The Game Thread

So if anyone can be kind enough to remind me just why COD: Modern Warfare 2 is the worlds most popular game atm, that would be nice.
:lol: That's the opposite for things that my other friend said about this game. Well, maybe I have to borrow this from my friend and try it myself. One thing I heard that this is Medal of Honor and Black kinda game that there is only player versus shitload of enemies. And sometimes might be one CPU player on the players side who can only open doors that player can't. Is this whole game like this?

Eh no, a bit. Not Medal of Honor style but Black kinda does say alot about it. You can't run like a motherfucker and take everyone down if they are firing at you from multiple directions. You are a sitting duck then and actually have to take cover and shit. In COD4 It was kinda possible to just go crazy and hunt down the taleban bastards.

I guess it's a matter of taste but If you liked COD4 you will like it. The atmosphere is cool and theres plenty of action.
Blah, I can't wait to get my Xbox 360 shipped in.
I happened to get the RRoD once again, so very annoying.
But happened a couple of months ago, I keep forgetting to call in :/

This game is going to make me fail University... Epic soundtrack or what?
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Sooooooo pretty... well inside the uncanny valley though. Especially the eyes... they went a bit too far with those pixar eyes, now they don't reflect right. Look more like jewels.

Not that it will stop me from frantically masturbating to that video, of course.
The graphics guys at Bioware are insane, not only are the characters rendered beautifully, but the facial animations are amazing too. Even for the aliens which have entirely different faces.
Who are you?


I'm a mix between 2 and 13.
Mostly .23 with a little bit of .1.... Because I don't see any reason for the PS3 to exist :p

And I'm not going to claim to be .13 at all because I was born too late to genuinely appreciate 90s gaming, and so were you Ensi. 90s/80s gaming has automatic nostalgia attributed to it regardless of whether it was actually good or whether you actually experienced it. Sure I loved Road Rash and Sonic on the Megadrive and Goldeneye and Xtreme G on the N64... But I was a little kid, the fuck did I really appreciate them as a "golden age". Besides, the advances in gaming have been fucking amazing these last few years. THIS is the "golden age of gaming" and you're a fucking nostalgiafag if you disagree.
No. It actually hasn't, and it's the same one that I bought when the 360 was first released. It's probably one of the few of the first batch that hasn't had any problems :lol:

Has your PS3 got any genuinely good exclusive games yet?

probably a mix between 2, 7, 26 and 27 :lol:

consoles is faggots

Wii is most faggots
360 is second most faggots
and ps3 is almost acceptable
The only reason that I was ever even tempted to buy a PS3 was around the release of MGS4... And then I heard that it wasn't very good. God of War III does look pretty good yes, but to be honest Dante's Inferno will probably good enough for me to not feel like I'm missing out. Same with how pretty much any FPS game on the 360 means I don't feel bad about not having Killzone 2.

However, as a cheap Blu-Ray Player then yeah, the PS3 is fine.

Edit: Actually I did just look at a list of all the current and upcoming PS3 exclusives... There's a total of 2 games that I wish I could play, yup, a whole two. Uncharted 2 and The Last Guardian.
And I'm not going to claim to be .13 at all because I was born too late to genuinely appreciate 90s gaming, and so were you Ensi. 90s/80s gaming has automatic nostalgia attributed to it regardless of whether it was actually good or whether you actually experienced it. Sure I loved Road Rash and Sonic on the Megadrive and Goldeneye and Xtreme G on the N64... But I was a little kid, the fuck did I really appreciate them as a "golden age". Besides, the advances in gaming have been fucking amazing these last few years. THIS is the "golden age of gaming" and you're a fucking nostalgiafag if you disagree.

I AM :mad: I still play the old Sonic games, Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64 and I still think they're great.

And yes I agree about the golden age part, but one can never truly find the golden age of gaming until gaming it is unexistent.
I play Mario Kart 64, Lylat Wars, Street Fighter 2 and other such titles whenever I'm high/drunk and my Wii is nearby.

I hardly played Sonic 2 when I was a kid but I still play it nowadays and appreciate it as a great game, that has absolutely nothing to do with nostalgia.

@Muffin Elite PC gamers are faggots. Wii is great for parties ;)

EDIT: but yeah my 360 has pretty much been rendered useless since I got my new PC.