The Dreams Thread

I exhibit like 60% of the common side-effects of being stoned in my normal day-to-day life. If I ever smoked I'd turn full paranoid schizo and probably try to kill the lizardmen that control the world behind the scenes.

Only time ever felt ok is after I smoke a bowl.
Had this dream was falling through nothingness, despite was sleeping did expirience fear, but then I ended up various places,planes. It was pretty bizarre, hoping it does not happen again.
Have not been to rehab in awile, had a dream that this counciler I had stopped over to my apartment and he was hammering on some beers in my place, apartment was much diffferent than mine. It's funny when you and people sit in groups and say you've been sober for 5 months and go home and drink some beers, some of these councilers do the samething, but they're work in a rehab, not that I care, but :lol:.
I had a dream that I was in a demo-hunting mood, and was excited to find a new demo of this Genghis Khan (I explicitly remember the same logo, but it had an axe underneath the name with the blade shaped like the logo's font) on TMAG. Then I noticed that the particular demo had a bunch of "(ex-Slough Feg)"'s next to the members, including Scalzi, which led me to a YouTube video of a ~14 year old Mike Scalzi playing in a heavy metal band at a local waffle house, the average audience member probably in their 60s. The only thing I remember of the song was that the main riff resembled the "Running! Flying!" riff of Aces High and that it sounded like a pretty cool song overall, but more memorable was the floral wallpaper and pink linoleum flooring everywhere. At the end the audience applauded and a waitress patted him on the back and gave him a slice of pie. Then my alarm went off.
I just woke up from this music dream, another case where the world is missing out on some of the finest art imaginable due to its lack of brain recorder technology, unfortunate. Basically I was on my campus and had a desire to find an unreleased Ulysses Siren bootleg at this fictional archive, some sterile glass behemoth of modern architecture up on this hill surrounded by a fence of iron rods with trip lasers everywhere. I go with a few people and we deactivate the security, climb over the fence, and walk on in. Inside it looks virtually empty, a massive floor of waxed hardwood, a few staircases that go up to nothing, and a bar in one corner. I walk to the other side peering out the glass wall, and see this massive chessboard-like structure only it's probably 64x64 instead of 8x8, and someone tells me that rearranging these pieces on it are how you decrypt various songs locked underneath the building's floor. Somehow I know immediately what to do and a .txt file pops up in my vision, the tracklisting of the mythical bootleg, only it's all in a Cyrillic language instead of English. I start feeding titles into Google Translate, some of them are songs I already know and one of them is even Aspid's Play for a Ballet, but one of them comes back "Username" so I think I've succeeded if I find just one.

I play it and suddenly there's a lot of nerdy thrasherkid people dancing around and sliding on their floors in their socks, but I remember it being just The Reich anyways. I begin to leave when I notice the chessboard is shifting on its own, and all of the sudden the lights dim, large sections of the floor part and reveal a maze of bookcases, and I discover that I had stumbled onto the fabled unfinished fifth Dark Angel album, The Atrocity Exhibition. I unfortunately can't really remember the song well, but I remember at the time that it was this extremely lurching, stilted thrash rhythm that reminded me of the closing theme of Aku no Hana, like a perpetual thrash chug following the main pulse of the song, but then a really discordant melody line on top of it, with this cavernous production not in some post-Incantation sense but in a way that felt totally empty and dark and immaculate like the building I was in. Then Rinehart starts singing, and what I do remember vividly is that the uncomfortable whinging of Time Does Not Heal is multiplied, like he sounds like he's literally crying at parts, and then breaks into this part where he sounds like a lower-pitched, out-of-tune Klaus Nomi, and the whole thing was just insanely bizarre.

After that James LaBrie's voice suddenly shows up, the riffing disappears entirely and they start singing a duet nearly a capella with only the occasional heavily-distorted bass line interrupting for climactic emphasis during certain parts. I then went to the Metal-Archives forum to read people's opinions on the song and everyone was saying it was gay as fuck, so I argued with them that they were missing that that was most of the appeal of the song, and woke up a bit later.
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I have vivid and creative dreams as well. Once when my allergies were particularly bad I had 1-2 memorable dreams nearly every day for a week. One was about being forced to get Hello Kitty tattoos on my arms. Another was about playing with augmented reality robot games and biotech pets in a toy store, with the pets breeding until the male's pencil dick was red raw. Anyway, here's my most epic dream from last year:

There was a touristy bar with its garden area facing the base of a steep, lush green mountain slope. Way at the top a massive river was pouring over into a waterfall and disappearing under the foliage. I thought it was the Amazon feeding into an aquifer or something like that, representing change. A small amount of the water was allowed to flow off the mountain and through the bar, carrying insects and large lizards with it. A talking green chameleon noticed I was holding a camera and asked me to take a photo of him with his friend. He kept floating closer to my feet, which made it hard to get it in focus. The bar was starting to get busier. A couple of kids asked me to take a photo of them with Al Gore, who'd also just turned up (one of the lizards shapeshifted?). Al faced away from the camera, and the kids seemed to want a photo with his back. I didn't get any email addresses to send the photos to so I asked Al if he knew the kids but he didn't, so I said I'd Tweet the photo to him.

At the base of the mountain, rows of plastic bins with grate bottoms had appeared to divert more of the water underground. Someone informed an employee that their picnic basket had gotten trapped in one of these bins. The employees flicked a switch or something to dam up the water so the basket could be retrieved. Someone else then celebrated finding an unopened soda bottle in one of the bins. I could see that when the water was let go again, kids were gonna get rekt, so I went and sat on a bar stool out of its direct path to watch the carnage. Kids and blood were flung against glass folding doors which were only partially open. One girl smooshed her face against the glass thinking that would help, before being hit with another wave and breaking the glass with her face. A Scotsman outside told his kid off, yelling "if ya can't handle Middle Earth, how are ya gonna handle...", going on to say something about whatever sweet tourist attractions they were gonna hit up next. I had a backpack open in my lap and I was idly fiddling with something I had in it. A barmaid asked "are you playing ten-pin bowling?" and I made her repeat it, being too dumb in my dream state to associate it with the kids being bowled over like pins outside.

Climate change is real y'all.
That's a pretty epic adventure dream, but for god's sake USE PARAGRAPHS

As I read that, the first thing that came to mind was the Penelope section from Joyce's Ulysses. That might look like a compliment, but it's only a compliment when actually referring to Ulysses. :D

I recently had a dream that I went to an airport with a pistol in my pants pocket. When I realized that I would get detained at security for it, I looked for a place to ditch it, and decided on the bathroom. When I entered the lavatory, I realized that it was for handicap users and that all the people in the bathroom at that time were deaf. There was a wide ledge over my head and above the bathroom door, and I thought that if only I could toss the gun up without anyone seeing me, I'd be fine because none of these deaf bastards would hear it.

As I was getting ready to lob the gun into the air, I woke up. So I'll never know if my plan worked.
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I had an awesome dream this morning but figured I wouldn't want to post it from work, so here it is now. Warning: the fourth paragraph may require eye bleach.

Basically, I was attending a regular student seminar for my department (part of both the undergrad and grad programs) but it was in this large, winding anti-auditorium kind of thing, like you take an ordinary one but shrink it so that the room expands only ~15 degrees outwards from the speaker, and everyone else ends up facing walls or down a number of hallways or something. Everything was extremely sterile in appearance, bright white walls, blue-tinged fluorescent lighting, etc. Eric Harris was the speaker and at first I couldn't hear him at all even though I was already in one of the good seats, so I walk up to the front and just sit on the floor when a tech in a backroom announces she forgot to flip a switch, and then suddenly the audio is painfully loud. I walk back to my seat but notice another grad student had taken it, so for a moment I just sit on the floor next to her, but then I notice a cop walks through and talks to the tech from a back window.

I follow the cop and he asks if some random girl was seen at all, because she was wanted for murder or something like that. Suddenly I get a message on my phone announcing that someone had deposited 0.02 ounces of gold bullion in my checking account, so I walk down several hallways to finally get past the over-flowing crowd and echoing speaker's voice. I talk with some bank guy and he says it's legit so I figure all is good, but suddenly I get on a tram and now it's like I'm in a new Half-Life game. I'm now riding through some above-ground Black Mesa-like facility, retains the New Mexican mesa vibes only a little more green, and pretty soon I realize I'm on a maintenance/cleaning line and that the tram had its windows and other parts of its exterior stripped. Hoses and wax nozzles are spraying all over the place and I accidentally get a little in my mouth, but I can't spit it out because I'm worried I'll get even more, so I'm kind of just holding it annoyed.

At some point I hit a kind of loading depot where trams are being replaced and find a good opportunity to spit and jump onto solid ground. Now the dream has full vintage Half-Life graphics, and there are a few 3D models of females doing various stock animations. I can't remember some of them, one I vaguely remember a red suit and blonde hair which would imply Roll of Megaman, but I can't specifically remember that it was her. The one I do remember more clearly, however, resembled Minerva Mink wearing a Catholic schoolgirl dress, and she was doing this repetitive stock animation that involved her bent over a bit slapping her ass with her back facing oncoming cars, occasionally looking backwards with a sultry stare. I walk up to her wanting to fuck me some 3D furry cartoons, so I go up and hit the use key, which pops up a dialogue box where she says something like "Wanna go on a ride?", now giving me bed eyes instead of the trams. "Yes"/"No" pop up in response so obviously I hit "Yes", and then she proceeds to pick me up, all still in first person with kind of a crazy fast-moving perspective, and tosses me off the building so that I have to take another ride up.

When I get to the top I right-click to pick her up and to my surprise it works, her animation stops and her body goes into ragdoll physics mode, limbs all splayed out, but she's still looking at me with eyes wide, somewhere between fear and excitement. I chose to notice the second emotion more I get this ecstatic rush through my body which I assume is how alpha males and rapists feel when they take control in a sexual encounter, and suddenly my inner-arg comes out and I hold some key to rotate her 180 degrees and then ass-up so that her skirt falls down. I was hoping for panties ala my fond childhood days of killing prostitutes in Deus Ex and propping them on staircases. Not so, instead her vagina and anus were visible in full view, the former like a bitten-into strawberry pop tart, an unnervingly firm and gelatinous rounded-rectangle that covered most of the distance, and the latter a gaping internally-rotating circle like the Dune-ripoff thing in Star Wars that ate Boba Fett, sans teeth. At this point I say fuck no and put her down, where she reverts to her previous animation. Then there's some other character that I can't even remember, and you know how in classic Counter-Strike when you head shot someone, especially with an AWP, there's this burst of blood which is an almost-linear bunch of red circular bits that rise then fall? Well whatever the character was, it had that only brown coming out of its ass, and some message pops up saying "This game features THREE different models which you can fully interact with, try them all!" and I'm totally disgusted with myself at this point.

I turn to leave when I realize there are achievements/collectibles to fulfill, so I start exploring the factory for them. I find a dildo and receive a "1/10 Dildos Found" message. Then I notice there are a lot of those firm gymnast mat things lying around, and when I interact with them I discover you can use them to bounce, do special moves, and even somehow crawl through the center of them and end up in other mats on different floors, and a voice tells me that they specifically imported them from some other more advanced game engine for the best possible gaming experience. I find one more dildo way in the back of some corner (one was a standard large purple electric one, the other was this small golden one with the little clit-massaging nub thing) and decide I'm bored, so I head through this door that puts me into a lab resembling the lecture auditorium, only now it's dark. I pick up a bunch of weapons, and one of them is like the Grunt's hornet gun only rotated and with two "fingers" instead of four, and this organic scope thing, and it got its own special 'weapons 7' slot. Suddenly a Garg bumrushes me and intense Half-Life-esque techno music starts blaring, so I try blasting it with rockets and stuff first, but then switch to the new fancy weapon and blow the fucker into several nice big gory chunks. Then my vision fades and credits start rolling in, and suddenly I'm back in the auditorium. I was like "Wow that was a great mod" and someone else tells me that it was only chapter 1 and I'm like "Fuck yeah, gonna keep playing", and then I woke up.

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I just had another sweet vidya dream, this time with a couple parts of U-M relevance.

The earliest part I remember was being ~13 years old again and desperate to seek out a fap without family finding me, somehow involving the Miata top being down and a mattress coming out of it, with my family playing Yu-Gi-Oh near me, but I don't remember the specifics nor do I really care to. The fun started in this kind of Wild West/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. crossover, navigating through a maze of moderately wide canyons in the middle of a hot desert afternoon, shooting mutates rats and shit with my AK-47. I was with some people and we had entered and quickly exited this cave on an extermination quest, realizing it was too much for us when a horde of bloodsuckers starts to emerge. We high-tail it through open dunes to find a train tunnel running through a mountain, and inside is this massive square train loop.

Once inside there are two particularly threatening enemies, one of which is this kind of gothic-lolita cowgirl paper mannequin, which is spooky as fuck and emanated some kind of ectoplasmic wings which would stretch forming claws. I spent a lot of time running in a loop since bullets seemed to have no effect, when suddenly I realized it always seemed to follow the tracks, and had an epiphany that it was actually attached to them. I walk off the tracks into a corner, she follows me off, I die. I reload (dying almost never kills me in dreams, let alone vidya ones) and this time the other enemy, some massive lumbering flesh beast that looks like an oversized and better-graphics-having version of the System Shock 2 rumbler, is chasing me. I try to kill it to no avail, when at some point Carpe pipes in and gives me advice to pick up objects around the level and throw them using some kind of lightning-charged attack. I chuck a wooden table and sure enough, the thing's health bar drops like 10%. I almost kill it but then I got lazy, fucked something up, and die again.

At that point I was sick of that game and fire up GMDX instead (Deus Ex enhancement modification which actually exists but which I haven't yet played). I don't remember much except it was super fucking cool walking through some expanded Hong Kong, and I found this hidden police compound off to the side which I drop down to from a slight ledge. Alex Jacobson pipes in and the infolink messages are changed to look more like a DOS command line terminal, which I remember thinking was gimmicky but at the same time still cool. Then random NPCs start talking and they all pop up those command line boxes as well, overpowering the screen, and I wake up.

I laid in bed for a moment (actually awake) and am like "Eh I'll rest some more" and to my surprise some more cool stuff happens. It began reading an Iron Maiden forum and looking through the archives, and discovering that a guy that had once posted there was a PC88/PC98 soundtrack aficionado and I had never appreciated it. He had a really detailed list of his top 50 vidya songs with tables and embedded images and shit, and I remember thinking "Jackpot!" They were mostly/all dream-invented games, but the only PC98 one I can remember was something with a short title like "Quince" or something like that, and the color palette was this interesting but gross salmon/flesh color, with intense red (for blood) and green (for sewage) everywhere, really sweet pixel art. I almost feel myself going into that game, but instead I keep scrolling and discover he had Crusader: No Remorse's level 8 song (which I think was actually the level 14 song because that's what was playing in my head when I woke up again), and I'm all "Fuck yeah Crusader" so of course the dream takes a turn there.

I'm in this area that resembles the rotting-90s-biege-computer/SNES-case yellow tileset of the Crusader starport levels, only instead of being isometric, it's actually all rendered in vintage Doom-esque first person. I'm wandering around talking to randos waiting for my ship to arrive, when I discover that Invocator circa-Weave the Apocalypse is playing a show in some auditorium in the building. I head on over right as it's getting started, and discover I'm sitting (it's a bland auditorium and we all have to sit) next to CASSETTEISGOD, with The Ozzman (or at the very least Riker and others I can't remember) in the row behind us. I'm getting into the music and try to air-guitar since we can't jump around or anything, and then CASSETTEISGOD begins to laugh at the way I air-guitar, then mocks me doing something with his hands that resembles the stereotypical Jewish handrub only having an epileptic fit. Then everyone behind me starts to laugh as well and then accuse me of being a rapist and the sounds of laughter begin to overtake the band. Suddenly this huge black dude descends behind the stage and hops down, and I think he's going to save me from going Elliot Rodgers on you mean jerks.

Instead he just pushes through us and I realize that the back of the room is now closed off by hippies and others locking their hands, some kind of solidarity-with-unknown-black-guy-shot-by-police-X protest. One of them catches me eye, a young white woman with pink tumblr hair, and her face is unnervingly familiar until I realize who it is. "Holy shit, that's Elizabeth Warren from the 1960s!" and CASSETTE is like "Holy fuck you're right" and then the police grab her by the mouth and arms and drag her out. We walk outside and the news is already blaring about police brutality against this poor 17 year old girl, and I'm like, "Wait she wasn't 17 in the 1960s was she?" and then I look her up on Wikipedia (for some reason I now know that it's exactly 1963, despite all the previously mentioned anachronisms) and determine that she was actually 19. CASSETTE is all "Lyin' Pocahontas at it again!" and I start to say something about how I'm always right in my dreams, which ordinarily would induce me to wake up, but instead this weird diversion ends and it's back to first-person Crusader.

So now I wander the starport again, but now further along the game's story. I find a bit of game-money on the floor, in the form of a black credit card, and remember that in a previous playthrough I had saved my game after some hugely-consequential event, which put me permanently on the bad guy/outcast/something storyline. This message pops in with intense Virtual Boy-esque red text about how they know I'm a traitor, and that I have only a certain amount of time to turn myself in before they just start shooting me on sight. Because of the Invocator diversion, what would ordinarily be a 60 minute countdown timer to finish sidequests and collect goods from my apartment's stash is now something like 90 seconds. I realize I'm going to have to kill them all anyways, so I dash over to a different auditorium where some scumbag CEO guy is giving a speech to a bunch of NPC drones, and begin hacking these computer terminals near his podium. The timer hits zero and now guards and robots come piling in shooting these odd egg-shaped red projectiles, which make the Doom plasma gun sound upon impact. I can't escape them and just die. I try a few different saved games but no matter what I do I seem to be fucked, and then I woke up again.
I had this dream I was skeletonized down in a hole in this field, it was dark, but could see myself, the energy and matter from my body was displaced into space, and I just could see the remains of what was left down in this hole.
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