the dynamite politics thread

Yeah i guessed that's what he meant, but he mentioned something like coming from another state, so I was like...: "WTF if ye move state ye can't vote until a certain period of time or what?"

:Smug: :p
@d_s: that's my curse of the day, people don't read what i write and then re-ask the same questions. first rayna about the london bombings, now this... eh, why doesn't anybody pay attention to what i say? :cry:
I'm actually cosmopolitan: I was born in the USSR, grew up in Belarus, live in the States, and I don't know where I'll be elected as president... but sure enough my moneys will be in Zurich ;) Or Cayman Islands :p
hyena said:
@d_s: that's my curse of the day, people don't read what i write and then re-ask the same questions. first rayna about the london bombings, now this... eh, why doesn't anybody pay attention to what i say? :cry:

Don't worry, 'tis because we're drunk :rolleyes: *ahem* *cof cof*

@Plintus: I knew it, you were too hot to be a yankee :oops: ;)
and here i was thinking that plintus was flirting with me... no, he prefers guys. :p well, not the first time in my life, as master rahvin knows, having been the object of desire of a guy i went out with :lol:
Kovenant84 said:
I'll spell out my problems with her later (mostly stemming from her total ineffectiveness as a politician and a severe case of 'talking out her ass').
Ineffectiveness? She's been one of the most active legislators in Congress.

edit: And while I think her mannerisms are a bit offputting (a loud, inappropriate laugh, for instance), she's hands-down one of the brightest, most informed, policy-minded people I've ever come across. I respect her tremendously and think she'd be one of the smartest presidents we've ever had, but, that said, I think the general consensus is that she'd never win.
Lina said:
I think the general consensus is that she'd never win.

From what I understand, that's because the Democrats currently don't have that much support, right? I remember reading somewhere that she's leading the polls party-wise, but the party is behind. Do you think that it will stay that way in two years?
Meanwhile here in Sweden, the last parts of the election campaign is coming to an end. Election day is for tommorow, and I have a bad feeling that the rightist "Alliance for Sweden" (consisting of four different parties) are going to win.
I´ll propably be working in the election centres (couldnt come up with a better word) from 8 in the morning to 1 in the middle of the night, so it´s gotta be an evening at home this saturday.