the dynamite politics thread

Politics & Society threads suck. All they cause is bad blood within a forum. Anyway, I come on UM to discuss music, not silly things like politics. This could and should be on Chat forum or something, but I don't think DT forum needs one.
china i'm not sure. india and pakistan, definitely yes. not to mention russia.

ormir: don't like this thread, don't read this thread, don't post on this thread.

Originally posted by hyena
i am going to build a bomb myself soon enough and bomb everyone, myself included, on this thread.

:lol: :lol:

and may i add that we are matter what patch of ground we squat on... we are all in a world of shit, and someone (??) could use the flush lever at any given moment. encouraging, isn't it?

hyena (electrocute me please)

Originally posted by Ormir
Politics & Society threads suck. All they cause is bad blood within a forum. Anyway, I come on UM to discuss music, not silly things like politics. This could and should be on Chat forum or something, but I don't think DT forum needs one.

sure. let's do away with off-topic threads. newbies threads. redundant threads. other bands threads. chat threads altogether.

then you buy me hand surgery for when my index finger falls apart after i pressed the "delete" button for the upteenth time, you (of course) stop posting pictures of silly buggers summoning satan in their kitchen, and you keep this place alive with oh-so-many dt-related music discussions everybody can join every single day.

may i try to relieve the international tension somehow?

originally published by the onion,
Ünited Stätes Toughens Image With Umlauts
WASHINGTON, DC—In a move designed to make the United States seem more "bad-assed and scary in a quasi-heavy-metal manner," Congress passed a bill Monday changing the nation's name to the Ünited Stätes of Ämerica. "Much like Mötley Crüe and Motörhead, the Ünited Stätes is not to be messed with," said Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). An upcoming redesign of the Ämerican flag will feature the new name in burnished silver wrought in a jagged, gothic font and bolted to a black background. A new national anthem is also in the works, to be written by composer Glenn Danzig and tentatively titled "Howl Of The She-Demon."

you don't know that pretty soon hyena will wield so much economical power to make us all squirm like worms on the floor and beg her not to bomb our sorry asses for all they're worth. so the only sensible thing i have to say to suggestions of harming hyena in any way is the old tr00 "hah!"

rahve, i don't know that either, but if you say so i'm forced to believe (€1000 question: which stupid band had a song called "forced to believe"? i can't remember, but it has to be one of the bands xenophobe mentioned in his introductory post). thanks for the support.

btw is your tooth any better? i had a slight infection myself last week, but i killed it on the spot with lots of boiling salted water. of course i got horrible scaldings, but that is another story.

my tooth won't stop its mad race until it's ruined my whole mouth. which means, it's still bulging.
plus, i'm only now recovering from the highest bout of fever in years, that forced me to visit the hospital last night for a brief tour of the premises, due to the absence of all the doctors i know. :rolleyes:

but i'm still here, sorry. ;)

@Villian, Military History is my forte. If the U.S hadnt invaded Hitler probably would have pushed into Moscow. All of that is here say, but with fighting a war on three fronts with limited troops, and supplies its very hard to win a war.

Granted Russia had alot of man power, but their army wasnt nearly as diciplined as the German army in the early 40's, although Germany did need to draft old men and boys later in the war, Russia also lacked a strong Air Force, and their armored divisions werent up to par either. If the U.S hadnt invaded we wouldnt have drawn troops from the Eastern front to fight in the West and South West. So please dotn say America did shit in WW2 in Europe.

heck i didn't expect such a resonance.
i for one think saddam might very well have nuclear weapons, but he for sure has mass-killing chemical and bio weapons. so if anyone starts a war, he will most likely use everything he has because it's his only chance to take as much "enemies" with him as he can. that's what makes a war with him so dangerous. i don't think he will start one by himself
See VC fanatical people like Saddam will start a war like that. They really dont care, if they are going to fall they are going to take as many people out with them as possible.

Same thing with U.S relations with Israel, we cant jsut back out fo the Middle East and not support Israel b/c if they get attacked and they are going ot lsoe they will take the entire Mid-East out with them. They have alot of nukes and they even have neutron bombs (bombs that kill only living tissue and leave non living materials standing). So when people say we shouldnt police the Mid-East, they are just being ignorant. No offense to anyone on this forum.

I though Irac already had the a bomb....

Anyway... I realize that Irac is an upcoming menace to the world. The USA are already a menace for the world. If these two country fight and kill themselves, that means: less iraquian, and less american, with more peace. Simple. I like that.

We are not a fucking menace, China is a menace, Iraq is a menace, South Africa (not the government the people) is a menace. America doesnt use Anthrax and Serin on its citizens, we dont do partial birth abortions on female babies, we arent killing each other in record numbers.

You Europens dont understand. If some fanatical asshole was wanting to set off afew nukes in your countries you would be singing a much differant fucking tune. Saddam is a threat to EVERYONE not just America, Biological weapons are much much mroe dangerous than nukes, granted you have fall out which is pretty deadly, but if you release abucnh of small pox in a centralized location its jsut a matter of time before it spreads to the whole world, via the Jet Stream, or human to human contact.

America wants to take out this threat, everyone thinks its all about oil, that is part of it Im not denying that (and its a big part for some fat cats in DC), but dont you understand how much of a threat he is to everyone?

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
@Villian, Military History is my forte.

You really must be kidding me here. I mean really.

I'll point you some facts:

- 90% of Axis (Germans + their allies) losses of the war occurred on the eastern front. Alongside with their best equipment.

- If we forget the insignificant clashes on North African desert, the Americans had the first contact with German forces in July 1943 when Sicily was invaded.

- By July 1943, the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk had already decided the war - the Germans had lost approximately three times the amount of troops they had in the west combined. Any single one of those battles was more deciding than all the fighting on the western front combined.

- By June 1944, when the allies invaded Normandy, the Soviets had already crushed the German army and were inexorably advancing towards Berlin - the whole invasion of France was done only to prevent the Soviets from conquering the whole continental Europe.

- Judging by the amount of troops the Germans concentrated on the eastern front, it can easily be seen, how the Germans were actually waging a one-front war against the Soviet Union - there was no real fighting going on anywhere else during 1941-43 and in that time the German army was virtually destroyed on Soviet soil.

- Had the Americans (and British, etc.) never bothered with continental Europe after 1940, the Soviets would still have crushed the Germans - it would probably just have taken a month or two longer.

- The only important thing the Americans did in the war was their supply to the Soviets, who did all the fighting.

Now, can you give me any arguments (based on something else than ridiculous Hollywood-movies) that show the Americans as the saviours of Europe you like to see them as?

-Villain (the forte of military history is me)
Originally posted by Samarkol
I though Irac already had the a bomb....

Anyway... I realize that Irac is an upcoming menace to the world. The USA are already a menace for the world. If these two country fight and kill themselves, that means: less iraquian, and less american, with more peace. Simple. I like that.


Rethink this and post something else. I find it hard to believe that anyone is as fucking stupid as this.