The Dreams Thread

I had more fucked up dreams last night. I decided there was something wrong with my balls so I rang up some doctor, who came round to my house (I don't have a house). He was an old man and somehow turned my testicles inside out and removed them from my sack and prodded something and told me I had testicular cancer. I was like "oh shit can you fix it" and he told me he could, but I'd have to stay awake during the procedure. I was like "fuck okay maybe" so he took me to his operating theatre (which happened to be a reclined seat in the car he arrived in) (???) and picked up a hacksaw and told me to flop my balls out. I began to panic and woke up slightly perturbed.
When I was in bed last night I had these mini-dreams where I would zone out for a few seconds and imagine some weird shit, then 'snap out of it'. It happened a few times before I actually fell asleep for good.

In one of the mini-dreams, I thought I was watching an ant crawl around on the floor by my bed. It kind of annoyed me, but I didn't feel like reaching over to kill it. Then the ant disappeared around a fold of clothing or something, and a few seconds later a spider emerged from around the same fold. I was like "whoa, wtf" and opened my eyes (though it didn't feel like opening my eyes so much as just squinting to get a better look), and the spider was gone.
hoooooooooooooooooooo boy

I had a dream about Krigloch last night because I watched his Nevermore Cascada video right before bed. In the dream he was at my house for some reason and took a shower. Then I wanted to use the shower after him but he had used my favorite towel. I remember being extremely self conscious about undressing (my shower room doesn't have a door, just a flimsy hanging/curtain type thing) and worrying that he was going to peep at me. So I wore all my clothes into the shower room and took them off pushed into a corner and tossed them outside the shower room piece by piece. I think I might have used the towel he used too... >_<

In part II of the dream I went on a date in Martha's Vineyard or some other coastal New England town with Episteme and some white chick, and he got really elitist-angry because I suggested that I might enjoy Pantera. He made some remark like "NOT EVERYONE LIKES PANTERA YOU KNOW" and then the date just totally failed. We walked along the shore and a great white shark started spyhopping and beaching itself like an orca trying to eat us.
Both you and Tom Brady always have dreams that involve GMD members. The only difference is all of us want to be in your dreams, and none of us want to be in his.
Always? This was the first one I think. Poor Tom Brady!

Haha when I took my shower this morning I totally checked to see if the green towel was wet, since you know Krigloch used it while I was sleeping...ahahaha
In part II of the dream I went on a date in Martha's Vineyard or some other coastal New England town with Episteme and some white chick, and he got really elitist-angry because I suggested that I might enjoy Pantera. He made some remark like "NOT EVERYONE LIKES PANTERA YOU KNOW" and then the date just totally failed. We walked along the shore and a great white shark started spyhopping and beaching itself like an orca trying to eat us.

Win. Did we at least get to the sweet love making despite the failed date?
Aww poor diddums. It's okay I'm not very elitist in real life, and I do infact enjoy some Pantera albums :D

I've been having some really twisted dreams after I've been watching the Australian "based on real events" Crime drama Underbelly. I wish I could remember them...
FUCKED UP dream last night. Seriously fucked up.

Was planning a trip somewhere with my friend Clark and some random chick. We went to the airport and browsed the international departures. We were going to go somewhere in western Europe but decided last minute after doing some pros and cons research to go to Dubai and stay at one of the cool luxury hotels. I remember feeling nervous about going to a Sharia country for the first time. Anyway, we dispersed to go to the bathroom before boarding, and I couldn't find the Dubai gate for a while. Finally boarded and the plane was a mess, I couldn't believe Emirates would provide such shitty accommodation. Seats were in disrepair and there was no in flight entertainment in the seatbacks.

The plane started to taxi to take off, and I realized it wasn't going to Dubai at all - it was bound for Jancek, somewhere in Central/Eastern Europe that on the flight map appeared to be densely forested. I started to panic and then thought to myself, "okay, I'll just get a flight to Dubai when I get to Jancek."

A flight attendant went on the PA and made an announcement: "The flight will now crash, assume crash positions and brace!" I thought she was joking and I looked around, everyone else looked confused too. But then the nose dipped down and the plane started descending at an unnatural speed, so I half-heartedly took brace position. It got really hot, with blood red and orange flames enveloping the plane, and intermittently would stall and stabilize, kind of like a phugoid cycle.

And then I woke up. Fucked up!
wtfffffffffffffff, been remembering dreams more lately and they are all weird.

dreamed that I went to London with Man-Purse and all my friends from Japan and an e-friend I have (who lives in London) that I've never met was there but for some reason we couldn't hang out and it was extremely frustrating.