The Dreams Thread

There's a crowd of people outside my grandmothers house all dressed like its the early 19th century and talking in exaggerated cockney accents. We all walk into the kitchen and it appears that a trial of some sorts is about to take place. Everything is in black and white for some reason. There's no indication as to what the trial is about nor does there seem to be any defendant, but everyone is there for the trial. Sitting on the floor near the fridge is a fat kid that looks kind of like Buzz from the Home Alone movies. Next to him is a piece of old farm equipment repurposed to act as a stereo.

All of a sudden loud hoe-down music starts to play. I point to the piece of farm equipment/stereo and ask the fat kid "Where's the volume knob on that sumbitch?" I find it and turn the hoe-down music up louder. Everyone in the room starts dancing in a circle. The black and white turns to color. More people pour into the kitchen. I instantly recognize a girl I used to go to school with and ask her to dance. As we move toward the center of the kitchen the kitchen no long is a kitchen and is now a massive gymnasium, filled with people in tuxedos and fancy dresses. Some are like us and dancing in a circle, others are simply standing and watching. Out of nowhere, the girl from school I'm dancing with give a swift spinning back kick to some guy in the crowds nuts. Someone shouts "You go Tamera!" Her name is not Tamera. This causes pandemonium and a food fights. Pies are being flung every which way and people try their best to hide under flipped over tables.

I woke up wondering if my dancing partner was a surrogate for somebody else, or possibly more than one person.
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I was a part of some secretive international defense force that I vaguely remember being assembled by the main cast of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and we'd meet with other members in this briefing room to discuss what our missions would be. Had kind of this Dark Forces look to it, big silver room with lots of monitors plastered on the walls, and a ramp immediately to my left, which circumscribed the interior of the room until you reach some control panel at the other end. The room was inside of an In-N-Out but I felt like having McDonald's that day so after the meeting finished I walked across the street to it. When I came back, Nancy Pelosi was alone in the room, writing notes on a white board before she realized I was watching her. She seemed irritated and left in a huffy, and when I read the notes I realized she was part of some deeper scheme. Suddenly metal shutters to the windows and doors close, and three butterflies enter through an air vent at the top. Pelosi's voice pipes in telling me that they're the most poisonous animals in the world and any physical contact with them will cause immediate paralysis and death. All the while, the main door is now pumping out poison gas, and I can hear two of my fellow operatives, basically an Anna Navarre/Gunther Hermann-ripoff pair, responsible for it. For those not familiar with the greatest game of all time, Deus Ex, Anna and Gunter are mechanically augmented supermen that kill on command. I wedge my assault rifle through a shutter and somehow kill both of them not expecting me to go for a direct approach, but then one of the butterflies touches me and I die.

I "reload" the dream and this time I just run for the control panel which allows me to reverse the shutters and open the doors. This time, however, Anna and Gunther are nowhere to be found, the hallway dark and mostly without power, but at the end there is this radio scanner and a window, and I realize they're feeding instructions to underlings from the comfort of the McDonald's parking lot in the comfort of some red 1960s hot rod. I decide that the way to leave is through the vent that the butterflies came out of, so I do this fancy jump-flip maneuver, causing one of my shoes falls off temporarily and a butterfly goes into it, so now I've got this poisonous creature wedged between my shoes and socks. I crawl through the vents and end up in this hangar, which resembles the briefing room in layout and design but is far larger. Now, however, the visuals become 1980s cyberpunk anime-stylized, probably thanks to watching the first two Cyber City Oedo 808 OVAs yesterday.

Nancy Pelosi is just beginning to blast off in this mecha-V/STOL ship and I activate some super-speed/strength augmentation to jump onto the windshield and start bashing at it. The perspective changes to inside the ship and I see this mutant-mecha-Nancy Pelosi grimacing, venous tubes long pouring out of her head, totally stolen from this though the coloration and some details were definitely different, her face distorted and her skin torn to accomadate a massive drooling alien jaw. She's still got hold of the controls and I can see various crosshairs light up on me through her ship's GUI, guns armed and ready to fire, but then I take my boot off and the butterfly gets sucked in through some intake. Now she's running around inside the ship, freaking out trying to avoid the bug cartoonishly, and the ship starts to pitch back into a hangar wall. I bail and the ship goes up in a glorious explosion, but as soon as that happens 'Gunther Hermann' enters, and he's more armored up than he was the previous time. His entire body is covered in these tan metal plates, like a walking M1 Abrams, and he has this grenade-minigun limb that's spraying more beautiful 80s anime explosions at me.

I don't know how I'm going to survive when suddenly the anime bumper appears. It's trivia & facts time complete with the "Who's that Pokemon?!" background and song, but this time it's telling me "Did you know that 'Gunther' first appeared in Episode 1? That's right!" and it does this flashback to this desert scene, with a cute chibi Gunther wearing some kind of Arabic robes walking along in the background. I thought "Oh that's cool" and now something/someone tells me I'm watching Episode 5, which shows some weird alien racetrack. Basically it's still desert, but now there's this ~30 foot deep, ~40 foot wide canal carved into the ground that goes in a straight line back maybe half of a kilometer. All these Arab tribal types are cheering along the perimeter of the canal and a door opens at one end, revealing three monsters who begin charging wildly around the canal, bumping into these matadors within the canal that frankly don't have a chance of not getting squished. As the monsters get closer, however, I realize that the animals are these fucking green llama things that used to be popular 15 years ago, except they have the heads of the Yuyushiki girls and just smiled and giggled as the canal began to fill with blood and gore. Suddenly, Mr. Satan's (dub) voice comes out really clearly in the crowd, talking about how he figured out that aliens are responsible for all the world's recent troubles and begins freaking out, which makes me laugh causing me to wake up.
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I had a dream I died, I've done and been through all kinds of shit, but I would not even be able to explain how good it feels, it feels so good everyday I hope I die, it feels really good.
just vaguely remembered i dreamt that hbb, a buddy and i were watching family guy and hbb was being really scornful about how bad it was. just stop being a snobby asshole and let me watch shitty cartoons please.
Could never get into American Dad or The Cleveland Show.
I love Family Guy though, fucking despised it the first few years it existed but that was mostly down to every douche I knew loving it and endlessly quoting it.

Glad I eventually got over that.
i think family guy is objectively pretty tryhard and terrible, esp. after the first two or three seasons, but always has a handful of great moments per episode and it works for me as 2am comfort TV or whatever. there's just no quality control is all. i prefer american dad too, you might be the first person i've talked to who agrees with that. still not super consistent but moreso than family guy, and occasionally it'll drop a gem of an episode. hayley and hans are kind of weak characters IMO but the other four are strong (it's the only animated sitcom i can think of where the mother character is as funny as the father).
Better than being Alex Jones' alt you cunt.


Or the episode where Brian the liberal is converted to conservatism by having Rush Limbaugh the kung fu vigilante superhero save him from a mugging is just weirdly hilarious to me.
Family Guy is somewhere between hilarious and intolerable for me, even when it's good. I've found what I've seen of American Dad more palatable but I haven't seen a lot of episodes of it.
Family Guy is good, Lois is a pretty fine ass cunt, she's the broad of my dreams.
Yeah American Dad is definitely the best out of the three, Family guy has its moments in the first few seasons, Cleveland show is trash.
ehh it got pretty lazy if you ask me. first season was kind of overly primitive though now i think about it, stewie in particular was pretty boring at first.

Objectively non-debatable.

whining about use of the word 'objective' is usually just a pedantic strawman thrown around by relativist liberals tbh. the word is generally used to distinguish personal feeling, which can be based in something as trivial and meaningless as individual-specific nostalgia, from how you measure something against society's typical/historical standards of artistic quality. pretty useful distinction
Most things that go for 10+ seasons tend to get lazy. I've only seen up to the 10th season myself and I'd say the first season was my least favourite.

whining about use of the word 'objective' is usually just a pedantic strawman thrown around by relativist liberals tbh. the word is generally used to distinguish personal feeling, which can be based in something as trivial and meaningless as individual-specific nostalgia, from how you measure something against society's typical/historical standards of artistic quality. pretty useful distinction

I'm definitely a relativist when it comes to art, I've never heard a convincing argument for objectivity in the arts, not even from you:

people probably use 'charismatic' to represent a qualitative judgement quite often but it does have a definition that can be objectively applied IMO. i'd argue sir lord baltimore's vocals are objectively more charismatic than my bloody valentine's for example, and i don't intend that as a knock on the latter - they'd be ruined by 'charismatic' vocals.
Charisma is a subjective and intangible thing no matter how you slice it. Someone might just find My Bloody Valentine's vocals more suave and enticing in that way than they do with Garner's pipes in Sir Lord Baltimore. It's all up to the ears of the listener.

Rekt. :D