The "Education" Thread

UA is a Shitmunger.

Anyway - pretty glad the semester is wrapping up. Carrying As in all my classes atm with 6 tests left total. Already registered for the summer and fall. Taking German 3 & 4 together to free up my last semester for knocking out my minor reqs. My last Psych class is going to be taken during the summer, not counting the thesis work covering my whole senior year. Pretty stoked to be staring down the end of undergrad, although not stoked about the GRE and waiting to hear back on my grad school application. It is incredibly competitive. I was told for 2013 there were 150+ applications for 4 slots. I'm doing everything I can to make an extremely competitive application, but I think it may come down to my letters of recommendation/openings with the specific professors within my general specialty focus.
Hmmm, is this really the "education" thread? Here kids, let me help you out with your spelling and grammar: "You shameless bag of cunts". And "shitmonger" Tut tut, I really would have expected insults with a bit more intelligence and complexity to them from guys pretending college professors and such though. :rolleyes:
And just for the record, I used to teach kids, but I teach adults now...
Hmmm, is this really the "education" thread? Here kids, let me help you out with your spelling and grammar: "You shameless bag of cunts". And "shitmonger" Tut tut, I really would have expected insults with a bit more intelligence and complexity to them from guys pretending college professors and such though. :rolleyes:
And just for the record, I used to teach kids, but I teach adults now...

"From guys pretending to be college professors..."
If I had wanted to write it as Shitmonger I would have, for the same reason I might write kvlt. I intentionally misspelled a word. Ya got me. Oh snap I misspelled you as well.
UA, you're quite the literalist huh? let me explain my statement to you, moron. "bag" meaning the shit you call your body holding together the "cunt" that is you - meaning, your character. You mongoloid faced dimwit.

Also, it's quite weak of you to attack grammar instead of the subject at hand. Bottom line, no man with any amount of integrity brags about how virtuous he is in life to deflect what a cunt he is on an online forum. Anyone who does help people wouldnt be flaunting it like such a desperate flunkee. And if you actually do help people you're cheapening it by attempting to boast your righteousness of which you clearly have none.
UA, you're quite the literalist huh? let me explain my statement to you, moron. "bag" meaning the shit you call your body holding together the "cunt" that is you - meaning, your character. You mongoloid faced dimwit.

Also, it's quite weak of you to attack grammar instead of the subject at hand. Bottom line, no man with any amount of integrity brags about how virtuous he is in life to deflect what a cunt he is on an online forum. Anyone who does help people wouldnt be flaunting it like such a desperate flunkee. And if you actually do help people you're cheapening it by attempting to boast your righteousness of which you clearly have none.

holy fuck. I've been grading my "late" papers for this last assignment, and it's like they all forgot how to write a paper. Their thesis statements were just shit, and their paragraphs went nowhere. It's actually made me really mad because now I have to go over this shit again and make sure they've got it.
What do you guys do about doodles on lab reports/exams/etc? There was a large and imo respectable coy fish drawn in an open spot on the last page and it made me smile so I put I little smiley face next to it in acknowledgement, but now I'm wondering if that could be construed as flirtatious, sexual harassment, or otherwise inappropriate instructor conduct. I just remember as an undergrad students being like "Awww, he/she didn't even acknowledge my drawing :(" so I don't want to hurt their feelings either.