The Game Thread

I just tried the Batman: Arkham Asylum demo.
It was pretty fun, might get on the PS3.

Yeah arkham ASS was pretty leet. The fighting looked swish

yeah that game did look pretty awesome indeed...

New assassins creed game should be out soon too =D

Assassins Creed was good but it was pretty repetetive. Plus the story was like T_T
Hopefully the next one will be leeeeeeeeeeeet

Plus check out the executive producer

dat ass
I don't know I really liked the story in the first assassins creed, The Crusades have always interested me, but I just like history in general. The new game looks like it will be amazing. And holy damn, I didn't know she was so hot o_o
yeah man
I <3 medieval history and the dark ages and shit, so the setting for the first one was epic
then I saw that ACII was in renaissance italy
my first game (pc&cd-rom)was rebel assault

though, I guess my all-time fav is

well and Abe's Odissey and Abe's Exodus were also great.
Persona 3 was a bit gay but pretty great. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my favourites too and FFX which has like the worst synchro but is a pretty nice game.
And all the classics like Tetris and Mario & Luigi.
My Computer sucks (since a llooooonngg time)when it comes to gaming so I hadnt chance to play any 'new' game for years :lol:
Aye can't wait for that. Most looking forward to Assassin's Creed II and Splinter Cell Conviction at the moment.