The Dreams Thread

I had a dream today that I picked up a large leaf of some sort, it was bigger than me and had these thorns on sides. Then I went to some other place covered in that leaf and it looked really cool. So yeah.
zabu of nΩd;9639002 said:
In last night's dream I was wandering around a building -- one of these giant all-purpose dream buildings that seems to go on and on.

Sometimes there's this building in my dreams, it's a mall, hospital and a theatre all in one. I'm scared of those three things so this is like, really shitty to get lost in. There's always a train station in front of this building and I catch a wrong train.
:lol: at Ondra and Grant both.

Last night I dreamed that I was on flying carpets with the dinosaurs from The Land Before Time. My leg started to go numb (which actually happens to me in real life, I have a problem with circulation in my leg) and I started to slide off the blanket. At this point I knew I was dreaming, but couldn't open my eyes.


A few nights ago I had a bit of a terrifying dream that also made me laugh upon waking. I was in this person's apartment for a dinner party. During the course of the party we discovered that there was a dead girl in his closet. Her eyes were still open (this is important). It was understood in the dream that he hadn't killed the girl, he didn't even know she was there. So he makes an announcement: "May I have everyone's attention! I don't want anyone to freak out, but there's a dead girl in the closet."

People gasp and shake their heads, but no one suggests we call the cops. Someone asks: "Who is she?"

The host said: "It's that tennis player, Anna Karenina" (this is the part that made me laugh upon waking; I combined the actual tennis player Anna Kournikova and the title character from Tolstoy's Anna Karenina)

So we decided to burn the body (for some reason). We held this almost vigil-like ceremony where we laid her on the living room floor and set her on fire. As the flames started to lick around the sides of her, her eyes (which were open when we found her) moved in their sockets. They began to flick back and forth as though agitated, and then eventually settled directly on me. This freaked me out, so I turned and walked away. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my leg. I looked down and saw that she'd crawled over to me and had grabbed my leg, and was staring up at me. Then I woke up.
I recently had a dream where I was visiting Andy on campus for no apparent reason, I guess. We were walking around when suddenly we saw Ozzman flirting with some girl. After she left, Andy and I started giving him shit for being a poser or something, and he said that he was just doing it because she made him "art sandwiches" (I think this came from him making fun of women and Andy's art major). I said that it sounded cheesy. After that, we went inside one of the buildings which somehow became the entrance to the club where Nuclear War Now! Fest was being held, and Andy's friend Dan was about to go in. I called him a lucky fuck then woke up.

:lol: How did I miss this
@ "art sandwiches"... fucking :lol:

So we decided to burn the body (for some reason). We held this almost vigil-like ceremony where we laid her on the living room floor and set her on fire. As the flames started to lick around the sides of her, her eyes (which were open when we found her) moved in their sockets. They began to flick back and forth as though agitated, and then eventually settled directly on me. This freaked me out, so I turned and walked away. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my leg. I looked down and saw that she'd crawled over to me and had grabbed my leg, and was staring up at me. Then I woke up.

holy shit!
Guy, post that dream you had where you and I were looking for an Immolation show and you'd open doors and say "Can you hear us?" and waited to hear "Death to Jesus!" for the show.
Guy, post that dream you had where you and I were looking for an Immolation show and you'd open doors and say "Can you hear us?" and waited to hear "Death to Jesus!" for the show.

I was with my dad and my brother who were going to the civic center to see a monster truck show or something. We were walking around the place when all of a sudden it morphed into a parking deck type thing with the seating being one of those stair-like pedestals that grade school kids perform music programs on. That made the shitty situation of being at a monster truck show even shittier, so I told them that I was going to the bathroom. I walked outside and heard some people talking about Immolation playing a show in one section of the civic center and got excited.

So I called you, waited for you to arrive, then it was like the outside of the civic center was this giant warehouse with a series of doors, and I systematically kept opening each one and politely asking "Can you hear us? Death to...Jesus?", but I kept getting what appeared to be some talk show studio audiences. It was a tragic dream because I woke up before I got a chance to catch Immo.

I recently had another really good one involving playing with DRI at a high school talent show that eventually evolved into got really fucked up surreal nightmare in which my grandma's house became this labyrinth, so me and some cute Christian girls I went to school with started invoking the names of all the demons from the tracklisting of Root's Hell Symphony. I might type out after work for giggles n' shit.

Mutantllama: :lol: Is that what caused you to think I was black for a while?
I thought the whole point of dreamcatchers was to let the good dreams come in and trap the bad ones.

Oh god, I think I remember there was an argument about dreamcatchers a few years ago on here.
Anybody else have a dream in which you have died and became a ghost, wandering places from your past memories... and when you try to speak to or make contact with anyone, they can't hear or sense you at all? I have this exact dream often and it sucks. :erk:
Nope. It's a sign that you care too much about social interaction and being accepted by others. I just dream about internet forums.
I had this dream last night was on a bus and this chick was looking at me and asked if she could have my shoes. And I'm like "HELL NO'. She walked away and got off the bus. I'm not sure who she was, but she was not getting my shoes. That bitch.
I had a dream that I was at an alpaca farm, watching the annual alpaca tournament in person, and they were the cutest things ever. They had the big, wooly abdomens of an alpaca, but they had St. Bernard heads and massive (like, two foot long) floppy bunny ears. I couldn't resist so I bought one and then went to Petco to get it some dog food. As I was about to enter, a human approached me saying that he really needed to get inside but wasn't allowed in for some reason. I then realized that he was Plankton of Spongebob fame in a human suit, but he gave me a sob story about his pet dog was dying of starvation so I let him in with me. When I bought my dog food, his bag as a different brand and the cashier lady said "Hey, wait a second, we don't sell this brand" and then pulled out a tazer and threatened to taze Plankton. Plankton said that I was the fake, and they believed him and let him go. Then they threatened to have me arrested and I begged them not to, and said I could use my class schedule as an alibi. They then demanded that I walk around the store (which now looked like a Costco) and identify by cover all of the textbooks associated with my classes, and in a dark back corner there were peddling low quality microbiology textbooks for $25x. They asked me "Now really, would you pay that much for books like these?" and I replied "No, I don't buy textbooks from Petco". Then they threatened me in some way (can't remember how) and I ran away and started crying. A redneck guy I know from college then said, "Hey, don't give up now, you need to talk to your adviser if you want to get this cleared up". He showed me her office, and she was in a conference, yelling hysterically about how the school wasn't receiving enough money over a PowerPoint slideshow. The only slide I clearly remember was the last one which instructed all school personnel to always eat the skin of chicken wings, and then the alarm went off.
Could'nt even be fucked reading that shit you wanker.

:( Went back a page in this thread and found this!!What a cunt of a person i've been...that's shocking.My apologies to anyone i've abused on here for very little to no reason whatsoever.Back on topic,since making an effort to clean up my act i've had very little to no sleep for over six months,get a few hours a night just before dawn and have some crazy dreams,sometimes precognitive but alot of the time just fucked up dreams,paying dues I suspect.
I had a dream that I was at an alpaca farm, watching the annual alpaca tournament in person, and they were the cutest things ever. They had the big, wooly abdomens of an alpaca, but they had St. Bernard heads and massive (like, two foot long) floppy bunny ears. I couldn't resist so I bought one and then went to Petco to get it some dog food. As I was about to enter, a human approached me saying that he really needed to get inside but wasn't allowed in for some reason. I then realized that he was Plankton of Spongebob fame in a human suit, but he gave me a sob story about his pet dog was dying of starvation so I let him in with me. When I bought my dog food, his bag as a different brand and the cashier lady said "Hey, wait a second, we don't sell this brand" and then pulled out a tazer and threatened to taze Plankton. Plankton said that I was the fake, and they believed him and let him go. Then they threatened to have me arrested and I begged them not to, and said I could use my class schedule as an alibi. They then demanded that I walk around the store (which now looked like a Costco) and identify by cover all of the textbooks associated with my classes, and in a dark back corner there were peddling low quality microbiology textbooks for $25x. They asked me "Now really, would you pay that much for books like these?" and I replied "No, I don't buy textbooks from Petco". Then they threatened me in some way (can't remember how) and I ran away and started crying. A redneck guy I know from college then said, "Hey, don't give up now, you need to talk to your adviser if you want to get this cleared up". He showed me her office, and she was in a conference, yelling hysterically about how the school wasn't receiving enough money over a PowerPoint slideshow. The only slide I clearly remember was the last one which instructed all school personnel to always eat the skin of chicken wings, and then the alarm went off.

Holy fuck dude :lol: