The "Education" Thread

Is it a misconception to suggest that being smart consists in acting in ways which are obviously smart?

What actions appear "obviously smart" depends on who is perceiving. Getting an education is "obviously dumb" to many people. Buying stocks or anything else in a bubble is "obviously smart" to many people.
What actions appear "obviously smart" depends on who is perceiving. Getting an education is "obviously dumb" to many people. Buying stocks or anything else in a bubble is "obviously smart" to many people.

I don't disagree with any of that. I'd also say that having a high IQ also doesn't make one "obviously smart", which is the substance of my initial response to Death Delirium.

Or you could just tell him he's a dumbass :p.
I've always measured intelligence by not only what exists, but what's done with it. There's too many starving geniuses, and I think it's high time they stop being praised for a hefty genetic predisposition to creativity or logic. Frankly nobody should give a fuck about how smart you are if you're too selfish and lazy to make a difference in the world, and/or your own life, with it.

In fact, it is downright stupid if you don't, it negates all the reading or reasoning you've accomplished and are capable of.
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Nope. In fact, we are all the worst kind of people, the very worst.

But at least I worked my way up. One 70 hour work week at a time from trailer trash, without any debt and not a penny from family. I have zero tolerance for entitled intellectuals living at home quoting philosophers while they work part time and study liberal arts with free money.
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Lol sorry I was thinking of certain people and my point got away from me. God, I hate Zack and James, those useless faggots. I enjoy watching their failure in life because they deserve it.
There's too many starving geniuses, and I think it's high time they stop being praised for a hefty genetic predisposition to creativity or logic. Frankly nobody should give a fuck about how smart you are if you're too selfish and lazy to make a difference in the world, and/or your own life, with it.

Who are these starving geniuses that we're praising?

I have to admit, if geniuses are starving then it doesn't sound like they're getting much praise. If you're referring simply to the old trope of the starving artist, that's actually a very inaccurate portrayal of genius. Good artists tend to be successful, or they tend to have full-time jobs and do art on the side, because - contrary to popular belief - good artists are actually driven.
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Good artists tend to be successful, or they tend to have full-time jobs and do art on the side, because - contrary to popular belief - good artists are actually driven.

You basically aped the point I already made. Although I dislike that you chose the word artist, rather than genius. It makes your statement an inferior copy.
Most of the time I've read about geniuses in any field (which tends to be pre-20th C admittedly), they've certainly been driven, but usually to the exclusion of material, worldly success. They've typically been in debt and plagued by personal problems, probably because their focus wasn't directed towards dealing with prosaic day to day shit and they felt aggravated with even being expected to. So mostly arseholes.

No idea what a modern "genius" would look like, though.
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Because there really aren't any. There's just people who talk intelligently often and never actually do anything, even pet projects.
You basically aped the point I already made. Although I dislike that you chose the word artist, rather than genius. It makes your statement an inferior copy.

You did make that point in your very first statement, and then proceeded to undermine it by continuing to use the word genius without defining it, or bothering to say whether you were simply being sarcastic.

I chose "artist" because it's only a slightly more specific term than "genius," which you didn't bother to define and seem to assume subsists in and of itself. I can imagine a rejoinder in which someone suggests that a genius's failure to effectively apply their genius simultaneously decreases their genius, or even precludes them from being a genius.

So I consider my comment less an inferior copy than a clarifying inquiry into an obscure comment.

Because there really aren't any. There's just people who talk intelligently often and never actually do anything, even pet projects.

Where are these people, and who's praising them? Can you name me one starving genius? Or tell me where to find them?
I can imagine a rejoinder in which someone suggests that a genius's failure to effectively apply their genius simultaneously decreases their genius, or even precludes them from being a genius.
This was all you needed to glean from my posts. I feel specifying what kind of genius is overkill.
Where are these people, and who's praising them? Can you name me one starving genius? Or tell me where to find them?

Oh no. Nah, man. Nah. I've seen your overtly lengthy, high diction low logic debates before and I ain't doing it. This is clearly an attempt to engage.
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Oh no. Nah, man. Nah. I've seen your overtly lengthy, high diction low logic debates before and I ain't doing it. This is clearly an attempt to engage.

Haha, yes it was. I asked a question. Multiple questions. That's one very conventional way to engage someone. Quite perceptive. But if your previous behavior and commentary are any indication, I'll be disappointed.

I guess it's best to quit while we're ahead.
One of my students this semester is from Russia, here doing a short stint at BU. This kid is incredibly smart, well-read, and can easily have a conversation at grad level. It's too bad we can't really reach that level of discussion in the class I'm teaching, but he and I have had a couple really great discussions after class.

Anyway, turns out he wants to be a philosophy professor. His goal is to study at the Sorbonne under Quentin Meillassoux. Really excited about this kid.
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