the dynamite politics thread

Yellow press (this can be someone's role model :D):

Mel Gibson was blaming jews in all the wars on the planet, after he was stopped by the police for drunk driving :D Insulting the police and stuff... funny :)
plintus said:
BTW, that family comment you made... I find it irrelevant at the certain point in time, since my family isn't any kind of extremist. But my uncle is a high-ranked military guy (one rank before general), so in case of any war he's the one who can actually be out there (hardly in the very field, but you know what I mean). It's war, he's in the special forces, shit happens, life goes on.

But if my relatives were some kind of radical lunatics... story would be different I think. So I'm partly with you on WTF jews are bombing Lebanon, but only partly since there's more to it than we can see.

You misunderstood me here. I'm not assuming your relatives are any sort of radicals in this hypothetical example. I was saying that perfectly decent, honest, regular people get killed by Israeli attacks in Lebanon - people just like the relatives of everyone of us here. Israel is purposefully destroying whole villages in sourthern Lebanon, not caring how many terrorists there are or aren't among the civilians.

But as Rahvin wisely said, these kind of hypothetical "your parents get killed" -examples are pretty useless.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure the two of us can agree to disagree on this issue now.

Villain said:
You misunderstood me here. I'm not assuming your relatives are any sort of radicals in this hypothetical example. I was saying that perfectly decent, honest, regular people get killed by Israeli attacks in Lebanon - people just like the relatives of everyone of us here. Israel is purposefully destroying whole villages in sourthern Lebanon, not caring how many terrorists there are or aren't among the civilians.

But as Rahvin wisely said, these kind of hypothetical "your parents get killed" -examples are pretty useless.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure the two of us can agree to disagree on this issue now.


Aye, true enough.

Nah, not misunderstanding, I realized what you were saying and what you were implying, but didn't make myself clear... but whatever - that was rhetorical anyway.
hyena said:
For fuck's sake, the Ottomans were the foremost and richest empire of their time, still they wanted to conquer the damn whole world.
what OBL is trying to do amounts to reconstruction of the caliphate, i.e. a single kingdom encompassing all muslim states under one ruler. these folks do not (only) want money, or appeasement, or recognition. they're ultimately out for world domination and it's a kill-or-be-killed game, in which israel constitutes a crucial lookout/frontier post.

I agree with Villain, that if you insert USA instead of the muslim side, the sentence would be equally true, also for Israel being a frontier post - just the opposite way, and would be a good example for some kind of (religiously influenced) democracy, since it is one of the few high-tech, bio-tech, economically relatively successfully (though that could be better, without the war) countries in this region.

Even though I´m sure that people in a democracy live in more peace of mind than under dictators who want to control their lives and punish people brutally for the slightest, actually not criminal, action, it is also the impression to me, that the USA could theoretically be happy on their own territory, but are not, wanting to democratize a lot of countries with shady methods. Currently the USA are also governed by a pentecostan Christian, one of the more active versions of this belief.

Don´t get me wrong, I too, find democracy the best possible way to live, but still, from a muslim point of view, the US and their fellows are up to conquer the world with their very capitalistic intentions and play territories like the puppet master, and the other side of this is, that hardcore islamistic movements like to conquer a good part of the world under their beliefs.

That all aside, I think that often religion and politics are just the outer motif to both sides. Some people just want to have influence, power, economic success, lots of money and see everyone bowing down to them. It are plain criminals if they want to achieve this goal with violence, war and crime.

Edit: I just had this picture in my head, that we are here debating about theories while completely undisturbed from everything theoretical there is some warlord just looking how he can get tons of cash from drug-trade, and an oil-baron smoking a big cigar because he just got a big deal thanks to diplomacy :D
I'm going to deliberately stay out of this conversation, simply because I find that in most of these situations, there is no clear-cut right and wrong. For the most part, it's all this weird grey area where both sides insist that they are justified and that the other is an extremist, soulless group bent on world domination.

But then, I thought most of Loose Change had a good point, so that's the other reason I'm steering clear.

Villain said:
The way fundamentalist Christianity (the biggest threat to all mankind for nearly two millennia) was defeated - by educating people, by giving them the option of choosing whether or not they want to follow the words of some priest or such, by showing them that this life is worth too much to throw it away for some god.

No, that is wrong. The worst kind of Fundamentalist Catholics ( the ones who do not mind raping and killing their enemies and have done so 3 times in this year alone already ) Just hijacked almost absolute power in Mexico by consumating what it has to be one of the most documented electoral frauds in history. The only solution right now is

a) A revolution ( yes I mean it in the old fashion ways, with people arming themselves with whatever they can and fighting the state, the police and the military forces until they are all dead or overthrown, or preferably both )

b) Fleeing the country ( you can probably count me in this category within the next 2 years ) and promoving direct actions ( either pacifist or violent ) to overthrown the goberment.

But as it stands, Its looks like very soon you will be hearing for a huge massacre in Mexico, with numbers that could reach millions ( yes millions ) of dead civilians in the hands of the Federal Police ( its named Federal Police but its actually a paramilitar force ) and the Army ( many people including reknown bussiness tycoons are actually asking for the military to get involved and remove all protesters, by force ).

So dont be so sure to say Christian Fundamentalist have been overthrown, prolive maniacs and ultra conservative Catholics have completly abolished the democratic process in the country and we are quickly descending into a totalitarian Fascist regime that has already kidnaped not only freedom of expression ( we know have a law that allows huge network monopolies to hijack the entire electromagnetic spectrum so NOBODY who doesnt pays them has the right to transmit any TV or Radio even if they do it at their own expense ) and financial freedom ( one of the biggest financial frauds to "rescue" bankcrupt banks and then turn their debt into public debt is about to be repeated again, and the key Nationalized industry that is pretty much keeping the economy alive, the Oil, its on its way to be sold to the US too ) but democracy now its too just a huge joke.

Fundamentalist Christianity and their crimes are alive and well.
Misanthrope said:
No, that is wrong. The worst kind of Fundamentalist Catholics ( the ones who do not mind raping and killing their enemies and have done so 3 times in this year alone already ) Just hijacked almost absolute power in Mexico by consumating what it has to be one of the most documented electoral frauds in history. The only solution right now is

a) A revolution ( yes I mean it in the old fashion ways, with people arming themselves with whatever they can and fighting the state, the police and the military forces until they are all dead or overthrown, or preferably both )

b) Fleeing the country ( you can probably count me in this category within the next 2 years ) and promoving direct actions ( either pacifist or violent ) to overthrown the goberment.

But as it stands, Its looks like very soon you will be hearing for a huge massacre in Mexico, with numbers that could reach millions ( yes millions ) of dead civilians in the hands of the Federal Police ( its named Federal Police but its actually a paramilitar force ) and the Army ( many people including reknown bussiness tycoons are actually asking for the military to get involved and remove all protesters, by force ).

So dont be so sure to say Christian Fundamentalist have been overthrown, prolive maniacs and ultra conservative Catholics have completly abolished the democratic process in the country and we are quickly descending into a totalitarian Fascist regime that has already kidnaped not only freedom of expression ( we know have a law that allows huge network monopolies to hijack the entire electromagnetic spectrum so NOBODY who doesnt pays them has the right to transmit any TV or Radio even if they do it at their own expense ) and financial freedom ( one of the biggest financial frauds to "rescue" bankcrupt banks and then turn their debt into public debt is about to be repeated again, and the key Nationalized industry that is pretty much keeping the economy alive, the Oil, its on its way to be sold to the US too ) but democracy now its too just a huge joke.

Fundamentalist Christianity and their crimes are alive and well.

You're welcome to join us up here in the USA, where myself and many others arm ourselves and are willing to defend ourselves and our rights. The US military is really unable to be turned against the general population, simply because the vast majority of our armed forces would fight back against anyone who told them to attack their own countrymen. Soon enough we'll get rid of our idiot president who is blundering less than many of us expected he would, and hopefully get a decent leader in there. Even with an idiot president though, our country still works pretty well.
Please forgive anything I fucked up in this post because I haven't slept yet and its's 7AM.
hyena said:

Did you see her? Or is that you??? :zombie:

Oh me. Isn't, I look way better than that and don't cry in airports. And my flight is on Saturday, the Gods of War (ie Joey De Maio and co.) willing.
It's promising to be a mess :(

400+ k ppl stuck in UK's airports + preventive measures taken all over the world.

Again - better safe than sorry.
@dd: don't even get started with that fucking bullshit. you don't know what you're talking about.
Steve said:
You're welcome to join us up here in the USA, where myself and many others arm ourselves and are willing to defend ourselves and our rights. The US military is really unable to be turned against the general population, simply because the vast majority of our armed forces would fight back against anyone who told them to attack their own countrymen. Soon enough we'll get rid of our idiot president who is blundering less than many of us expected he would, and hopefully get a decent leader in there. Even with an idiot president though, our country still works pretty well.
Please forgive anything I fucked up in this post because I haven't slept yet and its's 7AM.

You make it sound good on paper, Like I almost forget that you live on a country where 99.9999% of the population wouldnt even dream a violent revolution let alone carry it alone.

Yes your population is well armed I am aware, but it is also almost braindead too and religiously follow whoever presents himself as morally superior, so thanks but i'll pass to that too.