The "Education" Thread

I think it's fine. I'd only be worried if the student drew something inappropriate and then you put a smiley face next to it. It's nice when teachers have a sense or humor.
My students are turning in their rough drafts of their research papers today. Fuck me, I'm terrified of these things. They are going to be absolutely garbage. I blame myself, because I suck at teaching, but jesus...
Finally, finally, finally on Spring break (for teaching, not my own classes). It's been a relentless few months so I really need this quasi-break.

We're reading Night by Elie Wiesel--first person narrative of the Auschwitz--in my high school, so for the final day before break we analyzed Red Sector A by Rush. Students really did a good job of analyzing it and afterwards one of my students came up to me and it turns out he's a huge rock and metal fan. I'm hoping to play Angel of Death by Slayer when we get to the passage with Dr. Mengele (if I can talk my guiding teacher in to it).

Also, got an interview with LA Unified for late May! I wish it was earlier so I could start applying for particular jobs (you have to pass a first round screening with the district before you can apply to particular schools) but at least that gives me time to prep a great demo lesson.
Neuro class wrapped up this morning. Now my 8ams are getting replaced by working with qualifying/coding data for research instead. Certainly an improvement. I aced the neuro class but the sheer amount of test prep req'd was stressful, not to mention the 5 tests in a little less than 4 months pacing.
Pretty sure it's not illegal anywhere (in the USA), but obviously there can be other repercussions. But don't worry about that and make sure to post video once you're done.
My cousin actually had a kid (didn't finish college) for one of her professors and is now marrying him. My sister went to school with her (SUNY school) and they were both undergrads at the time and it caused a lot of damn controversy. The professor teaches at a community college now...

Basically saying be careful. There are no "rules" but the talk might force you to teach elsewhere especially if she gets preggers.
No legal action will be pursued (provided the student is a consenting adult of appropriate age), but it's very likely that your institution will take some kind of action, possibly even firing the instructor. It's taken very seriously because, even if you don't actually have the student in one of your classes, the power dynamic still exists; and this can lead to a variety of unwelcome but imaginable situations.
While it's not illegal it is usually (if not always) against school policy. Most schools will have you sign a code of conduct in which you agree not to have any inappropriate relationships with your students but even if there isn't such an agreement I would strongly recommend against it. If things don't work out, that student can make all sorts of accusations, which can cost you your job and a professional reference. Even if things go fine, rumors could start and that could be enough for the college/university to decide to not resign you when your contract is up. This is espeically likely if you don't have tenure or if you're adjunct. Basically, don't risk fucking up your career for a girl.
Once I finish grading these essays then I'll have very little work left for the remaining couple weeks of the semester. My students are workingshopping their final speeches this week and delivering them next week. Grading those is easy. I have a rubric and put a number score by each category when they finish each speech. No final.

And I just have one major paper to write this semester, and that's not due for over two weeks.
ugh. this is my busy time. All throughout the semester I've been good about spacing out assignments across my five classes, but they're starting to clump up. I'm almost done with a stack of papers from friday. I got two today and am getting a third on Wednesday. One school is done in 3 weeks, another at the end of May and the third is done the first week of June. Hermit mode, engage!
My busy time too; fortunately one of my seminar papers is nearly complete, and the other is about half-done. On top of that I'll have final grades to calculate and exams to administer.

Also trying to procure some form of summer work, even part-time. Summer funding is limited for grad students, and I doubt I'll pick up any this year since I'm only a second-year.
I have been fortunate with work. I already work 21 hours on the weekends outside the scope of the uni, but I was one of the handful of tutors kept on during the summer for 10 hours a week. So I'm up to 31 hours, not too bad.