The Fourth Kind


Freeze Tag Assassin
Apr 25, 2009
In a van down by the river.
Anyone seen the trailers for this movie?

I am a major horror movie fan. Out of the 500+ DVD's I own, I would say at least 70% are horror movies. But... I won't lie. This shit freaks me the fuck out because I believe this could happen, and I honestly believe this has happened to people.

And, they say this movie is based on actual case studies.

Fucked up.
PG-13 rating is encouraging
less gore, more suggestion presumably

which just leads me to believe even further that it's more psychological and clever than pointless gore. could all just be shit "jump" scares though.
looks cool though.
Fire in the sky is the reason of part of my insomnia, that stuff is realy scary, and i don´t know why i always watched that movie late at night.
i'm hoping its good. i'm a huge milla fan, but was severely disappointed with Resident Evils 2 & 3. hoping she gets some better movie roles. i'll probably just netflix this down the road
Interesting you guys say Fire in the Sky was really that frightening, I read a quick wikipedia synopsis and it didn't sound that bad - usually I don't like scary movies, but I think I could handle alien abduction, and I'm really curious about how they depict the experimentation scenes...
Havent heard Fire mentioned in years... I forgot about it. Thought it was pretty solid though.

I lived near Pine Bush, NY growing up. Just a few towns away. Do a read about THAT fucking place if you wanna be creeped out a bit.
Aliens scare the shit out of me. Why? Because it is very likely they exist, and this shit is real. And when they come and get you with their superior technology, you're at their mercy.

If they treat humans like humans treat animals....*shudders*
Interesting you guys say Fire in the Sky was really that frightening, I read a quick wikipedia synopsis and it didn't sound that bad - usually I don't like scary movies, but I think I could handle alien abduction, and I'm really curious about how they depict the experimentation scenes...

Probably at your age, it won´t fright you, at least not like i was when i watched it, and having a terror for aliens since child, but still is pretty frightning watching that cold, emotionless eyes seeing you scream the shit out of you while nobody`s listening and they keep introducing you their probes while you are still screaming and defenseless, this of course you being a 70`s redneck drunk lumberjack who doesn´t know a fuck ab out aliens. scary haha.

have you guys watched real live interviews of this guy?? he seems pretty serious and realy confident about what happened to him.
Fire in the sky is another film based on a supposed true story, and yes, I seriously had nightmares from that shit for a few weeks afterward. ANother good movie is Communion (with Christopher Walken), which is also based on true events, although in that film, the beings are not here to harm - but there are a few creepy scenes!

Either way, this shit freaks me out. All of the evidence and unexplained phoenomena - if they are out there, I don't think they mean well at all.
They call such movies "based on a true story" just because the authors say it's true. I could make up a story about being raped by demons, say that it was true, and if they picked up the story for a movie they could also add "based on a true story" to the title.

Oh and alien abductions almost certainly don't happen.
Movies like this annoy me. Why does it have to be "a true story"? Why can't it just be science fiction? Is that not cool anymore?

None of this shit is real, and if they let it be what it is I might even enjoy the movie. But to me it seems like they're just trying to hook all of the gullible people, and that's why I'll never watch this movie, even though I love good science fiction.