The DTB tour stops after December 8th

Hey you guys...The tour is over and Dev is at home now...
Merry christmas, happy new year, go to bed now and see you on the next DTB tour...Thanks for the overdose :)
I belive the moral of this entire fucking thread is DON'T GENERALIZE OR GROUP PEOPLE TOGETHER MAKING THEM ALL THE SAME. People are stupid as hell for say "you SX fans are all blah blah blah" or "DTB fans blah blah blah" you all realize how moronic it makes you look don't you? Saying that the SX fans are assholes for booing devin is rediculus, I'm a big SX fan, but I hate people who give proformers any crap. Don't let a couple pricks make you make judgments on anyone who would consider themself a fan of the same band. It's ignorant shit like that kind og generalization which keeps racism and religious prosecution alive and well. So cut the shit. I'm sure If you had said "Man, those guys at the show who booed Devin were really fucking assholes." I'm sure EVERYONE would have agreed with you, Devin fans and SX fans alike.
oldlyonfreak said:
Hey you guys...The tour is over and Dev is at home now...
Merry christmas, happy new year, go to bed now and see you on the next DTB tour...Thanks for the overdose :)

Jesus Christ dude, how many times have you posted on this thread today? Why don't you do something with your life...or at least go outside.
Willith said:
Jesus Christ dude, how many times have you posted on this thread today? Why don't you do something with your life...or at least go outside.

That was the worst retort I've ever seen!

Seems like the SymphonyX fans are a touchy bunch?
you guys are taking this out of context, what does symx the BAND, have to do with a few fans being retarded?

some guys are rude, symx for one are nice guys, why paint them as being the assholes here?
Willith said:
Yeah I'm an SX fan and I also make fun of the people on that forum everytime I stop by. They're mostly a bunch of lame prog nerds who play RPG games all day. But seriously, this guy is no better. DTB is straight up boring music. And I'm sure most of you light up when you listen to devin and his music "says something to you" but it's still BORING. You devin fans are one of a kind.
Now you are really looking for it. Oldlyonfreak decided not to pursue the argument anymore and took a neutral tone all day to try not to add fuel to the fire and all you find to do is:
1.Make fun of him for no apparent reason. You don't know him, you have no idea what his life is like, you have no fucking idea what it is to be in his shoes. You fucking dumbfuck make assumption on things you don't know.
2.Insult every single Devin fan ON the Devin board.

You find the goddamn music boring? Good for you, go tell somebody who cares about you opinon because you won't find any around here. You say that SX fans on their board are prog nerds playing RPG all day? Go tell them. WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION.

Since you like to make up things about people, let me have a shot at your own little pathetic life:
You are a post-pubescent little brat that seems to think it is cool to insult and make fun of people on the internet because it very easy to so because you would never have the balls to do the same in real life. When you are not spending your time online you like to meet up with your "metal" friends that you happened to meet through a message board or a chatroom. You and your band of metal nerds like to hang out behind the convenience store smoking a little ganja and spending most of your time complaining because you can't get the opposite sex in the sack. You spend the rest of your time practicing your chops because you are going to be the next wanker in chief in some Manowar cover band while you are planning to make a solo record that will blow peoples mind, yet it sounds exactly like something Ron Jarzombek did in 86 in Watchtower.

How do you like having people making assumptions about your life now?
Alright guys I have had it. Time to cut this shit out now. Its really goddamn stupid. Some people just have different music tastes. As you all know I am a huge fan of Devin as well as Symphony X. I get tired of being labled as a fagot or ballsucker for liking both. If that tour stopped in St.Louis which it didn't unfortunatly. Id be there for Devin as much as I would be for Symphony X. This is really just childish on both ends. Im sure there were a few fools in the crowd who didn't give the proper respect to Devin, and some people who can't take Devin's funny insults that are not even serious. Even if you think a band is horrible, give them some credit and don't ruin the show for other fans, unless its linkin park then by god boo your head off.

I also heard there were some Devin fans who didn't give Symphony X a warm welcome either, I heard of cigarettes and other random items being chucked at band members. So its not just one sided. These people are the real ballsuckers in my opinion. The ones who can't keep their shit to themselves. When Dimmu played last Saturday, I didn't boo them or throw items, I just left the show, I had already seen the bands I wanted to watch.

Anyway, lots of lame and childish comments were made by both sides. I think everybody just needs to cut it out. I am damned sure Devin and Symphony X do not act like this towards each other. Neither should we.

There you have it. My 2 cents.
The Yngster said:
I blame all this on Willith. He pissed off oldy, oldy pissed off all the SX fans, and now everyone hates each other... yay!
That was sorta my point. He seems to really enjoy stirring shit around here and he isn't a fan so I don't see the point of him even reading this damn board.
Willith said:
Yeah I'm an SX fan and I also make fun of the people on that forum everytime I stop by. They're mostly a bunch of lame prog nerds who play RPG games all day. But seriously, this guy is no better. DTB is straight up boring music. And I'm sure most of you light up when you listen to devin and his music "says something to you" but it's still BORING. You devin fans are one of a kind.

What's wrong with RPG's?

And I apologize for some of the ignorant comments I made - we should all realize something..

This is metal - ok, Unite, EMBRACE it.

Prog Metal is pretty much a lost genre in terms of popularity, I think that this whole DTB > SYmphony X thing // vice verca is pointless. Wouldnt' it be more constructive to unite, and support our musical genre? This is pointless. Stop fighting everyone. Forget what he said she said etc. Both bands are great in their own unique way..

At least there not openers for insinc! :rock:
i wish i knew you oldlyonfreak....because i would kick your sorry ass. i wish i was in faggot france so you couldn't hide behind your computer and talk shit you loser. i would beat your ass, shit on your gay-ass beret, and stick a croissant up your ass. hahahaha oh yeah...DTB is fucking type in a holier than though, "i'm smarter and better than you" reply you yoda homo