the dynamite politics thread

it's time again to dig this out, methinks.


hell what is going on? if the us want their war so badly why don't they just start it without nato/un? they don't care anyway, and they surely won't ship their ~ 120000 army boys back home without some action, because the dollar might even drop. not that i am pro-iraq, but all of this is just getting grotesque. great britain showed off with a report based on their intelligence, basically saying how awful the situation in iraq is and how surely the iraqi need their ass bombed. powell and the likes were eager to jump on this train, but in fact this document was written by a student of politics five(!) years ago, and he wasn't mentioned in that essay. it was all based on GB's intelligence. sure. just how much do they need the oil to invent such a crap?


An article which mentions what VC is talking about.

I don't know....originally I didn't want a war solely b/c my stepbrother is a Ranger who is 8 months away from getting the hell out of the military. After he got out I really didn't care what happened. Now I'm really getting fed up with the crap that we're spewing. Saddam is dangerous and evil, fine, but is he an immediate threat to anyone outside Iraq? I don't think so.

I think we should shut the fuck up and let the UN handle affairs between Nation-States, like it was designed to do.

We should be talking about taking military action to remove Ashcroft from office. He's a bigger threat to us than Saddam could ever be....

-Humanure (who's not really politically aware enough to participate fully in this thread, but doesn't really feel like doing any homework right now :) )
wonderful flash salmy...Somebody in the White House should check it and think that bad things never go in one direction...there's always the strike back by the ones who might get destroyed once...

if this war is about to start we rather start buildig a taaaaaall ladder, otherwise we will be deep in shit by the end of it

fathervic (sad to hear so many people damanding war no matter what if bastard sadam dissarms or not)
I'm very much against the war, and really depressed about the whole thing, but won't comment much about it...

However, I found these links veeeeeery amusing/sad.
Its the most obvious form of propaganda I have EVER seen, it makes me sick. Its the Children's BBC homepage, and it tries explaining the Iraq conflict in a simple way for kids to understand. And while doing that, tells them what to think.

I hope the link works.

My favourite part is when they try to answer the question, "Will I be affected?" and then answer, "The weapons that Iraq has cannot be used against people in Britain because we are much too far away. They can only reach nearby countries like Israel and Turkey."

Hah, pretty much, "dont worry, WE aren't going to die, just people in those faraway places."

And the reason why they dont like Saddam: "In the UK and US we don't like him because he has tortured and killed lots of his enemies in the past, burnt towns to the ground and persecuted some ethnic groups. "

Note the "WE".

Oh, also, the page has been updated since I first read it a month ago. Back then, they said the war would probably happen around February because its cool then and soldiers wouldnt have to fight in the strong heat. But its been changed now.

Originally posted by Villain

- The United States has A LOT of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and is one of the few countries that has used them - in the last Gulf War, for example. Before those weapons are destroyed and all American facilites capable of producing them are destroyed (alongside the people who have worked on those facilities) the Americans have NOTHING to say about other nations' weapons.

I'm not so sure about their use in Gulf War, but still the US is the only country that USED nuclear weapons (Hiroshima & Nagashaki).

Also where was the US and Britts when Saddam was killing Kurds and Muslims with mustard gas. Or was it the 80s and Hussein was armed by the US to make war against Iran? Anyone remembers this?

Does anyone remember for whom bin-Laden worked during the 80s. Do you remember who sponsored the extremist muslims in Afghanistan in the war against the soviets? Do you remember that in the mid 90s Afghanistan was bombed and thousands died even before Mulah Omar assumed power?

Which country invaded Korea, Vietnam, Panama?

Which country bombed Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Laos?

Which country installed dictatorships in Greece, Turkey, all Latin America, etc.?

Agreed on all points Villain made for the most part, though Americans and Italians (as people) have the excuse of propaganda by their goverments (and in the case of Italy their multi-millionaire/media-owner/president) and lets not forget that both American's and British are terrorized by their democratic goverments by troops walking the streets for their people "security".

And still we must congradualate those brave americans that make a stand against the goverment (which represeants on the 1/4 of the country's populations) on the streets. At least they save some dignity for their country.
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
[BAmerica does police the world sometimes, but if our trops werent in South Korea, what would stop the North and China from taking over?

Nick [/B]

Do you know how people in South Korea feel about the US troops? Have you seen how many strikes happen in Korea each week against the US troops. Most of them see them as occupation troops.

And you think that China is a threat? Then why your goverment sold them nuclear technology (during the second Clinton term)? Let me remember wasn't that the chronological point that you were in a commercial war with Japan, that you eventually won!
Originally posted by VultureCulture
it's totally hilarious, but sadly some even approve to things like this:



I have to say that is the most pathetic fucking thing I have seen my entire life.

Yep, we remember, they sacrificed themselves totally needlessly, Germany was beaten by the time those guy arrived.

It's quite funny actually if you look at who "lost" the war and who "won", then compare the state these countries are in, who would you say "lost"?

The reason europeans oppose war with Iraq is because, they don't have to do it for national economy, unlike some other countries, who only have one thing they do well.

Think about it.
And then you wonder why europeans call americans ignorant, sheesh.

Bush Urges 'Allies' to 'Show Backbone'

I urge Bush to show intelligence first.

"Today the gravest danger in the war on terror, the gravest danger facing America and the world, is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear, chemical and biological weapons," Bush said.

Care to take a look in your backyard and don't say you aren't an outlaw regime, fucking ignorant bastard.

"These regimes could use such weapons for blackmail, terror, mass murder. They could also give or sell those weapons to terrorist allies who would use them without the least bit of hesitation.

Kinda like your country did 80-90's then, right?
Blackmail, terror and sell them to terrorist allies.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
And then you wonder why europeans call americans ignorant, sheesh.

well, no. i could show you headlines of italian newspapers that would make those pictures look like a satirical site devised by a penis-shaped potato. reality gets altered at least as much in this country's press.
and while we get sick over examples of mediatic delirium in the western world, we're still not showing evidence of how balanced, respectful, tolerant and adherent to the truth iraqi newspapers actually are, basically because we don't get to see that many iraqi newspapers in europe or the u.s.. however, i doubt we'd be discussing the correctness of iraqi press if we were living in iraq either, at least not unless we want to learn to breathe through our anus.

"If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq"

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are Saudi,
And your alibi is shoddy,
And your tastes remain quite gaudy,
Bomb Iraq.
If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think that SUVs,
Are the best thing since sliced cheese,
And your father you must please,
Bomb Iraq.
If the globe is quickly warming, bomb Iraq.
If the poor will soon be storming, bomb Iraq.
We assert that might makes right,
Burning oil is a delight,
For the empire we will fight,
Bomb Iraq.
If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.
If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's a little peewee
Bomb Iraq.
Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might now knows no borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We'll call it treason,
It's the make war not love season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.
@wildfyr, rahvin
There is actually a sing-a-long flash of that song, I saw it the other day, it was hilarious :lol:

and of course the press is all full of shit all over the world, that still don't make it justified, they are supposed to report news, not make them.

After all:
"All warfare is based on deception."
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
Originally posted by wildfyr
:grin: those ignorant foo's in Washington should be looking for better, alternate energy sources.

Especially since if they go to war, the price of gaso goes thru the roof, we are already seeing signs of that.

By the I can't find the quote now, but Sun Tzu also said that in order to wage war you should have your state affairs in order first. Of course in that case USA will never wage war on anyone and well, neither will anyone else really, I think that would be good.