The Dreams Thread

It's weird having dreams like that.I have them quite regularly,like last night,I find that my dreams are very vivid and strange after i've spent the majority of the night trying to sleep and finally get to sleep sometime around witching hour,which is most nights,unless i've had a few drinks prior to going to bed.Really strange random dreams that can involve people I have'nt seen in ages or weird spins on a situation that's been stressing me out.They're not always bad but i've had a few which have made me scared to go back to sleep in fear of them returning.
The other day I had a dream in which I learned that I had the ability to respawn after dying, much like a video game. I learned this after a car accident which involved me somehow losing control of my car and driving off a suspended highway bridge. My car exploded upon hitting the ground and I immediately respawned. Having learned that I had this amazing ability, I did all sorts of crazy awesome things that involved me getting killed and respawning. At first I saw it as a gift, but as time went on, I realized that it was a curse, for I did not want to live forever.

Pretty weird dream...

I had a dream very similar to this after my overdose of pills. I would come back in a different body somewhere else.
Ugh I had the ultimate horrible GMD dream. I gotta not eat less than 2 hours before bed. When I eat after 8 pm I always have weird food dreams that are ultra vivid.

From what I can remember, a bunch of regular posters and I were all in Berlin for New Year's Eve with a bunch of assorted other people from my life. Specifically I recall unknown, Cythraul and the Peoria teenage gang (I can't keep you all straight, no offense). We were riding trains through the Japanese countryside near where I live and then suddenly we were debating what restaurants to eat at. In the dream everyone ended up going somewhere I didn't want to go. Cythraul kept calling me obese and unknown was a weird hybrid of what he actually looks like + my friend Dru.
This will be the day when all of Deron's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My website, 'tis of thee, sweet forum of liberty, of thee I sing. Site where my fathers slayed, land of the pentatonic's pride, from every mountainside, let metal ring."

And if Ultimate Metal is to be a great site this must become true. So let metal ring from the prodigious fjords of Norway. Let metal ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let metal ring from the hell-swathed humid bushlands of Florida!

Let metal ring from the snowcapped crags of Romania!

Let metal ring from the slamming wastelands of California!

But not only that; let metal ring from cartel ridden streets of Mexico!

Let metal ring from blackened woods of Germany!

Let metal ring from every poisoned rat and spider in Australia. From every outback, let metal ring.

And when this happens, when we allow Metal to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every city, from every state and every nation, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Deron's children, black metallers and thrashing maniacs, folky heathens and Death-heads, Doomsters and Crust-punks, will be able to join fists and yell in the words of the old Hellhammer mantra, "Wearin' black, on death's track. Cryin' in fear, when hell's near. Cold's ya breath, fingers of death. Yer last fun, the crowd has fun!"

Make me a mod.
So I was in a pine grove digging for gold. I saw the edge of a golden cup sticking out from under a short pine tree. I ducked to avoid the needles, and began digging up the golden cup. As I pried it out of the ground, I saw several black widows walking around it.

Time skips forward and I'm in the shower. I twist and notice big white sores on my back. I begin to pop them, and blood starts following down the shower drain, along with lots of black widows.
This will be the day when all of Deron's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My website, 'tis of thee, sweet forum of liberty, of thee I sing. Site where my fathers slayed, land of the pentatonic's pride, from every mountainside, let metal ring."

And if Ultimate Metal is to be a great site this must become true. So let metal ring from the prodigious fjords of Norway. Let metal ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let metal ring from the hell-swathed humid bushlands of Florida!

Let metal ring from the snowcapped crags of Romania!

Let metal ring from the slamming wastelands of California!

But not only that; let metal ring from cartel ridden streets of Mexico!

Let metal ring from blackened woods of Germany!

Let metal ring from every poisoned rat and spider in Australia. From every outback, let metal ring.

And when this happens, when we allow Metal to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every city, from every state and every nation, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Deron's children, black metallers and thrashing maniacs, folky heathens and Death-heads, Doomsters and Crust-punks, will be able to join fists and yell in the words of the old Hellhammer mantra, "Wearin' black, on death's track. Cryin' in fear, when hell's near. Cold's ya breath, fingers of death. Yer last fun, the crowd has fun!"

Make me a mod.

I think I shed a tear.
I had one a few months ago. I was smoking, and finished the pack, threw it on the ground. The pack was red, and it said SUICIDE KILLS on the bottom right corner. And then I was in a huge building and it was all one big jewelery store. The world started ending, I could see the flames of the explosion coming towards the building I was in. I rescued a girl and brought her down to the bottom floor. My dream ends there. Not sure how its considered rescuing, considering the worlds blowing up anyways.
Have I told you guys about my Pedophile-land dreams? I have had this one that was really tough for me. I woke up somewhere and my friend just got me some kind of job where I was an interviewer who wasn't supposed to say anything, yet I was still talking and had problems out of it.

But after fucking up in the job I just went around the place and apparently every person out there was a pedophile raping small children. Dead or alive. At first I tried to call someone and shouted for help but then I realized that everyone is dressed the same, even police - it was the pedophile-rapist dress. Blue jeans and a strict sweater + idiotic smile. So I went to a toilet to see what people are doing with them kids and the toilets were really big and made exactly for the pupose of raping small children and there were people tearing them apart and eating them.

So I was like, cool, what economy does this state run on and went around and observed.
I recently had a dream where I was visiting Andy on campus for no apparent reason, I guess. We were walking around when suddenly we saw Ozzman flirting with some girl. After she left, Andy and I started giving him shit for being a poser or something, and he said that he was just doing it because she made him "art sandwiches" (I think this came from him making fun of women and Andy's art major). I said that it sounded cheesy. After that, we went inside one of the buildings which somehow became the entrance to the club where Nuclear War Now! Fest was being held, and Andy's friend Dan was about to go in. I called him a lucky fuck then woke up.
I'm running back to my car in a DisneyWorld parking lot, while its intensely raining. I trip and thumb falls off. I wait for an ambulance at the nearest bus stop. My dad is sitting at a desk in the bus stop on his laptop. My friends are sitting on couches in the middle of the road.

What the fuck?