The Dreams Thread

I have had dreams that are loaded with subconscious cathartic emotional guilt. Freud would have a field day. The best is having sex dreams about someone you are having an affair with when in bed with your partner, and then waking up. Or dreaming that your perfectly crafted love triangle falls apart.
What annoys me is when I dream a really kickass original song and then can't remember how it goes when I wake up. This has been happening more frequently to me lately.

That frustrates the hell out of me. One time I dreamed that I was listening to a song from Vader's newest album, although I never listen to Vader. Anyway, it was this mad epic song with clean vocals and sick melodic riffs. I know that Vader actually sounds nothing like that, but it was such a fucking sweet song.

The best is having sex dreams about someone you are having an affair with when in bed with your partner, and then waking up.

Yeah, that sounds like an incredibly healthy lifestyle. :rolleyes:
Thrice I've had a dream that a beautiful woman would approach me and say "You can sleep with me if you let me fuck you first", after which she would turn into a well-tanned and highly ripped picture perfect definition of masculinity. Each time I consented, and the fucking cheat always woke me up when it was my turn. :(
I had a dream last night that I was sitting on these bleachers in my school's gym. This girl that I really like(and never get to see anymore) started waslking up towards me. As she got closer I noticed she was crying and wispering somthing. After about 3 times of me saying "What?" she got to the row just below me. I leaned over to hear her and she whispered "I love you". As I'm always joking around I responded with "Vut a coincidence"(I have no fucking clue)in a sad/trying to lighten the mood sort of way. Then she kissed the side of my forehead (I was still leaning) and I felt the depression and anxiety just melt away. I awoke to the sounds of Abigor's latest and slowly realized that it was all a dream. I threw my mp3 player across the room.:erk:
I've had dreams like that. Not in a long time, but my high school years were full of them. Strikingly similar, strangely enough; it does suck when you wake up, but those moments of relief like the one you described in your dream work wonders for your psyche.
I dreamt about the olympics last night, just some random downhill skiing competition presented in a blur. I wish I had more symbolic dreams, but I've been watching so much sports the last week that my head feels completely empty of other things.
Kinda had a disturbing dream that contained Ted Bundy in it. He looked like he was still in his prime. He seemed to be a colleague of my dad who came to visit my apartment which was housed in an abandoned warehouse. Bundy kept talking about my girlfriend, to which I snapped at him. My dad told me not to be rude, but I threw a punch at Bundy which didn't end up connecting due to an invisible forcefield.

Funny thing is, my girlfriend never actually materialized in the dream. Her name was just being mentioned alot in the dream. I can't remember alot of the dream other than that.
I'm sure most of us have had dreams that had that invisible forcefield effect when getting into a fight. I've also had dreams where I completely and utterly beat the shit out of someone in my dream. Can't say it was enjoyable, it was definitely satisfying though.
Latley I have had dreams that feel real but can't remember them that much aside from the people in them.

Last night dream, I and other GMD members were killed by Dodens Grav. Dodens was a huge movie threater screen talking to the GMD members in a area with lasers, saws, bombs, and guns all over the place.

Members killed in the dream.

cookiecutter,me,Mathias,Thoth-Amon,The Ozzman,Zephyrus,mutantllama,Krigloch,Eligos,seedofvengeance, and Einherjar.
You gotta admire the dedication to the role...almost a year of non-stop in-character trolling. I think humanity has reached a new low
I had a dream that Lemmy was actually somehow related to my family on my mom's side. There was going to be a family reunion in town so I rented a hotel room which we shared a room together. I don't remember too much, but he was pretty cool about everything and mostly just smoked cigars and talked about German history (probably because that's what my German maternal grandfather does). We shared a tray of Panda Express orange chicken too. When I woke up I had this happy mushy aww-family-reunions kind of feeling.