so now that this thingy here has calmed down a bit, it's time to stir in the ashes and see if we can still find something glowing.
as some might have recognized, today (at least now and here) is september, 11th. as for me, i won't switch on neither tv nor radio, because all i will hear of is the assault on wtc last year. it's jsut horrible how media stresses the whole theme. sure, it's shocking and needs to be remembered, but why do i see documentations weeks before the actual date? why do i have to see people jumping from the 60th floor again and again? it's simply disgusting how media uses this and other "happenings" like that solely for making money. i sure wouldn't mind a good documentation, like what lead to this, what are the backgrounds, who is involved etc. but hell no, all i see is people jumping to death and aeroplanes exploding in the towers.