The Dreams Thread

I actually remembered a dream I had last night, which is a rarity. I walked into my kitchen to find every crack and hole in my garbage can duct taped closed. I thought that was really weird so of course I had to open it up to find out why someone would do this. When I did there were two gigantic cockroaches inside. I smacked them just to see what would happen. They started hissing loudly and violently, then crawled away and disappeared into the walls. Then all of a sudden smaller, red cockroaches started pouring out of every wall, covering every surface in my house including me. I ran outside and ripped off my clothes. Then my friend picked me up and we went to my (deceased) grandmothers house with a couple girls. We got wasted and I passed out on the floor. The whole night I kept sporadicly finding the red cockroaches crawling on me.
i had a dream my friend beat the shit out of another friend, and i wanted to get help, but i was scared he would turn on me.

the same night, i was in a car with a many other cars, and a train was chasing us, and it never stopped to sleep or eat or anything, so we had to drive non stop.
i always have dreams where i walk out to my porch when its stormin then a tornado touches down right outside but when i try to run downstairs my feet are stuck to the ground
I had a dream last night where Deron made it so the banner could be opened and closed and the posts would go back over to the left side of the screen when you closed the ads.

last nights dream started as me and a couple of friends (chics i knew in high school) vandalizing and snooping around this huge mansion that was located in the middle of average america suburbia. we almost got busted, but i managed to convince the owners that there were some crazy vandals coming around the corner and they needed to warn the rest of the street. after that it morphed into a zombie dream some how. i was the hero of the dream, grinding zombie heads on the pavement until they were bloody mush. after a while i got kinda bored and i let them turn me into a zombie (i'm fairly certain i was able to actually influence this part of my dream). after that it turned into me having sex with an ex girlfriend, and then i woke up, then went back to sleep and had another zombie dream.

fun times
I had a dream I was talking to Imperial from Krieg except he was a lot skinnier. He told me that Krieg was continuing (yay!) and that he had a Metallica project which he had recorded and was releasing. I remember being conflicted on whether to buy it.
so last night was a 2 parter

first part:
i slept with this chic who used to work here and kitty from that 70s show. it was quite good.

second part:
i was part of a blackwater type company and we were going through some bad guys video game style. i remember taking hostage this hot blonde, and after i admired her beauty, i tried to snap her neck, but i didnt have enough force.

i'm not sure if there was supposed to be some sort of connection between the two parts
A few nights ago I had a dream where MasterOLightning was a midget who attacked me.

Last night I had a dream I was in this crazy school with my friends, and they had to solve some Ptolemeic Astronomy problems, which I thought was stupid.
I hate dreams where there are bugs everywhere and they freak me right out.
if there was a way to record dreams on video, that would be awesome. or scary. DREVO! seriously, i bet if we made a movie of our dreams, it would do really well.
"I hate dreaming. Because when you sleep, you wanna sleep. Dreaming is work, you know - there I am in a comfortable bed, the next thing you know I have to build a go-kart with my ex-landlord. I want a dream of me watching myself sleep. "