i like the samples i like visions and i like all of his works. it's a shame it's out and for the die hards we will get the album anyways. dl works for preview so i know i'm not pissing my money away on countless shit albums and i can name quite a few i wasted my money on in 2003. however, with dl comes all these fucking closet suedo metal heads that don't own one album and claim to support underground music. i have means to dl but i refuse to because i myself am a musician and i think a sample is just fine. like mr v said a full time job to keep food on the table. makes sense to me. i write and record for self gratification purposes only. being in college radio and promotions for so many years i have come to realize "if it's free it's for me" is the mentality of most people out there. but then again most of them don't play music. it does take a lot to get the songs from the heart and soul to pre production and production and the final product. not to mention all the time rehearsing the material. i decided a long time ago when i formed my band to just give up on the music business but not the music. i don't care if 10 or 1000000 people listen to it. as long as i like it and continue to do what i do. it's ok to have a full time job and still enjoy your music. for the rest of the retards out there. fuck em. when this next wave of metal is coming back bullshit ends i am still writing music and supporting what i always supported. \m/