The Dreams Thread

Soon you'll break through into the lucid zone and start having hot dream-sex with all the fatties you could ever wish for.

No way, I'll curb it at "stuffing a few sandwiches into each fat roll" thanks. Or "upping his daily calorie count from 5k to 50k."

See those are the kinds of dream details that I generally leave out when I write in this thread, ahahahaha. Interesting one, perhaps you did that while drunk at MDF and forgot about it.
I woke up before it was time to get up this morning and then drifted back to sleep for forty minutes, during which time I had one of the most violent dreams I've ever had. It involved some big conan-type guy fighting a bunch of dudes in a running sword fight. It was kind of like the action in 300, only no slo-mo and way more violent and intense. It ended with a bigger guy fighting the guy and ending up on the ground and he tried to bite the conan-guy's balls and conan-guy jumped up, landed on the dude's chest with an unbelievably brutal crunching sound, and then just as he pulled out a really vicious curved knife and started disemboweling the guy my alarm went off.
The weird thing is I have no idea why they were fighting or who they were and I felt no connection to anyone. Also, I kind of felt the brutality of the killing viscerally. It was pretty disturbing.
I've been having a recurring dream of my own personal zombie apocalypse in the past month or so. (and on and off for a couple years actually)

None of my family or friends have ever appeared in the dream, atleast that I've noticed... so I'm not sure if I'm "dreaming a movie" or not... but the location is most definitely the local mall, spot on.

Just as my death should come i run down a steep bank. as I'm about to tumble to the ground or water (i cant swim), soft mud breaks my landing. (at the edge of a body of water) I charge up the other side of the hill as hard as I can... for so long... I come upon a farmhouse and barn in the middle of no where. In there, a few families are living and take me in. I live with them for years, until one of them gets sick and dies and becomes zombified. The shock of the old woman waking up from her death and charging us startles me from my sleep every time.
Now this is just sad. I dreamt last night that Cythraul and I were hanging out at a house just sitting around talking about life and how terrible it is to be alive. He was drinking steadily the whole time and at one point we went on a mini adventure around the house trying to find something that would mix well with Sprite. I think we failed. We decided to go out and we ran into one of the English teachers from my prefecture, who was campaigning to save bald eagles. I received news that they had gone extinct and I was very upset about that even though I could see maps of Alaska and northern Canada mapping out existing bald eagle populations. Then I was at some park or other open green space outdoors sitting at a picnic table, and my friend Becky who I never see appeared with my high school ex who just married a friend of mine IRL. She circulated among the other picnic tables and chose to sit with me over everyone else.
Damn Cythraul, you missed out on your one chance at getting dream-laid with krampus because you didn't have the right liquor to put in a Sprite.
Well I had some weird ones last night. I don't remember much, but I know that at one point I discovered I was able to suck my own dick (and quite well at that), and later on I was with Addo_Of_Nex and my old high school Spanish teacher and she was guiding us in this 'science experiment' wherein we would lick up all this cum from a table and then let it drip out from our mouths, and as it fell it would cling to our dicks due to some form of magnetism.


That is the strangest thing I have ever heard. Ever.
I dreamt that I was in Sonisphere Turkey attending the Big Four/Manowar/Accept/Rammstein/etc. concert, and that my friends flew to a different city.

I had to walk alone and return to the hotel. When i entered the hotel, everything shifted to a Bioshock-like environment, at which point I became aware I was in a dream. I was convinced that the only way to end this dream was to finish the level. I kept running away from the bad guys till I reached a point where I found a red button that supposedly signaled the end of the dream. I kept pressing it but nothing happened. Then everything went blurry, and the dream ended.

Two of my most epic dreams I ever had were :

* Fighting homosexual zombies in the middle of a French play.

* Being a companion of Saint George, the Dragon Slayer.
I dream about chicks a lot. Current ones I know and ones that have not talked too losing contact with. A lot of times they're wrong/odd. I almost don't like it. It's a basis thing.
I dream a lot about generic situations. The only difference in the dreams is that it's usually from a third person view and I have hardly any control of my own motor skills. It's like this thought control exercise that I do where I imagine a clock with one hand rotating clockwise, then I try to get the hand to stop at the twelve, and then rotate the other way. Usually I can't do it and it frustrates me. It's like I have a slippery grip on my imagination.
So last night I had a dream about having a party at my house, and a bunch of you guys were there. It was around the time of the sun setting. At one point one of you guys wanted some music and ironically ObscureInfinity put on some Morbid Angel. It was quite strange.

I had a couple other dreams last night and one of them involved me taking a shower in a small bathroom and the other one was me driving a motorcycle into the sunset. Oh also the bathroom dream was around 8 PM(around the time the sunsets) I think I see a pattern. But I'm going to see what happens tonight.
I hate how I have a photographic memory for dreams involving feces. A few days ago I had a dream that I dropped something expensive into my bathroom toilet (can't remember exactly what it was; a cell phone maybe) and accidentally flushed it. For some reason there was this second bowl under the main one, so even though I flushed the object of interest through the first one, I could still grab it. Then I noticed a bunch of golf balls in the top bowl (NOTE: I collect golf balls and am always happy to get rare colors or brands), but when I tried to reach them there was an invisible repulsive force, as if I was looking at the next pieces in a Tetris game. So I flush once and as I expected, the fall into the bottom bowl, which I remove them from. Initially they're standard golf balls, but then a beautiful assortment of colored and patterned ones like I've never seen appear in the top bowl. I flush again, but while the golf balls exit, shit somehow gets into the area. And nasty shit too, a smooth streak-leaving yellow type. The allure of the golf balls is just too much though so I dig in regardless thinking "I can always wash my hands", and flush again. At this point there are gold coins, jewels, and other assorted treasures coming through, but all the while more and more shit begins to pile up and my arms are now covered in it half way up to the elbow. Shitty objects are scattered all over my bathroom floor and even though the mess is insurmountable I can't resist the goodies. Pretty quickly the double-sickness of greed and piles of crap overwhelmed me, and I woke up.