The "Education" Thread

^that is long. I went to thesis presentations of my peers after I graduated, and theirs were around 70 pages. My professor is known for students with long theses. Mine is close to the longest of his students though. I was working on this day and night, it was my whole life for several months. I discovered many new results which unfortunately may never be read since it is not a PhD thesis and since no one cares. It was nominated for thesis of the year, but didn't win since no one ever read the entire damn thing. There is some serious insight into the underlying structures of math and music theory, but it would take months of study to even begin to understand. No one ever will bother perhaps. It's not marketable.
still sounds super interesting. Reminds when Don Anderson was working on the last Sculptured album and composed the whole album around the idea of matrices and using them to create music
^that is long. I went to thesis presentations of my peers after I graduated, and theirs were around 70 pages. My professor is known for students with long theses. Mine is close to the longest of his students though. I was working on this day and night, it was my whole life for several months. I discovered many new results which unfortunately may never be read since it is not a PhD thesis and since no one cares. It was nominated for thesis of the year, but didn't win since no one ever read the entire damn thing. There is some serious insight into the underlying structures of math and music theory, but it would take months of study to even begin to understand. No one ever will bother perhaps. It's not marketable.

Then re-write it!!!

It sounds incredibly interesting.
Interviewed for a summer teaching job today. I felt like I nailed it and got the vibe from my interviewers that they were impressed, but we'll see...

Got interviews lined up for a charter I really like on the 16th and LAUSD on the 23rd. Gotta play my cards right, because LAUSD is the motherload, but I don't want to turn down a sure thing when I am in absolute need of employment. Also, I'm really annoyed that Compton Unified is taking so long to list hirings. That's my top choice, but I'm not gonna wait around for them and no good young teachers probably will...
I'm set up for a training/screening program with Berlitz, but I'm a bit conflicted. The pay isn't great, but the experience might be worth it: language education that would provide an alternative experience to what I'm used to in university. We'll see what else comes up.
Have any of you guys ever checked to see if you've received any RateMyProfessor reviews? I have one now, which described me as very helpful but a bit shy and received a 5 for overall quality, although unfortunately I was not voted as hot.
Have any of you guys ever checked to see if you've received any RateMyProfessor reviews? I have one now, which described me as very helpful but a bit shy and received a 5 for overall quality, although unfortunately I was not voted as hot.

I have one as well. 4.0 in helpfulness, 2.5 or less on the others. They complained about me going too fast. This person got a C in the class. They don't seem happy with the class but I don't really care. Plenty of other students got A's.
I have quite a few. I just received my first negative review on there last semester. I actively tell my students to rate me on there because that's how a lot of students choose their classes... it's shitty but if it keeps my classes from getting cancelled i'll take it
I have a few reviews on RateMyProfessor; the first couple aren't great, but the rest are. Once I found my footing as a teacher the reviews got much better. I also know exactly who wrote one of the reviews because he complained about me not rounding his grade up to an A-. Unfortunately he got his math wrong.

Unfortunately, these reviews are all for my old job at St. Pete College. No one has started one for my courses at Boston U yet.
So, I have a student who actually did well on his exams, and got B/B+ on both his papers, which put him in the high B+ range (papers are worth more than exams in my class). Unfortunately, he only completed three of a required eight Blackboard posts, which took his grade down to a B. He then proceeded to ask if, since he demonstrated knowledge of the materials in exams and papers, I couldn't raise his grade.

News flash: That is what the Blackboard posts are for. You were already in B+ range; the posts are there to help you possibly bring your grade up to an A-. If you don't do them, your grade will go down. THAT'S HOW IT WORKS.
You wouldn't know it from my post count here, but I really loathe class discussion forums - primarily because of the lack of quality in posting from the other participants. I was concerned about possibly getting an A- (didn't happen)in one class because I wasn't sure I made enough posts every week, even though I did check it regularly. I had to force myself on occasion to make those posts I despise just to at least post something. "I completely agree. This is not good!" etc. Other students were getting their post counts either with endless complaints about problems caused by (imo) being lazy/not paying attention, or just posting bullshit in the casual forum. I can't interact with either (in a polite and professional manner).

I am slammed for the next month. ECU does the Summer I/II split instead of the 2 month classes, so I have 2 1 month classes, one psych and one ethics class. I am also tutoring the same ethics class I tutored last semester, but this teacher has an entirely different approach covering different philosophers, so on top of my accelerated courses I have reading I need to do to be helpful as a tutor. Fortunately reading the Republic on my own last summer is paying off very tangibly, as that is being covered lol.

Going back again to BB discussion forum postings, I was happy to see that the instructor for the ethics class I am taking has an actual forum post grading rubric, and the "OMG I so agree" posts get no credit. He doesn't require a certain number of posts, just quality, so I should have more to work with and shouldn't need to water my posts down to stretch them out, etc.
from an instructor's point of view, I use discussion board postings but for content outside of class. I'll post a TED talk or an article and give them a few questions based on the video/article. I like it because some students are too shy or don't like to talk in class, but I'm genuinely interested in their opinions, so I want them to have a medium where they could express themselves. My grading criteria is quality over quantity.

I remember in grad school one of my classes had an online component. This girl, who was mind blowingly brilliant and now works for Google I believe, would just write a wall of postmodern/deconstructive text like it came naturally to her. I always felt dumb compared to her. My posts were all vulgar and simple (but still substantial)...but she just blew us all out of the water.

plus she was cute