The Game Thread

Ugh, don't remind me of Bayonetta. I had to see that damn commercial with that damn song every other second, at work, it made me want to eat babies.
So I got Modern Warfare 2 for xmas yesterday, been playing online quite a bit... Aside from the teenage Americans it's pretty damn fun.. And not wishing to brag, but for a game that I thought would have a pretty steep learning curve online, I find myself at the top of the scoreboards a fair bit :p

Never bothered with MW 1, saved myself some cash there.

I need to get MW2. Looks awesome online.

Steep learning curve? It's point, shoot and fire predator missiles/AC130.
I bought "Nikopol" yesterday

strange game. I like it though, sort of Broken Sword + Myst in a sci-fi theme
Ahh, Nikopol. My only qualm is that it's a bit short, not more than 15 hours. For some reason, it gets a lot of crap from reviewers and other such people. IMNSHO, it's incredibly well-crafted. I suggest you also read the graphic novel it's based off (Enki Bilal's Nikopol trilogy), and maybe watch the movie ("Immortel (ad vitam)").

If you like atmospheric point-and-click adventures, you absolutely need to try Sublustrum (aka Outcry).
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So I got Modern Warfare 2 for xmas yesterday, been playing online quite a bit... Aside from the teenage Americans it's pretty damn fun.. And not wishing to brag, but for a game that I thought would have a pretty steep learning curve online, I find myself at the top of the scoreboards a fair bit :p

Never bothered with MW 1, saved myself some cash there.

if you have it on 360 I challenge you dear sir.

Also, been playing assassins creed 2. Shit's pretty hard to control your character still as he will run up a wall and decide to jump off in a random direction every now and then.
I played MW2 on PS3 on Friday.

Is MW2 good if compared to Killzone 2? I've heard that MW2 is an asskicker, but I didn't like the first MW. So is this an improvement? Few of my friends are playing this and I think I should get this too. But first I have to play Killzone 2 on every goddamn difficulty level, before I am intented to get new game.
Well, It's certainly much more fun than COD 4. I mean, Overall feeling and weapons are much cooler and you can no longer take over 9001 bullets and neither can the enemies. It's just overall fucking awesome.
Well, It's certainly much more fun than COD 4. I mean, Overall feeling and weapons are much cooler and you can no longer take over 9001 bullets and neither can the enemies. It's just overall fucking awesome.

:lol: That's the opposite for things that my other friend said about this game. Well, maybe I have to borrow this from my friend and try it myself. One thing I heard that this is Medal of Honor and Black kinda game that there is only player versus shitload of enemies. And sometimes might be one CPU player on the players side who can only open doors that player can't. Is this whole game like this?
So I wonder why they put Altairs armor from the first assassins creed in the second one and it doesn't even remotely resemble anything having to do with the first game. It looks like they just had some random armor and slapped altairs name on it for the title.
Playing AC II, best game quote ever.

"He's very talented. You should have an outlet too."
"Mother, I have plenty of outlets."
"I meant besides vaginas"
Saw that in a trailer, but I'm still way too early for that, I don't have any weapons or assassin robes :lol:
But seriously the size of the cities in this one is staggering, don't have a clue how I'll get around.