The Dreams Thread

I keep having freakin' grocery shopping dreams. I used to procrastinate terribly and only go when I was running out of everything and in need of buying a large haul of stuff. I think the dreams only started sometime after I became more proactive. For some reason the dream stores are always smaller, or at least a labyrinth of smaller rooms rather than one massive one. No two are remotely the same.

In this morning's dream there were some mostly empty bottles of various fruit juices which I didn't want to let go to waste. So I started mixing them into one bottle, thinking I'd buy that. But there wasn't enough to make it worthwhile, and I couldn't find any lids either. Then I was a little too excited at finding an exceptionally large bag of potato chips in my favourite flavour. One side of another aisle had nothing to buy, instead being dedicated to reporting a massive freight train crash in the US. The rear 3rd of the store was all clothes. I headed for the self-checkout, which I only do when there's a lack of staff and it looks like it'll be faster. Naturally all the pain-in-the-ass dream barcodes were creased and scrunched. Dream groceries were way cheaper though, and I got a chocolate Santa in July.
Standing outside a house. Its winter and just beginning to snow. Its a wet snow. A car pulls up and a girl in a grey fur coat and sunglasses gets out holding a briefcase and a letter gets out. She looks like a 4-way cross between a girl who works at my bank, a member of this band The Wild Reeds, a one time actress who had a role in the Greek film Sweet Bunch (1983) and Angel Ash who had a short porn run in the early 90's. She walks up to the front door of the house and rings the bell. The homeowners answer. She shows them the letter. It reads "You are her biological parents. She belongs here".

In the driveway of a different house. Still winter, still a wet snow coming down. I get out of my truck while the homeowners of the house we were previously outside of are parked next to me in a van along with the girl. Its hinted at that we might be headed to a horror convention. They go in the house while the girls stays in the van and I go in the garage. There are three plastic totes, one small, one medium size and the other large. The large one has a good size hole in the bottom of it. I place the medium and small totes in the large one which at first makes no sense given the hole but I put them in the corner and they don't fall out. After putting them in the back of my truck, I go over to the van. The girl opens the drivers side door and says "Lets go exploring".

We walk though the woods and come upon an apartment building and go inside. Without knocking, we just walk into various apartments and look around. None are locked and although all the lights and heat are on and voices can clearly be heard, there are no people around. All the apartments look like the interiors found in Almodovar films. She walks in front of me to go down a staircase and right when I enter everything goes to black.

End dream.
anyone here get recurring dreams? a few times every year i dream that i'm still at school but i've gone months without turning up to classes (especially maths for some reason) and i'm worried about either a) my parents finding out or b) having to do absolutely shitloads of work to catch up. and no matter how many times i dream this i never realise it's a dream 'til i wake up, and it's always a huge relief. it's got to the point where my memories of school are completely suffused with my dream-distortions of the same.

i also get the common one of my teeth falling out or crumbling etc. i assume it's the result of grinding my teeth in my sleep.
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I had one recurring dream when I was a kid that was a bit scary at the time. Had it about 8 times I guess. I'm standing with my mother in line at the bank, and then a circular part of the floor I'm standing on turns out to be a video game-style elevator. Depending on whether it takes me up or down, I end up in either a room with live dinosaurs or a room with dinosaur skeletons on display. Somehow I manage to meet my family back at my mother's red Honda in a car park building. They may've been through a similar ordeal to me, because it's now night and the exit is locked. We take off up a ramp and jump the car through a wall of glass windows to escape, then meet up with grandparents who are in my Dad's car on the street.
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anyone here get recurring dreams? a few times every year i dream that i'm still at school but i've gone months without turning up to classes (especially maths for some reason) and i'm worried about either a) my parents finding out or b) having to do absolutely shitloads of work to catch up.
I don't have anything that frequent, but I have gotten the "missing classes and worried about failing school" dream at least 4-5 times since graduating college 8 years ago. In the most recent one (sometime within the past year), I eventually realized that I'd already graduated, and that it didn't really matter whether I passed the classes this time around, but I still had a lot of anxiety about missing them.
anyone here get recurring dreams? a few times every year i dream that i'm still at school but i've gone months without turning up to classes (especially maths for some reason) and i'm worried about either a) my parents finding out or b) having to do absolutely shitloads of work to catch up. and no matter how many times i dream this i never realise it's a dream 'til i wake up, and it's always a huge relief. it's got to the point where my memories of school are completely suffused with my dream-distortions of the same.

i also get the common one of my teeth falling out or crumbling etc. i assume it's the result of grinding my teeth in my sleep.

I have a recurring dream that I'm being bitten by a dog. It's very baffling because I love dogs and I have no semblance of any fear of dogs. But it's one of the only recurring dreams I have nowadays. I've had it several times over the course of years, months apart. And it's always the same dog. It's my brother's dog, which I've dogsat for on a regular basis for several years. It's an incredibly kind dog that I'm good friends with. In my dreams it is angry and keeps biting me, and I keep scolding it or slapping it on the nose, but that just makes it angrier and it keeps biting me. In waking life I've never seen this dog angry.

When I was a kid I would have these dreams... they're hard to explain but they were the worst dreams I've ever had. They were dreams of geometry, in a sense. One of them is about a rectangle being filled in from both ends in an inward spiral pattern. One of them is about masks, or mask-like shapes. They have no color or ornament, they're just shapes. That is the best way I can explain those dreams. I'm glad I don't have them anymore. They are nightmares but I can't explain why. When I woke up from them I would feel terribly nauseous and... do you ever get that experience where your internal voice starts reading your thoughts in a sardonic tone? I don't know if anyone else has that or if it's just me. It happens to me sometimes when I'm awake, even today, but it would always happen whenever I woke up from one of those dreams.
oh man, yeah, maybe not on that level but i know what you mean. there was a nightmare i had where it was just basically a pair of parallel straight lines with a huge gulf between them, but it felt like the manifestation of something really malevolent and isolating, i never forgot it. when i was young i think i attributed personality to things like space, shape and geometry quite a lot, and the colours and forms you see when you close your eyes - i used to have trouble sleeping sometimes 'cause i was fixated on that stuff. i also used to hear unpleasant laughing voices pretty regularly as a young kid, both in dreams and when awake - i only got over it when my dad wrote me a poem about how they weren't real lol. good times
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Standing in the toy isle of a long defunct department store with an actress that had a small role in a film I worked on last year with 3 or 4 of her friends who I've never seen before. One is a Hindu looking fellow who never stops looking at the ceiling in a slightly confused yet certainly amused fashion. Its not clear if we're looking for any specific toy. "Alibi" by Elvis Costello is playing over the PA. The actress embraces the Hindu looking fellow and gives him a peck on the lips. He then turns around and skips down the isle while doing that shoulder move Michael Jackson does in the "Thriller" video. We follow.

We're now inside what looks to be a Stop and Shop grocery store, yet there is an optometrist's office right when you first walk in with a display of glasses outside. Once again, Elvis Costello's "Alibi" is playing. Standing next to the display of glasses, the actress hits me. "This is the third time you've abused me in an eye section" I say. "I know" she replies, after which she turns around to leave, following the Hindu looking fellow doing the same Michael Jackson dance down the aisle he was doing as we were leaving the department store.

I've had "Alibi" stuck in my head since 4 this morning.
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it feels like I have not slept in ten years, most of the time don't even dream and it's black,nothingness, and then just wake up an hour later, if I do actually fall asleep just have dreams have died or am dead, and I don't feel the pain of my physical body, even though died, it's better, because don't feel pain, If I sit or lay down it's really uncomfortable , I might pass out from pain once in awile, I don't see anything besides black.
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Had this dream was in a small apartment, not even one, during the winter, kitchen and one room with a bed, fell asleep and woke up, noticed the door was open and could see snow and hear wind, got up and went to shut the door and turn the lock, something/someone from outside was relentless trying to get in, as soon as I would almost turn the lock shutting the door, they would turn it back, I could not get the door shut for the life of me, and then woke up.
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Here, I will tell of one of the best two part dreams I've ever had. It was practically a work of art, seriously. This happened a few years ago.

The dream began with me entering a restaurant with my extended family. The restaurant was interesting, with lots of colored lights and elaborate fish tanks lining the backs of the elongated booth. But, I had to take a piss really bad. I ask the waitress where the restrooms are, and she points to the fish tank behind us. The fucking fish tank, I was told to piss in it.

She then elaborated, telling me that if I wanted to, there were 'regular' restroom in the back. She showed me to them, and I entered. This was one of the strangest things I've ever seen. I opened the first stall, and the toilet was about the size and color of one of those orange Fiestaware bowls. I proceeded to the next stall, it was very similar. Other stalls had various defects that made them unworthy of being pissed in, for example, the aforementioned color and size defect, strange shapes etc. One toilet was a normal white porcelain piece, however it was elevated about seven feet up, fixed into the wall.

At this point it should be noted that there were normal functioning urinals, some in the stalls, but I refused to use them. At the back of the restroom, there was a closet like door. I opened it, and behold, the perfect toilet.

After I got home from the restaurant, the house seemed strange. I found a secret door in my room that led down a short pink hallway and stairway and into a dark, dingy bathroom. The walls were disgusting. The toilet was huge, protruding about seven feet from the wall, mishapen, and on a weird angle. Dirt covered it as well. Suddenly, it flushed with a monstrous roar. It shook, scared the hell out of me. I ran and woke up feeling very strange.
anyone here get recurring dreams? a few times every year i dream that i'm still at school but i've gone months without turning up to classes (especially maths for some reason) and i'm worried about either a) my parents finding out or b) having to do absolutely shitloads of work to catch up. and no matter how many times i dream this i never realise it's a dream 'til i wake up, and it's always a huge relief. it's got to the point where my memories of school are completely suffused with my dream-distortions of the same.

i also get the common one of my teeth falling out or crumbling etc. i assume it's the result of grinding my teeth in my sleep.

I have dreams where I feel intense deja vu...
same, i think that's a common thing. i always think 'oh hey i dreamed that again', then i think about it more carefully and decide the feeling that i'd already dreamt it was probably manufactured.
I use to work in restaurants since a teenager, this one place would split lobsters in half and they would try and crawl while being split in half, those things creep me out to begin with, I would have to take them out of the tank once in awile, I've had to do all kinds of bullshit at jobs, but that was to much for me, I hate restaurants, for various reasons.
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I use to work in restaurants since a teenager, this one place would split lobsters in half and they would try and crawl while being split in half, those things creep me out to begin with, I would have to take them out of the tank once in awile, I've had to do all kinds of bullshit at jobs, but that was to much for me, I hate restaurants, for various reasons.

No fucking way I could do that to a lobster. They're tasty, but there are more humane ways of killing them. I'd suggest a bath at 1 degree Celsius to render them unconscious, then proceeding with splitting them.

I had a dream a few weeks ago where it was 1:30 AM and I was headed off to bed while listening to Aftershock by Anthrax, a song I find somewhat frightening for some reason. I look at my phone again, it's 10:00 PM. Look back a few minutes later, and it's 1:30 again. It did this for a while, going from 10:00 to 2:00 AM. It freaked me the fuck out, the surreal nature of it.
No fucking way I could do that to a lobster. They're tasty, but there are more humane ways of killing them. I'd suggest a bath at 1 degree Celsius to render them unconscious, then proceeding with splitting them.


Caught some of that show Bar Rescue, where that dude flips the fuck out, noticed that lobster shit, which is weird, people are going to eat lobster, but people don't go about doing things properly, that's what pisses people off. I was waiting on tables in a resort, but for whatever reason whatever I do in a restaurant they make people you do fucked up shit, anyone, I went in and the manager told me I had to bring 3 thousand plates to the kitchen so the plates could be washed by the dishwasher in 30 minutes before my actual shift, i had to bring 3 thousand plates across the resort to the kitchen and the dishwasher washed all of them in 30 minutes, I thought the manager was fucking with me, that's not even the beginning, I could go on for fucking years, the shit that happens so someone can eat and have something to drink, it makes me fucking sick, those places are crazy to me, after working double shifts in restaurants for years on end everyday would never do it again.
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Caught some of that show Bar Rescue, where that dude flips the fuck out, noticed that lobster shit, which is weird, people are going to eat lobster, but people don't go about doing things properly, that's what pisses people off. I was waiting on tables in a resort, but for whatever reason whatever I do in a restaurant they make people you do fucked up shit, anyone, I went in and the manager told me I had to bring 3 thousand plates to the kitchen so the plates could be washed by the dishwasher in 30 minutes before my actual shift, i had to bring 3 thousand plates across the resort to the kitchen and the dishwasher washed all of them in 30 minutes, I thought the manager was fucking with me, that's not even the beginning, I could go on for fucking years, the shit that happens so someone can eat and have something to drink, it makes me fucking sick, those places are crazy to me, after working double shifts in restaurants for years on end everyday would never do it again.

The worst thing is when some dickheaded restaurant manager makes employees show up sick. They should be charged with something, because what they are doing (allowing people with diseases unknown in severity near food that is about to be consumed) is essentially the distribution of a bioweapon. Not to mention, it is generally unethical.
The worst thing is when some dickheaded restaurant manager makes employees show up sick. They should be charged with something, because what they are doing (allowing people with diseases unknown in severity near food that is about to be consumed) is essentially the distribution of a bioweapon. Not to mention, it is generally unethical.

I rarely go out to eat or get take out, got a burger yesterday and it was small and not even shaped normal, like half the size of the bun. I've prepared burgers before, all burgers at a restaurant should all be the same size,look the same,same weight, identical, if 150 people for lunch and dinner everyday all week got fucked up burgers, weird ass ones, people would have bitched and complained, I would have probably gotten fired, the owners would have stormed into the place because people would not want to specifically eat cheeseburgers at their resaurant because shit tons of people got weird ass fucking cheeseburgers. I know it is just a cheeseburger, after thought probably did not even need to eat it to begin with, but still, even though i'm an idiot surprised by people, it is like there is diff levels of human retardation.
I had a dream where I was at the top of a mountain in the southwest somewhere, and knew of an impending doomsday event. There road down had an unusually high gas station density, and I knew that for me to survive, I needed to find a particular flavor of soda, which would serve as some kind of resistance potion. I died and "reloaded" a few times at shitty gas stations with five flavors of soda before I found the nice one decked out with a hundred different variants. Got my drink, then continued down further to find my house at the bottom, entering from the backyard then going through the side door to the garage. Inside was some drill instructor stereotype ranting on about the next steps to survive the apocalypse, which was somehow no longer an issue to me anymore just a few hundred yards from where I had started. The garage begins to fill like a classroom, and I notice two people I "knew" from earlier in the dream, though I don't remember them from before. One was this hot chick with a dark ponytail and a bit of an attitude, and suddenly I remembered that she had promised to give me a blowjob if I had done something for her, a something I also don't remember but am sure I had. Usually in my dreams I cuck out of opportunities but I felt full of vigor and an impending sense of death, so I asked her before we ended up deployed in various parts of the country doing whatever the hell we need to. She kinda paused for a second and then said "How about you just fuck me instead?" and I'm like "Hell yeah". Then a projector turns on from the back of the garage, shining at the front where we were, but somehow the light above us didn't illuminate us but instead was supposed to obscure us. I took off my pants and undies when suddenly the main light came back on, and some guy was like "Haha, HBB is in the buff" and I'm like "Yeah I need to let them breathe a bit you fag, I just survived the apocalypse" and then a couple others follow suit in stripping. The light goes back off and the film continues, and now she's on top of me doing the penis in vagina thing. It was surprisingly explicit and long, off the top of my head I can only remember one other sexual dream with senses more strong, like I remember moving around a few times, nibbling on each other's necks, and all sorts of other fun stuff. I began to notice that there was this one Hispanic woman that kept eyeing us angrily, however, and at one point I suddenly find that we're covered in dogshit and the Hispanic woman is yelling in a strong accent "GET OUT YOU SLUTS, YOU DISGRACE THE U.S. MILITARY". I leave and take me shirt off as well now since it's covered in shit. I woke up without an erection, but with a very strong pinching feeling where my right testicle meets whatever duct it is that connects to it, and wondered if that's what blue balls feels like for people that aren't pathetic virgins.