the dynamite politics thread

Well, election day is today and the whole election campaign has been quite wierd. Sweden has a strong social democrat party wich has been ruling in minority or majority almost uninterupted for the last 60 years or so, mostly supported by the communist (now socialist) party and the green party.
Traditionally the parties on the other side of the political spectrum, the liberals, centrists, christian democrats and the rightists have been against the social and welfare reforms done by the leftist coalition. Last election the rightist party did very bad (due to their huge tax break policies), and becouse of that have embarked on a travel towards the political centre.
The right-wing parties has since worked together in an "alliance for Sweden" as they call it. They now want to keep the welfare system in sweden, although cutting back on the aid that is given to those who are unemployed. Unemployment has traditionally been the left wing parties main issue, and now the rightists seem to be mimicing them to win the election.
Adding to the "alliance for Sweden"´s advantage is a series of scandals which has occured to the Social Democrat party during the last four years. The handling of the Tsunami for example, where many Swedes died and there was total chaos at the foreign ministry during the first days after the catastrophe.
I really doubt how much the rightist party blieve in their new policies. They have launched themselves as "the new workers party":rolleyes: . They want to keep the welfare system yet they have voted against almost any social reform that the left wing has wanted to introduce. Their party leader, Fredrik Reinfeldt, 10 years ago wrote a book about the Sweden, the welfare state, where he compared it to plague and cholera. :erk:

The people of Sweden seem to be buying it though, and now every election poll is pointing towards the same result, the "alliance" seems to be going towards a victory, but we´ll know for sure tonight.

Now im of to the polling staqtion to continue working, I´ll post about the result later on.
Rincewind said:
Nobody knows, that's why it is so scary. :heh:

See, you make me want to be a better man. :p

Lacking the ability to read what was there before the edit, I'll choose to do nothing for now. But I'm sure your spelling sucked, Rayna. Which means extra stripping is required from you. It's kind of a rule we have on this board, either you have perfect grammar or you remove some of your clothes. I bet you were asking yourself why some of the germans around here were naked: now you know.