Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Sorry for the typo in your name VILLAIN. Is that better? No I dont think your sources are very reliable, I would trust my government which has done so much for me, than a bunch of independant researches from Iraq. Sorry that is my opinion.
I have no difficulties accepting your opinions - I just love to fight them.
Let me ask you, how is your
trust based upon what your government has done to you? A typical German in 1938 could have said the very same words about the Nazi-government. You think the Nazis were telling everything to regular Germans? Well, they weren't.
However, as this is clearly "your source vs. my source" fight, I guess we can leave it at that. Still there are many other things left I want to fight about - especially the American participation in Europe in WWII.
To further educate your well-versed mind in military history - here are the German losses (note, this does not include the Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Finnish and Italian losses on the east front, which were massive) on both fronts up to 30th of November, 1944 (dunno why there aren't any numbers after that, the site is probably still under construction) taken from
www.feldgrau.com/stats.html .
KIA = killed in action
MIA = missing in action
WIA = wounded in action
The west front after the French campaign and before Normandy:
KIA - 20 000 +
MIA - 1 700 +
WIA - ? (no information)
Africa campaign:
KIA - 12 808
MIA - 90 052
WIA - ?
Italian campaign:
KIA - 47 873
MIA - 97 154
WIA - 163 600
The west front from D-Day til 11.30.44:
KIA - 66 266
MIA - 338 933
WIA - 399 860
This limited info gives us a total of
KIA - 146 947
MIA - 527 839
WIA - 563 460
confirmed German losses on theaters that included Americans. Now, if we account 50% of them for the Yanks (which is probably an exaggeration, considering that the British & co. were doing most of the work anyway), we get a total of 619 123 Germans removed from fighting by Americans.
Now, the eastern front from 1941 til 11.30.44:
KIA - 1 419 728
MIA - 997 056
WIA - 3 498 060
That is a total of 5 914 844 Germans removed from fighting by the Soviets - nearly ten times more than we attributed for the Americans! Also note that all the best German units with the best equipment were fighting (and killed) on the eastern front.
And this was
NOT counting the hundreds of thousands of Romanian, Hungarian, etc. soldiers that died in the hands of the Soviets.
Do you still claim we are not speaking german because of you Americans?