The Dreams Thread

He's joking.

I had a dream last night (or maybe the night before) where a small village had appointed me detective to solve this string of unsolved murders that were very gruesome. I can't exactly remember the details of how it panned out (I do know that it didn't make any sense in reality), but I do recall standing on stilts and firing my gun at the person I knew to be guilty.
Really vivid dream this morning in which I and some other dude were maintaining what seemed like a small nuclear reactor in the back yard of a house. We had to keep replacing the coolant water periodically to prevent meltdown, and the tank had roughly the dimensions of one of those little inflatable swimming pools, though it was made of rusty iron. It was always the other guy doing the water replacement, for which he had to walk on top of the tank maybe 4-5 times an hour and pour a cup or two of water in.

Near the end of the dream, the guy slipped on the rim of the tank and fell in, and I started walking away with my ears covered so I wouldn't see or hear him boiling to death. I tried "wishing" myself back in time to undo his death (this is something I can often do in dreams where something really bad happens), but I don't remember if it worked because I didn't see the guy for the rest of the dream.
I've had a few dreams where I was able to control it, but not in a very long time. That's awesome that you can willingly do that.

EDIT: it's so weird though. In dreams where you can do that (i.e. go back in time), do you think as you do it "this is awesome because I could never do this in real life;" or is it completely normal within the context of the dream?
I've had a few dreams where I was able to control it, but not in a very long time. That's awesome that you can willingly do that.

EDIT: it's so weird though. In dreams where you can do that (i.e. go back in time), do you think as you do it "this is awesome because I could never do this in real life;" or is it completely normal within the context of the dream?

I have never been able to control a dream without first realizing I was dreaming.
What seems odd to me about Grant travelling back in time is that it seems to complicate things.

If you realize you're dreaming and acknowledge the fact that anything is possible in a dream, then why can't you simply bring someone back who was killed? Why do you have to go through the process of turning back time (which is equally impossible, but still within a kind of systematic understanding of cause and effect; which shouldn't apply in complete recognition of a dream)?

It seems to me like there's still an element of normality in the act; he's not in complete awareness that it's a dream, because otherwise he could just say "Oh, that guy died a gruesome death. I don't like that, I want him alive again."
Had a horrible dream...somehow, I managed to miss every day's worth of bands on MDF :lol: I was hanging out with some people (don't remember specifically) and suddenly it was late Sunday night and I was like "hm...when does Gorguts go on? OH FUCK WTF IT'S SUNDAY NIGHT?!"
I have never been able to (or more accurately, have never attempted to) go back in time in a dream. Every time I have realized I was dreamin it was usually due to it being a lame dream, and I would just change the dream to something that involved me doing something cool/impossible outside of dreaming.
Yeah, that makes sense.

At the point when I was able to control some of my dreams they just became pointless meanderings during which I would do impossible things (usually fly around, because I fucking wish I could fly).
Yeah, that makes sense.

At the point when I was able to control some of my dreams they just became pointless meanderings during which I would do impossible things (usually fly around, because I fucking wish I could fly).

Yeah, flying is usually involved.

Had a horrible dream...somehow, I managed to miss every day's worth of bands on MDF :lol: I was hanging out with some people (don't remember specifically) and suddenly it was late Sunday night and I was like "hm...when does Gorguts go on? OH FUCK WTF IT'S SUNDAY NIGHT?!"

Dreams where you totally forget to be at an important future event (whether a concert, work (omg hate these), etc.) always suck and leave you fucked in the head for a few seconds when you wake up.
I guess my dream this morning is relevant. I realized after waking up that it was patterned after the final mission of Mass Effect 2, but it kind of involved me and two other guys who were old friends in the dream but not at all like anyone I've ever met going through a series of James Bond-esque situations in some sort of huge evil lair thing, and there was a skeletal tyrannosaurus that chased us. There wasn't actually a climax, though, it was like suddenly things were over and there was a scene where everyone involved was chilling, like the last scene of a movie, and someone said something about someone who had died during the adventure, and I realized that one of my buddies had died, so I replayed it (that was what went through my mind) and got a different outcome. In the dream I understood that the adventure consisted of a series of binary choices that effected who lived and who died, but it was real, it wasn't a video game.

Also, I only played the last mission of ME2 once and got everyone through alive with no difficulty, but I've heard that people can die, so I guess that's what it was based on.

Cool dream. I escaped the tyrannosaurus by going down an escalator, because it was too big to fit.
Had a horrible dream...somehow, I managed to miss every day's worth of bands on MDF :lol: I was hanging out with some people (don't remember specifically) and suddenly it was late Sunday night and I was like "hm...when does Gorguts go on? OH FUCK WTF IT'S SUNDAY NIGHT?!"

Hahahahaha I had this dream the other day. Negura Bunget were playing just round the corner from wherever I was but I just COULDN'T LEAVE THE HOUSE. I remember looking at the clock like halfway through their set and thinking WHY AREN'T I THERE!?!? WHY AM I HERE!?!? Then another few minutes would immediately pass and the same thing would happen etc. It was a terrible dream hahah.

Last night I had a dream that all my friends were outside my room window on some grassy terrace thing, hanging out and having fun and laughing. I tried to exit the window once but for some reason decided not to, and then spent the rest of the dream sat on my bed jealous of the guys outside having fun.

I guess this is meant to symbolise me feeling estranged from my friendship groups or something :waah:
Haha, fucking dream logic, how does it work?!

I had a dream once that Secret Sphere (for some fucking reason!?) were playing a concert on a huge stage in a valley...? And my friends and I were driving a car around the ridges of the mountain surrounding said valley, and we were hearing/watching the show from the car :lol:
In dreams where you can do that (i.e. go back in time), do you think as you do it "this is awesome because I could never do this in real life;" or is it completely normal within the context of the dream?

he's not in complete awareness that it's a dream, because otherwise he could just say "Oh, that guy died a gruesome death. I don't like that, I want him alive again."

I'm pretty sure I've never had a dream where I became fully conscious that I was dreaming (without waking up) and of all the implications of unlimited possibility that realisation entails. I've never had a true lucid dream.

I have never been able to (or more accurately, have never attempted to) go back in time in a dream. Every time I have realized I was dreamin it was usually due to it being a lame dream, and I would just change the dream to something that involved me doing something cool/impossible outside of dreaming.

Honestly I think it has a lot to do with video games. I know I've had a few dreams in which I've literally summoned up a game menu console right over my field of vision and navigated it by mind power or something in order to 'reload' my dream to before something terrible happened.

I had a dream once that Secret Sphere (for some fucking reason!?) were playing a concert on a huge stage in a valley...? And my friends and I were driving a car around the ridges of the mountain surrounding said valley, and we were hearing/watching the show from the car :lol:

That sounds pretty cool actually :lol:
I'm pretty sure I've never had a dream where I became fully conscious that I was dreaming (without waking up) and of all the implications of unlimited possibility that realisation entails. I've never had a true lucid dream.

Yes, this is the difficult part, once you realize you are dreaming and attempt to change your entire dreamscape, you are in a precarious half awake/asleep state until your new dream takes off. If it doesn't happen smoothly/fast enough, you just wind up waking up. This has happened before, and it sucks.