The Dreams Thread

I just had this dream that I was a properly socially-adjusted freshman undergrad and studying in the school library with a large group of friends, and one of them was no wainds. I went over to his side on the far end of the table, and discovered he had a full erection under the table. It looked exactly like my erections and I made a positive comment on it, and he was like "nah m8 don't take it that way im just airing it a bit" (a speech bubble actually appeared around him with text). Then I went to a different part of the library only to run into him again, but this time he was standing in front of a 100 foot stack of Minecraft bookcase bricks. I interacted with them and they apparently all contained the chorus of Pixies' Velouria translated into many different languages, the only one I remember reading clearly in Finnish (all the vowels and umlauts everywhere), like random gibberish with "velouria" randomly interjected, together with some unrelated bloggy introspective comment from him.

Then the alarm went off. Woke up rock hard.

Epic thread bump.
Had a dream about this really beautifull chick, she had a killer as fuck bod to, there was this mutual thing for each other just because, the way I felt for her or how she made me feel, when I wolk up I was devastated. It was not just a sexual thing, just the way it felt and the reality. I did not want to get up and had to force myself to get off my couch. Maybe I'll dream about her again and we can expirience.
I just had this dream that I was a properly socially-adjusted freshman undergrad and studying in the school library with a large group of friends, and one of them was no wainds. I went over to his side on the far end of the table, and discovered he had a full erection under the table. It looked exactly like my erections and I made a positive comment on it, and he was like "nah m8 don't take it that way im just airing it a bit" (a speech bubble actually appeared around him with text). Then I went to a different part of the library only to run into him again, but this time he was standing in front of a 100 foot stack of Minecraft bookcase bricks. I interacted with them and they apparently all contained the chorus of Pixies' Velouria translated into many different languages, the only one I remember reading clearly in Finnish (all the vowels and umlauts everywhere), like random gibberish with "velouria" randomly interjected, together with some unrelated bloggy introspective comment from him.

Then the alarm went off. Woke up rock hard.

@no country for old wainds did you see this?
He obviously is, what normal person masturbates 5+ times a day.

I had a bad dream last nite. I dropped my phone and it broke into multitude of little pieces. It was real as hell though it sounds as a really corny dream.

i've had this dream many times btw, it's annoying. also the classic teeth fucking falling out everywhere dream.
Last night in the hotel this weekend. Haven't had a dream this startling in a while.

I'm riding in a glass elevator up to a high floor in a building. As I'm ascending, the elevator somehow begins to tip sideways, so I'm falling against the glass that is looking straight down at city streets far below me. At last the elevator finally reaches my floor, but hasn't corrected; and somehow, the altered coordination has thrown the corridor into disarray as well. I have to crawl out of the elevator with great difficulty, only to flop upwards onto what I discover is actually the floor of the hallway (the only thing I can think of as a comparison is the hallway fight sequence in Inception).

At last I manage to get out of the elevator and flop onto my back, upwards, but on the floor. When I finally gather myself, I glance to my left down the corridor, which is dark. At the end of it, about twenty feet away, I see a humanoid figure hunched down on all fours, staring silently at me. After about one second, it lets out a disturbing and extended shriek and starts scrambling down the hall toward me, still on all fours. I try to get to my feet but can't, and it finally reaches me and lunges on top of me.

I woke up with a start in a dark hotel room. Fucking dreams man.
Last night I dreamed that I was at a party or some sort of social gathering and this guy pulled out a small black guitar that was strung like an 8-string bass with 4 sets of 2 strings in octaves. He proceeded to plug it in and start jamming with an awesome drummer, pulling out the most crazy heavy tone I'd ever heard, incorporating slide and all sorts weird techniques with this strange little guitar that made my jaw drop to the floor in awe. Then they asked me to grab my bass and I was like FUCK YES and then I woke up. I think my brain wants me to play in a band again.
I just had a dream that I was cruising around town listening to NoMeansNo's 0 + 2 = 1, only after Now instead of the title track coming on, it was some in-crowd fave song, but in the dream it had a modified chorus to sound like a Carly Rae Jepsen song I can't remember, and I remember going onto my autistic RYM song note list and typing something like "Reminder: accuse band X of being a Carly Rae Jepsen ripoff". Then after that song comes something from Slough Feg's The Animal Spirits (like the cover art changes in my mind), only it's really Mike Scalzi singing a sped-up skate punk interpretation of Jepsen's When I Needed You, and had the lyrics slightly modified so that it was about it gene modifications or something ala Traveller, and it sounded so fucking good and my car lifted from the ground and began to soar over the streets. Now I'm awake and I can't unhear the chorus in its newfound form and I feel great inside.
I was sleeping and had a dream and it felt really good, then I woke up.
Had a dream about this woman, she was like follow me and opened a door and went into this small room, i went in behind her and she was standing in front of me with a bizarre grin, and looked like a cartoon mutant clown.
Had a dream about an imaginary album that was a bit more vivid than usual, someone really needs to invent a dream recording device cuz I feel I don't remember 5% of the audio that played in the dream. I woke up and went straight to my phone's recorder. Listen if you want to hear me ramble.