The Game Thread

Lets not taint this forum with any more mentions of Apple. I just thought mouse would be relatively cool for some games.

Starcraft leet, and Ensi I have 1 beta invite if you really want it.
I tell you now, it is a painful game to get used to if you've never played Dota (which I hadn't)
Steep learning curve for n00bs :p
but its fooken ace when we get the hang of it.

EDIT: @Crazy_Aus

This one literally is Dota. They got permission to literally remake Dota with new Heroes and maps etc :p
Eddy, would be l33t.

I have never played DoTA tho, but I love RTS games that are actually good.
You can maybe give me it when I get new PC parts, which i'm soon gonna order:cool:
I'm not really into console gaming except for some epic games.

On consoles : Chrono Trigger, Zelda : a link to the past (probably the best game ever)
Pc Games : Starcraft, Diablo II, Unreal Tournament, all the C&C series (Red alert 2 and Generals especially)

fuck yeah !
I sense a great anger in you, young one.

No, I haven't played the new one. Why? My computer is too old, and I don't play almost at all nowadays. Just some retro gaming.

But yeah, I played RE1, RE3 and RE4. You?

Not really a Resi fan, it's just that you get to kill black zombies in RE5 :lol:
I sense a great anger in you, young one.

No, I haven't played the new one. Why? My computer is too old, and I don't play almost at all nowadays. Just some retro gaming.

But yeah, I played RE1, RE3 and RE4. You?

I've only completed 1 & 2 myself and I've played 4 & 5. 2 is easily my favourite. The new RE games are good games don't get me wrong but they kind of lack the sense of peril of the old games since you are usually stocked up with Sub Machine guns and Rocket Launchers bursting with ammo. Where as the old games you have like 7 bullets for a pistol, a rubber fish and some wax crayons. :lol: