The Dreams Thread

Anyone else have had dreams where they wake up and just feel really emotionally disturbed or just really depressed? I had one last week on Friday, I can't seem to remember what the dream contained but I woke up feeling emotionally drained and felt like crying, and I don't cry at all.

Doesn't help that my girlfriend of 3 years and I are having problems, so it probably was something about that.
I have a friend who is very worried about near earth asteroids and supervolcanoes but I tend not to worry. I figure if the world is going to end there is nothing I can do so it is stupid to worry about it and if it isn't going to end then it is stupid to worry about something that won't happen.

This. And I feel the same about death (personal) anyway.
My last night dream :
I became friends with Mikael Akerfeldt, i wanted to meet him, but he said he can't and i can meet his parents instead, so i will feel i am meeting him in a way (weird i know), they came from stockholm to where i live, my parents welcomed them in unusual swedish way so they felt unwelcome and started insulting me and siad they will tell Mike to stop making music so i will die.. and i cried out.... :erk:
Last night I dreamed that my family had bought me a brand new sports car for my birthday which had a badass sound system specially installed in it. I was rather disappointed when I woke up.
A few nights ago I had a strange dream about stuff that was apparently in my mind. All I can remember was this quiet atmosphere in a very dark room, and a very fair skinned girl with blond hair speaking to me. To the right was what appeared to be a touch screen computer with blue holograms coming out of it, it was also the only visible object in the room aside from the girl. A little to the left of it was a cave-like opening that led to what appeared to be the inside of a volcano with a lake of magma next to a rock path on the right. The volcanic place looked like this one place from WoW of which the name escapes me at the moment.

In the moment it felt like the blond girl just appeared there somewhere, I don't know how, but it seemed I had known her presence and it wasn't a surprise. There was some other unknown guy in the dream that she seemed to have been talking about. I was somewhat nervously standing, maybe she was just pretty or the situation seemed awkward for me but as she said "his name is ______" my eyes wandered by the opening and then to the computer thing. I can't for the life of me remember the name she told me.
I remember having this recurring dream when I was around 4 or 5, of a naked women covered in black paint.(keep in mind, I was about 5, so she had a penis as I thought all women did :lol:)

Anyway, she was naked with a penis, and covered in black paint, in this beige colored, stone room. And all she was doing was using the paint on her fingers to paint the walls of the room around her. If that wasn't weird enough, the dream was being played out in this sorta shaky/eclectic "camera" style that seemed like something out of those weird Tool videos.

And I only recently remembered how the dream originated. During the reporting of Farrah Fawcett's death, they played and talked about this music video in which she appeared naked (no penis...) and covered in black paint. Needless to say, I immediately remembered my old dream, and was sorta freaked out. I had that dream so much as a little kid. During "dream-sharing" time in pre-kindergarten, I was always too embarrassed to say what I dreamt of the night before. I had to lie and say "I don't remember" countless times.
So last night, amidst the common foray of dreams that assail me every night, there was one particular moment that made me want to ask a question in this thread:

Does anyone else ever hear awesome music (of their own creation) in their dreams?

I typically am not a Vader fan, but in one of my dreams last night someone tried to play Vader's new release for me to convince me that I would like it. What I then heard was a brutal assault of battery but with amazing guitar melodies, reminding me (when I woke up) of something like Augury. Furthermore, the vocals were clean and intensely catchy. In the dream I remember thinking "Holy shit! These guys rule, this is awesome!"

Unfortunately, I know that Vader doesn't really sound like this, and much to my dismay I'll probably never hear that music again.

In another dream I heard an amazing song that I attributed to Borknagar (in the dream). Upon waking, I thought to myself, "I need to go listen to that song." It then dawned on me that it didn't exist.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?

I didn't see this post before, but yeah, I've definitely had that happen. On a rare occasion I'll remember a riff or two that I dreamed of. I've never remembered anything really amazing, though.

What's usually more frustrating to me is when I get music ideas right before I start to fall asleep. I often have a lot of random thoughts during that intermediate 'meditative' stage of consciousness, and a few times I've had these really elaborate classical or prog rock songs go through my head, and of course I'm in no position to write down or record any of it, not to mention that if I were I'd only capture maybe 5% of the ideas anyway.

The day someone invents a machine that can scan your brain signals and accurately interpret whatever you're "seeing" or "hearing" in your mind will be a fucking revolutionary day for mankind.
What's usually more frustrating to me is when I get music ideas right before I start to fall asleep. I often have a lot of random thoughts during that intermediate 'meditative' stage of consciousness, and a few times I've had these really elaborate classical or prog rock songs go through my head, and of course I'm in no position to write down or record any of it, not to mention that if I were I'd only capture maybe 5% of the ideas anyway.

The day someone invents a machine that can scan your brain signals and accurately interpret whatever you're "seeing" or "hearing" in your mind will be a fucking revolutionary day for mankind.

This happens to me so much as well. It is incredibly frustrating, especially when you can't remember it the next day. Sometimes, if I have my guitar near by, I'll try to scribble down a rough tab quickly, but I rarely ever get the original riff as it was supposed to be. In addition to before/during sleep, I also get my best musical ideas while taking long shits. I'm gonna be honest, I've written some Meshuggah-worship based off the rhythm of my sharts :lol: ....I also air drum while on the toilet...
Grant, I love the part of the dream where you're super-uncoordinated and retarded...that happens a lot in my dreams too, it's utterly hilarious.
Last night I dreamed about a girl (whom I was intimate with) that I met when I was studying abroad in Cambridge. The relationship was short-lived (it was only a four week program), but she was one of the most incredible women that I've ever met. Anyway, the dream was very strange.

To begin, we were both in a hotel room and I was going down on her, but she kept laughing and basically draining the sensuality out of the whole scenario. She kept saying she couldn't concentrate and that it wasn't right. So I stopped, annoyed, and she decided to go to a casino with a friend of hers, leaving me alone in the room. At one point I left the room, and when I returned a friend of mine was waiting and asked why I wasn't with Rachel. I explained what happened and that I felt like just staying in for the night, but she shook her head and told me to go to the casino and find her.

So I did that, and when I found Rachel at the casino she smiled and beckoned me over. My spirits rose, and I thought that maybe things would be alright. When I reached her she put an arm around me and said that they were playing a game and needed coins. I said I had some and reached into my pocket to get them; when I pulled my hand out, I had a few quarters, but also some pounds (they were discolored and corroded, as though they had been underwater for a long time). I was excited and showed them to her, hoping to remind her of Cambridge. She responded by reaching for my groin and beginning to stroke me. At the same time she began crying (fucked up, I know) and asking me "How will this work? How will this ever work? I'm nothing to you."

I reached down and cupped her face in my hands and said "You're everything to me."

The dream then moved into an extremely abstract phase where I was reading the passage of a book written in a very biblical style. The passage I read went like this: "And the whore sat in Babylon, and a ship sailed there to meet her; and it sailed by day, and made unction by night."

For some reason, in the dream, I understood "unction" to mean "defecation." I have no idea why; in actuality, "unction" refers to the act of anointing with oil.

Anyway, that was my dream, and it's been roiling around in my head all fucking day.
:lol: What the fucking hell. That's pretty out there. I really cracked up around the Bible-esque passage part.
I hate dream when you're trying to get to a certain destination and some kind of force is trying to make you go the opposite direction and not letting you get there.

what's up with that ?

you're trying so hard and you just can't :waah:
Does anyone recall ever having known that you were dreaming while you were? I know/knew a guy who used to say that he could, and he's a mythomaniac douchebag who often lies to make himself out to be more interesting than he is, I see through things like that. I really don't think you can be aware of dreaming while you are, that'd be some third eye shit.
Does anyone recall ever having known that you were dreaming while you were? I know/knew a guy who used to say that he could, and he's a mythomaniac douchebag who often lies to make himself out to be more interesting than he is, I see through things like that. I really don't think you can be aware of dreaming while you are, that'd be some third eye shit.

Yeah, you can. It's called Lucid Dreaming.

I had one once. There was a normal dream, where I was just outside my house, then I climbed some stairs on my driveway, and was at my house again. For some reason I looked down the stairs, and saw my house, kinda realised I was dreaming, and when I turned around some cloaked figure grabbed me. I freaked out, and fell sideways and woke up with a start.

Kinda hung between sleeping and waking for abit, then fell asleep again.
I was on some field trip or something with my school, but I knew it wasn't happening. I remember this bit most because it was weird, I said to my mates in the dream "Hey, you don't exist at the moment, I'm dreaming all this." and one of them said "What? Are you stupid? You're awake" and another said "If you were dreaming, you wouldn't feel this" and pushed me into a fountain. And suddenly I was outside an old school type building. The rest of the dream involved me walking around the school, doing various things, completely aware I was dreaming. Tried to get laid at some point, but she ran off down some hallways and I got lost.
Lucid dreaming is when a dream feels real, you don't necessarily know it's a dream or not.