The Game Thread

I still love morrowind lol. If they would make the action sequences in it like it was in oblivion and the cool perks of leveling up skills, and then make it MMO, I would never be seen again lol.


Same with fallout 3.

If it were MMO, I'd like... idk, be one happy camper lol.

I dunno what engine it will be using, but there is a Fallout MMO in the making supposedly, though theyre discussing some deadline shit with Bethesda Softworks atm, as they own the fallout merchandise of the now.

One thing i fucking HATED from Oblivion was the enemys leveling thing, in Fallout 3 too. It was way worse in oblivion though, no matter where you went the enemies were always leveled with you. if you got mauled by a troll at level 1 you couildnt train till level 10 and go back and kick its ass, it was level 20 by then and you'd get your ass kicked all over again. Either that, or it was piece of cake all the way through.

and one other thing i fucking hated, the compass system, took every bit of fun out of exploring and reading the map and directions, no matter what, there was always the arrow pointing at shit. Killed a lot of hte fun of both games(Oblivion and F3) to me.

And on the Fallout note, cant fucking wait for Fallout: New Vegas, as its being developed by the original developers of Fallout and Fallout 2, praying for more dialogue and more coherency, and less bullshit
Morrowind GOTY(Not installed, but Morrowind > Oblivion, anyone who states otherwise is a fucking noob and a console gamer, yes, you heard me.)

so it's yours, the Brutal Hate troll account! HA!
Well I have played just FF7 and FF9.

But FF7 is really epic and I mean it. Of course it's opinion, but there is no weak point in it. Musics in it are great, storyline is just really catchy and interesting and the whole playing system is really simple. The graphics are obviously not good by today's standards (it's over 10 years old game), but it doesn't matter to me. It has so much nostalgy to me.
One thing i fucking HATED from Oblivion was the enemys leveling thing, in Fallout 3 too. It was way worse in oblivion though, no matter where you went the enemies were always leveled with you. if you got mauled by a troll at level 1 you couildnt train till level 10 and go back and kick its ass, it was level 20 by then and you'd get your ass kicked all over again. Either that, or it was piece of cake all the way through.

and one other thing i fucking hated, the compass system, took every bit of fun out of exploring and reading the map and directions, no matter what, there was always the arrow pointing at shit. Killed a lot of hte fun of both games(Oblivion and F3) to me.

If you ever feel like picking it back up give Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul a try. Removes enemy lvling basically, and completely...overhauls...the game. Deadlier combat, less pussy magic, added a ton of weapons and items, ect ect. Its a huge mod, the guy has been working years on it apparently. Mansions have gold/silver plates and cups and whatnot so being a thief is more fun.

Mainly the lvl cap thing on NPCs. So like in any RPG, some areas will be too tough, but you can lvl up and go back and lol at those places.

Also you weren't playing unless you had Natural Environments mod :p.
It has so much nostalgy to me.

If you hadn't played it in your chlidhood you wouldn't have thought it was so good.

For example, I see people saying "Omg Zelda for n64 was teh best gaem evar!!1" and I don't get it.

(You can start flaming me for this part)

I played it, it was boring as shit, controlls were confusing and yeah, just didn't appeal to me.

While me on the other hand played Super Mari 64 :cool:

My playstation broke. I gots nothing else. But I do like playing the orignal Zelda for the NES on the intarweb.

... What about getting the triforce tattooed on my elbow? Opinions? XD

Zelda:OoT so good, no necessary to explain, it just good. Die if you disagree.

OoT leet but Majoras Mask totally pwns it IMO :)

Yeah, I'm not denying that. But it was great game already back then, so you can't blame just nostalgy. It's obvious that everyone doesn't like it though.

Final Fantasy 7 is great game but 8 is my personal favourite :D
controlls were confusing...


... What about getting the triforce tattooed on my elbow? Opinions? XD

I'm doing the back of my fist.

OoT leet but Majoras Mask totally pwns it IMO :)

Alone on that one.
You start the game, your best friend leaves you without a word of why, and you are desperatly searching for her, for answers. In your search, you are attacked in a forest by a kid, who robs you, and kills your horse. You then forget about your long lost friend, with feelings of rage and vengeance in your heart, only to have your feelings lead you into a trap, twisting your very image into a scrub.

You then enter a doomed world, never farther than 72 hours away from total destruction, and you are the only one who even knows it. You toil and struggle to save this world, and to go around to the villagers, saving them from their depression and doomed world.

In the end, the world is saved, and no one knows it. You are not given one word of acknowledgment or praise from the people whos lives you have saved, and despite the moon being stopped, the effort you put into these people, to make their lives better, is all undone, and forgotten.

You continue on, still searching for your friend who left you behind, without one word.
Holy fuck I have played it and it sucked.


Zelda OoT sucked major balls (I wouldn't know because I didn't play it much)

..And controls were confusing.
Emulator then? didn't even own an N64 :lol:

It was one of the first Action/adventure titles in 3D for a console, and it was a comeback from a franchise that really hadn't been doing much until that point.
Best Zelda game is Link to the Past, or Link's Awakening.
Let's just leave it at this:

Games from the Mario 64/Zelda 64 era is only "THE BEST BIDYA GAEM EVAR" if you played it when you were little.
I had a Zelda game on my gameboy probably about 15 years ago. Can't remember what Zelda it was, but it had awesome music.