grill if he has something I could put the scorpion in. He turns out to be Bill from King of the Hill and we walk around inside of his house. He never really finds anything, so the dream changes.

I'm back in the basement of the skyscraper, and then it zooms outside and there is an elephant suspended from a blimp by a rope. A giant fan on top of one of the skyscrapers blows it high into the air, and then it comes crashing down. Next to the blimp, standing in the rubble (the elephant is alive) is Dr. Light from Megaman, and he is perfectly fine. I can't remember anything after that.
I'm in some sort of underground fighting tournament. Its all taking place in the courtyard of my school. I'm watching another fight, whose victor I will face. The current match is the singer of Marduk against a group of small children (no doubt inspired by me seeing that video of him throwing the guy off the stage). Morgan and the kids fight against each other in my school courtyard for 20 years. Meanwhile, I am powering up. Finally Morgan wins, and its my turn to face him. I'm actually kicking his ass for a bit. And it seems as if I'm winning, though he doesn't seem hurt by my powerslams. I'm carrying him on my shoulder to a brick wall, presumably for a match-ending smash. AND MY MOM FUCKING WAKES ME UP!!
I had a dream last night was an actor doing a scene for a movie and it was pretty awesome.

Devasya Chāyā;8724935 said:
I had a dream last night that I was smoking weed in my room. Fuck yes.


(I do that). I smoke anywhere I think can get away with it.
I dream last night that I went to a 2 hour epic classical concert and had Thoth-Amon composing the music.Before the concert started they had some metal music on and then Thoth came out to his symphony.The song begins slow but towards the end it starts to get more epic and more insane with ending it with a bomb.Cool dream.
Yea so this is rather hard to admit...

But about a week or so ago, I had the wrost dream I've ever had or heard of for that matter. From what I can remember, I open the door to my room to surprisingly see Tera Patrick on my bed (should I realized it was a dream at this point) legs spread ready to get the pipe. As with anyone in this situation I hopped on like ron jeremy. So I'm thrustin to only hear a man's moan. And I look down to see the pussy grow hair like a fuckin chea pet (or however you spell it) and look up to see my dads face give a wink like a piece of jailbait.

Suffice to say I woke up to tears. And normally I'll take dreams no matter how their package it. As I see or more closely I used see it as dreams being a highly personal hallucination (legal drug trip anyone) that can shed light on your true self. But this was some freudian shit I didn't want to think about. Anyway, I've been a somewhat of an insomniac ever since.