The Dreams Thread

I hate how I have a photographic memory for dreams involving feces. A few days ago I had a dream that I dropped something expensive into my bathroom toilet (can't remember exactly what it was; a cell phone maybe) and accidentally flushed it. For some reason there was this second bowl under the main one, so even though I flushed the object of interest through the first one, I could still grab it. Then I noticed a bunch of golf balls in the top bowl (NOTE: I collect golf balls and am always happy to get rare colors or brands), but when I tried to reach them there was an invisible repulsive force, as if I was looking at the next pieces in a Tetris game. So I flush once and as I expected, the fall into the bottom bowl, which I remove them from. Initially they're standard golf balls, but then a beautiful assortment of colored and patterned ones like I've never seen appear in the top bowl. I flush again, but while the golf balls exit, shit somehow gets into the area. And nasty shit too, a smooth streak-leaving yellow type. The allure of the golf balls is just too much though so I dig in regardless thinking "I can always wash my hands", and flush again. At this point there are gold coins, jewels, and other assorted treasures coming through, but all the while more and more shit begins to pile up and my arms are now covered in it half way up to the elbow. Shitty objects are scattered all over my bathroom floor and even though the mess is insurmountable I can't resist the goodies. Pretty quickly the double-sickness of greed and piles of crap overwhelmed me, and I woke up.

wtf :lol:
In getting prepared to move out of my house and going through shit, I stumbled across one of my old journals and found a couple entries involving dreams. This one is strange:

It's dated 7/17/03:

"I was in a theater, but not a movie theater or classical theater; everyone was there to watch alien spaceships hover in the sky. I left the theater and went into the restroom and came across one of my friends. The restroom was crowded, and it didn't discriminate between sexes (i.e. both men and women were in the same restroom). I was eating a sandwich and realized I had to go somewhere (I can't remember where), so I handed my sandwich to my friend.

When I returned, I saw my friend take a bite of the sandwich. When he realized that I'd seen him he threw the sandwich on the floor. I got pissed off, asked him why he did it and said 'This is a bathroom floor.' He responded by saying: 'Oh.' Then I said something along the lines of impregnating girls in the bathroom. One of the girls who was in the bathroom (since it was unisex) repeated what I said to me. I nodded, and she proceeded to take some kind of vote regarding what I'd said, presumably regarding who would want to be impregnated. Several girls raised their hands, and I said: 'I like this crowd.'

Suddenly, as far as I can remember (this is a big scene transition), I was chasing a young Asian girl, maybe a year or so younger than me (how do I know this?), on a bike (we were both on bikes) down a paved road that went over several hills (I fell off once before catching her). When I finally caught up with her I asked if I could stay with her at the place she was going to. She hesitated, and then agreed. I remember seeming to know that she was of higher social status than me, but somehow I knew her and had made her acquaintance before.

We went to the place she was going. She told me, 'You had better be ready to work.' I said I was. Next thing we were in the house where she was going. The woman who owned it was very eccentric, an intellectual type. It seems to me that she had an interesting personality, but I can't recall anything interesting she said. I remember eating dinner with her and the Asian girl in the house and saying something that offended my host; but I apologized, and everything was alright after that.

After that, the woman said to me: 'Why go to a theater when you can see them right here?' I looked up, and noticed only now that the house had no ceiling, or else it had a glass ceiling. In the night sky I could see thousands of lights from alien spaceships flying overhead. It was beautiful, and gave me a sensation of euphoria."
I hate how I have a photographic memory for dreams involving feces. A few days ago I had a dream that I dropped something expensive into my bathroom toilet (can't remember exactly what it was; a cell phone maybe) and accidentally flushed it. For some reason there was this second bowl under the main one, so even though I flushed the object of interest through the first one, I could still grab it. Then I noticed a bunch of golf balls in the top bowl (NOTE: I collect golf balls and am always happy to get rare colors or brands), but when I tried to reach them there was an invisible repulsive force, as if I was looking at the next pieces in a Tetris game. So I flush once and as I expected, the fall into the bottom bowl, which I remove them from. Initially they're standard golf balls, but then a beautiful assortment of colored and patterned ones like I've never seen appear in the top bowl. I flush again, but while the golf balls exit, shit somehow gets into the area. And nasty shit too, a smooth streak-leaving yellow type. The allure of the golf balls is just too much though so I dig in regardless thinking "I can always wash my hands", and flush again. At this point there are gold coins, jewels, and other assorted treasures coming through, but all the while more and more shit begins to pile up and my arms are now covered in it half way up to the elbow. Shitty objects are scattered all over my bathroom floor and even though the mess is insurmountable I can't resist the goodies. Pretty quickly the double-sickness of greed and piles of crap overwhelmed me, and I woke up.


I had a nightmare the other night about eating chicken. It looked nice and normal on the plate but on its way from the plate to my mouth it would turn into horrible non-meat - organ meat, liver, cartilage, etc.

Yet another sign I should probably just stop eating meat all together
Most dreams I have center around one of my best friends and I making out and the occasion hand job. I have this dream at least every other day. Although the strangest one I have had recently involved my dad and I defending our house from gang members. I had a sniper rifle and he had a big ass machine gun. We killed a shit load of people. I forgot how it ended.
I had a dream last night that I cheated on my girlfriend and one of my friends caught me. I shot awake, my heart was racing, and I was completely weirded out by the time (for some reason in the dream I thought it was much later in the morning).
I can recall a dream that had something to do with a big spider and do not like it all. I was thinking about what's going on in my life. What's really worse then being in a dream with a big fucking spider ?. It's terrifying, just the most basic dream that's horrible.
i had a dream that for my friends birthday coming up i was askign people what we were getting her, >_> and that "booty pop" product which you wear as panties and it is padded to make your ass look bigger was the answer everyone kept telling me haha
I had my very first falling dream
Was hiking on a cliff with a river down below. Sat down on the side to try and get a good view and the wooden railing snapped as I slid off the side.
Ended up falling and looking down at the water trying to find a good spot to hit. :lol:
Woke up and was like "WTF!!!"
I dreamed that I went fishing in the ocean and caught carp. It was a terrible nightmare. But that's what you get for eating half a pan of brownies in one day and then going to bed.
Special brownies?

I had a dream the other night that I was with the characters of The Office. For some reason Michael was yelling at Dwight, who was drinking Scope (mouth wash). Then I took the bottle and started drinking it too, though I'm not sure why. It was gross, so I started spitting to try and get the taste out of my mouth. I woke up spitting on my pillow.
I had a dream a couple nights where I was completely wasted in the basement of where I work, and no one seemed to notice or mind that I was drunk.
So last night, I had a dream where I was at work, working. The store was closed, so it was just employees, and I had some music playing. Then suddenly, the music stopped, I looked out the front and saw a flash. I then proceeded to walk outside, and saw a UFO fly right on top of the store. The UFO had kinda a face on it. Anyways, I then went back inside, and I heard weird noises coming out of the speakers at work. I then suddenly realized that this was their music. It was beyond anything anyone has created on Earth, and probably beyond anything humans will make. It sounded foreign yet familiar(similar to Gorguts Obscura, but in a more extreme manner). It was so complex, that it makes even the most complex music on Earth sound like a simple pop song made by a 7 year old. It sounded horrible and, yet at the same time it sounded beautiful. Now, I have no idea what it actually sounded like(my brain probably made something up), however those are the feelings I remember.

I can't really remember much beyond that.
I had a dream that me and two other buds got into a big blue van, fucking turned it on its side, and somehow one of us ended up outside the fan and his foot was missing. It was the most fucked dream I've ever had too cause I remember the image of the foot loss vividly.

Talking about DMT, the chemical hat actually makes you dream. Now they put it into drug form too. haha :hypno:

Really interesting stuff. I thought it was appropriate for this thread.
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A little while ago I dreamed that Man-Purse and I went to Seattle and unknown showed us around to all these cool bars and art galleries.
The other day I had a dream in which I learned that I had the ability to respawn after dying, much like a video game. I learned this after a car accident which involved me somehow losing control of my car and driving off a suspended highway bridge. My car exploded upon hitting the ground and I immediately respawned. Having learned that I had this amazing ability, I did all sorts of crazy awesome things that involved me getting killed and respawning. At first I saw it as a gift, but as time went on, I realized that it was a curse, for I did not want to live forever.

Pretty weird dream...
So yeah, this one time I had a lucid dream. I'm just super-jumping around Hulk-style and realize "people can't jump this high..." and immediately my thoughts went to "HOLY SHIT I'M LUCID DREAMING NOW! I'M AWARE OF MY DREAM! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" Then I forced myself to calm down so I didn't wake up and I stood there for a little staring at the ground thinking "what should I do..."





At this point my hands started glowing.

Then I woke up. I WAS SO MAD!