The end of Dissection


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
While most of you on this forum don't care, it was announced today that Jon Nödtveidt of Dissection took his own life. While many of you are going to make comments about how stupid he is for doing that or how he's a terrible person, a coward for killing himself and whatnot, i say Hailz to Jon for his legacy. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would kill themselves just to "end it all". I think he finished his work and this is the final punctuation to it. So now, a celebration for Jon and his work.

NP - Where Dead Angels Lie
If he hadn't killed himself I wouldn't have known about his band, and they have some descent music (slight black metal). We find that many musicians gain more glory and attention in their death than in their life.
Jon killed a man in cold blood just because he was not only was he a homophobe, he was a murderer.

This kind of person gets no respect from me, regardless of musical output (which was kinda cool, despite the preachy religious lyrics).
The following message has been posted on the official DISSECTION web site confirming frontman Jon Nödtveidt's suicide:

"As rumours have started to spread we feel obliged to confirm Jon Nödtveidt's death. Jon Nödtveidt was a man who lived his life according to his convictions and True Will. A couple of days ago he chose to end his life by his own hands. As a true Satanist he led his life in the way he wanted and ended it when he felt that he had fulfilled his self-created destiny. Not everyone will have understanding or acceptance for his personal path in this life and beyond, but all must respect his choice.

Those of us who have met him in his last days can assure that he was more focussed, happier and stronger than ever. It is our full conviction that he left this world of lies with a scornful laughter, knowing that he had fulfilled everything that he had set up for himself to accomplish. The empty space that he leaves behind will be filled with the dark essence that he manifested through his life and black-magical work. His legacy and Luciferian Fire will live on through those few who truly knew him and appreciated his work for what it really was and still is. As our brother's goal in life and death never was to "Rest in Peace", we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled.

For the glory of the Dark Gods and the Wrathful Chaos! 218"

Good that he is dead, he murdured a man.
cro4eva said:
The following message has been posted on the official DISSECTION web site confirming frontman Jon Nödtveidt's suicide:

"As rumours have started to spread we feel obliged to confirm Jon Nödtveidt's death. Jon Nödtveidt was a man who lived his life according to his convictions and True Will. A couple of days ago he chose to end his life by his own hands. As a true Satanist he led his life in the way he wanted and ended it when he felt that he had fulfilled his self-created destiny. Not everyone will have understanding or acceptance for his personal path in this life and beyond, but all must respect his choice.

Those of us who have met him in his last days can assure that he was more focussed, happier and stronger than ever. It is our full conviction that he left this world of lies with a scornful laughter, knowing that he had fulfilled everything that he had set up for himself to accomplish. The empty space that he leaves behind will be filled with the dark essence that he manifested through his life and black-magical work. His legacy and Luciferian Fire will live on through those few who truly knew him and appreciated his work for what it really was and still is. As our brother's goal in life and death never was to "Rest in Peace", we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled.

For the glory of the Dark Gods and the Wrathful Chaos! 218"

Ohhh it brings a tear to the eye!

I've never heard so much crap in my life, mourning the death of a murdering Satanist, pull the other one. This clown was no better than those brainwashed religious freaks who are completely anonymous in life and all of a sudden revered saints in death, miraculous. In a nutshell this is nothing but metal martyrdom and now all the outcast teen-angst crowd have a new hero who was a sack of shit in life and a useless pile of bones in death, way to go bonehead (pun most certainly intended).
cro4eva said:
The following message has been posted on the official DISSECTION web site confirming frontman Jon Nödtveidt's suicide:

"As rumours have started to spread we feel obliged to confirm Jon Nödtveidt's death. Jon Nödtveidt was a man who lived his life according to his convictions and True Will. A couple of days ago he chose to end his life by his own hands. As a true Satanist he led his life in the way he wanted and ended it when he felt that he had fulfilled his self-created destiny. Not everyone will have understanding or acceptance for his personal path in this life and beyond, but all must respect his choice.

Those of us who have met him in his last days can assure that he was more focussed, happier and stronger than ever. It is our full conviction that he left this world of lies with a scornful laughter, knowing that he had fulfilled everything that he had set up for himself to accomplish. The empty space that he leaves behind will be filled with the dark essence that he manifested through his life and black-magical work. His legacy and Luciferian Fire will live on through those few who truly knew him and appreciated his work for what it really was and still is. As our brother's goal in life and death never was to "Rest in Peace", we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled.

For the glory of the Dark Gods and the Wrathful Chaos! 218"

Sounds just as crazy as any Christian fanatic....may his soul rest in hell
so he killed himself because he was an insane religious fanatic... just like those heaven's gate people. I don't think that is deserving of any praise or respect. I think its more sad how religion in all forms can take hold of people and makes them idiots out of touch with reality. Maybe a bit funny too. Dissection have a few cool songs, but nothing special imo
Yngvai X said:
Jon killed a man in cold blood just because he was not only was he a homophobe, he was a murderer.

This kind of person gets no respect from me, regardless of musical output (which was kinda cool, despite the preachy religious lyrics).

ditto, and the funny thing isn't, isn't the heart of satanism based around homosexuality? Praising sodom, and doing things which the bible deems unholy, to be the inverse of christian idealogy? I'm not saying that what homosexuality is (I couldnt care less about homosexuality either way) but is definately what satanism in most forms promotes. irony anyone?
i hope he is having fun not existing anymore:)

i was orginaly going to keep that to myself till i did a bit of research and found out how much of an asshole the guy was...
"The Satanist decides over his own life and death and prefers to go with a smile on his lips when he has reached his peak in life, when he has accomplished everything, and aim to transcend this earthly existence. But it is completely un-Satanic to end ones own life because one is sad or miserable. The Satanist dies strong, not by age, disease or depression, and he chooses death before dishonor! Death is the orgasm of life! So live life accordingly, as intense as possible!"

-Jon N
Satanism is stupid as hell... and your whole "death before dishonor is fucking stupid as well.. what bigger dishonor could you give yourself then to take your own life for no reason. Sure samurai did it but for reasons FAR different then what this dickhead did.
War_Blade said:
Satanism is stupid as hell... and your whole "death before dishonor is fucking stupid as well.. what bigger dishonor could you give yourself then to take your own life for no reason. Sure samurai did it but for reasons FAR different then what this dickhead did.
Listen to storm of the lights bane and somberlain. That will be all.
Alteredmindeath said:
"The Satanist decides over his own life and death and prefers to go with a smile on his lips when he has reached his peak in life, when he has accomplished everything, and aim to transcend this earthly existence. But it is completely un-Satanic to end ones own life because one is sad or miserable. The Satanist dies strong, not by age, disease or depression, and he chooses death before dishonor! Death is the orgasm of life! So live life accordingly, as intense as possible!"

-Jon N

I just read the blabbermouth thing about how he died.. how is shooting yourself in the head fulfilling death as an orgasm of life? it's quick and cowardly.. quite frankly I'm disappointed..

I also hate the fact that the air surrounding his murdering an innocent man made it all about him and his personal thoughts and feelings and 'moving on from it' rather than anything at all about the victim besides a name, race and age - like that person was nothing more than an insignificant source of notoriety for this asshole.