The Focusing Blur opinions

Bob Göran said:
One thing I want to know is... How much do you get for a sold album? Just out of curiousity.

Btw. The album is awesome, definately something I'll buy. Keep up the good work...
This is something that I can't go into, as the deal is between Napalm and us, and is that exclusively.....

mr V
mll666 said:
Congrats! can't really wait til the next one is out!
hahaha.......I second that notion :grin: but maybe "The Focusing Blur" should hit the stores first ;)
I quite like what you wrote and agree on a lot of things, especially when you said there are parts in each song you are looking forward to. And my overall impression of the album is still changing a little each time I listen to it. I wasn't totally blown away on first listen. Then I thought it's pretty much like VFTSG but not as good. Right now I'm at the point where it's totally addictive.....I'm constantly listening to it and if not, I'm at least humming a tune or have a song stuck in my head.
Which is not always nice btw. In "Matrix Odyssey" there's this horrible furious keyboard setting in at drives me crazy. :loco: It even robbed my sleep two nights ago because all I had in my head was that damn part. Thanks mr V :p
The odd thing is I'm getting used to it already :rolleyes:
.. but i think it´s good if a song or a CD isn´t very good, first time u hear it...
Most songs someone likes, first time he hears it.. it mostly takes no time after it´s boring... but if it takes it´s time to be used to it, it will be an alltime good song !!
i can´t wait any longer to hear the new CD :grin:
espacially Mr. V. is someone who inspires me in writing Vocal-Lines (he got one the best Vocal-Lines ever i think ;) ) it´s a very good new imput for my Audio Engineer-study ! :)
Ensomt hjerte said:
.. Most songs someone likes, first time he hears it.. it mostly takes no time after it´s boring... but if it takes it´s time to be used to it, it will be an alltime good song !!

I agree! :p Sometimes songs that I like immediately tend to get boring after a while.

The songs that have to grow on you are the ones I end up liking the best! :hypno:

Especially songs with lyrics written in foreign languages (since I only speak English) ;) At first it was more difficult for me to really get into those (I was a dumb-ass!) but now I love them! :worship:
Gaunerin said:
In "Matrix Odyssey" there's this horrible furious keyboard setting in at drives me crazy. :loco: It even robbed my sleep two nights ago because all I had in my head was that damn part. Thanks mr V :p
yeah! I didn't quite like that part much! simply cuz it reminds me of one of those Dimmu or COF cheezy parts! like a Vampire or Ghost theme! u know what I mean? rest of the song is great though!

Damn, i think i even wrote my previous review quite fast without reviewing it, I can comment on so many parts like the ones I mentioned... but I thought it would be too boring for the reader.. or someone would call me an obsessed. (right SD? hehe)
Alteredmindeath said:
I like surprises, i am going to wait for The Focusing Blur to come out and then buy it then listen to it while im staring at the front art while smoking a fat green one. It's only wise to support artist with finacial support so it can support there music...
Thanx for your opinion, dude! At least I don´t stand ALL alone... here between all the others who already downloaded the album... not being so fair to wait for the official release-date, until we all have it... *pissed off* ... before they post their detailled opinions here.... I mainly try not to read it, as it just spoils the surprise and the fun for me....
Twilightheart said:
Thanx for your opinion, dude! At least I don´t stand ALL alone... here between all the others who already downloaded the album... not being so fair to wait for the official release-date, until we all have it... *pissed off* ... before they post their detailled opinions here.... I mainly try not to read it, as it just spoils the surprise and the fun for me....
Heh, i must say that readin the opinions of those who've heard the album already is funny&makes me more ispired to buy it as soon as it will lie on a shelf of my favorite music store :) :Smokin:
Anima Lagopus said:
ok, i'm building a home studio at the momemt, do you have any recomandations on which program I should use? I think I will use it most for recording of acustic guitars
It totally depend on what standard your grasping for, you can use anything from free software for hd recording to's just a matter of taste and money!!

mr V
Vintersorg said:
It totally depend on what standard your grasping for, you can use anything from free software for hd recording to's just a matter of taste and money!!

mr V

well, i just bought a new computer that I will use for that reason.. and was thinking of this mixer:

not so expensive because i'm a student and I don't have so much money, but do think that mixer could be enough?
I'm just looking for a simpel home studio, because the band I play in "Contemporary Past" has a bigger and more pro- studio to work with.

So mainly for home use, to learn more.
I am also looking for a good sound card, maybe extern, around 1500 nkr ca.

But i'm not so sure about what microphone I should use...
After meny meny listenings throw the blur now i actually belives it better then visions. Allt thees awesome chours, that now on is acoustic, is just extreamly good and singalongfriendly(is that a word?)! And also all thees new types of vocals Mr.V trying is very good and i think thees clean vocals is much better presented, or what too say, then on visions. What i don´t like that much is all thees jazzthings, like the ending parts of "sphere in a sphere" that is kind of strange (even throw that course is one of the best on the album), and that it feels like Vintersorg is "krånglar till det i onödan" and not like the simple but still genius course on the first albums, like on "isjungfrun" for example. And also that some on the mangelparts don´t fit in 100% i belive. But i guess i get use to this weird mix of insanity in some time :) But really, its a greate album, very well done. Not really this "headbaning, mosh"-friendly music, but, again, AWESOME!!! And i will buy it, cause i got so touched by your mp3 discutions here.
Vintersorg said:
Naaahhhh....don't get me wrong.....what I mean is that these type of threads all of a sudden usually turn into a discussion of what's right and wrong regarding downloading, instead of the origin issue. Lets talk about the album instead, that's what I mean.....the download discussion has already been taken up in other threads.....

mr V
Oh, I guess it was my mistake... Sorry if I was rude... :erk:
Vintersorg said:
If I could live just out of our music it would men that we could do more tours, but how can we do a lot of that when we have to work all the time to get food on the table, so to's a cycle that those who do a lot of downloading don't really think about. But my focus is now on the release, not on net pirates!!

mr V

Another reason for downloading is us in the states have a hard time getting european releases sometimes. I happen to be lucky and there is a store about 50 minutes drive from my house that sells literally everything that is released in the world (this place is huge, i doubt there is any record store like it in the world). The other option is mailorder, which can be a pain also. One thing i have noticed though, most metal fans tend to download, then buy. It's not like the Brittany Spears fans who will just download "Oops I did it again" and be content with what they have done. Maybe things are different in Europe, or even other areas of the States, but here in the New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia area, most people, if not all, do actually buy cds. I think out of my whole massive collection i have 4 burned cds, which were due to the fact i didn't want to mail order, and the record store didnt have them. and that is more than most of my friends have. We use cd burners for something else, burning data, which people tend to forget about sometimes.

Either way Mr. V, I can guarantee at least 20 people that i know of off the top of my head (including myself) that will be buying The Focusing Blur the day it comes out, hope the record store stocks up :grin:
Anima Lagopus said:
ok, i'm building a home studio at the momemt, do you have any recomandations on which program I should use? I think I will use it most for recording of acustic guitars

Alright well ill give a reccomendation too. I just got the Sonar 3 software by Cakewalk, its actually REALLY nice. It also comes in very handy for a few reasons, it has a very nicely built in metronome (for tracks with no drums). Also, it has a very good way of implimenting drum tracks by midi, you can make pretty complex beats. For the most part it sounds like someone who can program a good drum machine if you have enough free time to do it. The downside is the drums dont sound 100% real, but with crazy mixing techniques you can fake it quite well. If youd like to hear what i've done with it let me know, i've recorded 2 songs thus far. I play 2, sometimes more guitar tracks on them depending on what i need. Midi drums, i play a real bass, do real vocals, and do midi keys. There is a good keyboard in my house, but i cant play it, so i just throw the notes on a staff (gooo music theory). I get a better sound quality than Darkthrone :rock: haha. Actually its really good, there is only one flaw, I get a buzzing with the distorted guitar, just a slight fuzz. Since i have a good soundcard and good microphones, and a good amp, and do not get the buzzing on any of the other instruments, i'm assuming its my guitar :yell:

There is a pretty good explanation of it with pictures at the cakewalk site, might be worth checking out.
I loved The Focusing Blur, I think it's better than VFTSG, specially 'A sphere in a sphere', 'A microscopial macrocosm' and 'The essence'... Wonderful! I'll buy it when I find here... Those lyrics are everytime in my head!! ¬¬
